


Deputy President (Academic Affairs)
and Provost

Deputy President
Research and Technology

Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor

Deputy President

Senior Vice President
Innovation and Enterprise

The Team

Ms Jennifer Ong

Chief Audit Officer

+65 66017660

A champion of providing value-added audits to her stakeholders, Ms Jennifer Ong has over 25 years of experience in the fields of internal audit, corporate governance, fraud investigation, risk management, and internal controls. Her deep audit expertise spans the private and public sectors, as well as a variety of industries, including public healthcare, consumer goods, mass and luxury retail, and semiconductor manufacturing. Prior to joining NUS, she was HOD Director, Group Internal Audit at the Ministry of Health Holdings, and was responsible for the entire audit function of the Singapore public healthcare ecosystem.

Having worked in Singapore, Taiwan and China, Jennifer has held global, regional and domestic in-country portfolios, which have acquainted her with the varied maturity of internal audit processes and stakeholder engagements across developing and emerging markets and operations.

Jennifer’s leadership experience entails managing sizeable internal audit teams, while retaining a hands-on, detailed perspective. She has successfully managed diverse audit committees, as well as initiated effective senior stakeholder engagement. She is a strong advocate of harnessing the latest audit methodologies and digital tools to enhance overall audit efficiency and effectiveness.