


Deputy President (Academic Affairs)
and Provost

Deputy President
Research and Technology

Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor

Deputy President

Senior Vice President
Innovation and Enterprise

The Team

Prof Tulika Mitra

Vice Provost (Academic Affairs)
Provost's Chair Professor of Computer Science

+65 6516 6839

Professor Tulika Mitra, Provost’s Chair Professor of Computer Science is Vice Provost (Academic Affairs) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She had served as Vice Provost (Academic Affairs) Designate from 1 November 2020 to 31 December 2020.

Prior to this role, she has served as the Chair (2020- ) and the Deputy Chair (2018-2019) of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee (UPTC) and Deputy Head of the Computer Science Department (2016-2018). Tulika joined the NUS Computer Science Department as a faculty member in 2001 immediately after receiving her PhD from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

As an educator, Tulika has been instrumental in establishing the multi-disciplinary Computer Engineering programme (CEG) at NUS, a unique collaborative effort between the Faculty of Engineering and the School of Computing. She has served as Chair / Co-Chair of the CEG Joint Academic Committee (2011-2017), introduced and taught a number of inter-disciplinary courses, and received the School of Computing Teaching Excellence Award. She has been a member of the Faculty Teaching Excellence Committee and the School Curriculum Committee. She has graduated more than fifteen PhD students, all of whom are well established in academia or industry.

Tulika is a leading expert on embedded computing systems in the Internet of Things (IoT) from tiny wearables to complex automotive. She is most well known for her research contributions in enabling the design of smart, energy-efficient, safety-critical embedded systems through innovative software-hardware cooperative approaches. She is currently leading an NRF Competitive Research Programme (CRP) on next-generation IoT edge computing. Tulika has authored more than 175 articles in peer-reviewed conferences and journals. Several of her works have been recognized by paper awards, plenary keynotes and invited talks at the flagship conferences in her field. She holds multiple US patents and enjoys collaborating, through generous gifts and funding, with industry research partners (e.g., ARM, CSR, Facebook, Huawei, Xilinx) for real-world impact beyond academia.

Tulika is the Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, the premier journal in embedded systems. She has led numerous conferences, including most recently as the General Chair of ESWEEK (Embedded Systems Week) 2020 and the Program Chair of ICCAD (International Conference on Computer-Aided Design) 2021, the premier events in embedded systems and design automation, respectively. She serves (served) as Deputy Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Embedded System Letters, Associate Editor of IEEE Design & Test, IEEE Micro, IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems among others.

Tulika has been a member of the ACM Publications Board that is responsible for all publications of the world’s largest computing society and helped enhance ACM journal portfolio as co-chair of the New Publications Committee (2018-2020). She has participated in international expert panels for research assessment of institutions such as Inria France and KTH Sweden. She has served as member of executive committees in her research area such as IEEE TCRTS (Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems) and ACM SIGBED (Special Interest Group in Embedded Systems).