NUS Theatre Studies Year 3

Sat 21 & Sun 22 Mar | 8pm | UCC Dance Studio


2 hours
(15 minutes interval)

Programme Book Book Tickets

The history of Singapore is wider than the building of a nation in the last fifty years.

It is the history of a region… of sea, islands and the people that live and travel through them. In Furthest North, Deepest South, Chong Tze Chien explores the adventures of Cheng Ho, the eunuch admiral who many claim to have circumnavigated the planet long before Magellan. An intimate encounter with his fears and his conflicts with emperor Zhu Di, the play is also a reality check for all of us: ‘Our sadness won’t outlast the universe, our burdens will never outweigh the world’.

Directed by Felipe Cervera, the NUS Theatre Studies third year cohort has a go at this wonderful play that guarantees the audience a maritime adventure of a night flight across the skies of the straits we inhabit.

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