List of iBLOC Courses Offered from January to June 2025 (extended course duration)
A. The following course is offered by the Faculty of Science:
MA1301X Introductory Mathematics (Bridging course; 4 units)
This course serves as a bridging course for students without 'A' - level mathematics. Its aim is to equip students with appropriate mathematical knowledge and skill so as to prepare them for further study in mathematics-related disciplines. At the end of the course, students are expected to attain a level of proficiency in algebra and calculus equivalent to the GCE Advanced Level. Major topics: Sets, functions and graphs, polynomials and rational functions, inequalities in one variable, logarithmic and exponential functions, trigonometric functions, sequences and series, techniques of differentiation, applications of differentiation, maxima and minima, increasing and decreasing functions, curve sketching, techniques of integration, applications of integration, areas, volumes of solids of revolution, solution of first order ordinary differential equations by separation of variables and by integrating factor, complex numbers, vectors.
Notes: MA1301/MA1301X serves as a bridging course for students without GCE 'A' level H2 Mathematics or equivalent. It is NOT open to students who have GCE 'A' level or H2 passes in Mathematics or Further Mathematics. It is a core requirement for students doing the Bachelor of Computing in Information Systems course as well as an unrestricted elective for students without H2 Mathematics or its equivalent doing other SoC undergraduate  programmes.To enroll, students must have a Pass in 'O' Level Additional Mathematics, or 'AO' Level Mathematics, or H1 Mathematics.

Bachelor of Engineering students who possess a polytechnic diploma have to read MA1301 except those who have obtained one of the recognised Mathematics certifications offered by their respective Polytechnics. Students can refer to Bridging Courses - NUS College of Design and Engineering - Undergraduate Programmes - Wiki.nus for more information. However, students may still read MA1301/MA1301X if they choose to do so. 

School of Computing students who possess a polytechnic diploma and have successfully completed all modules/courses in special/advanced Mathematics programmes/certifications (such as the "Certificate in Engineering Mathematics", "Diploma Plus Programme in Advanced Engineering Mathematics" & etc.) are considered to have passed the MA1301 proficiency test and may therefore proceed to read courses carrying A-level mathematics as prerequisite. However, students may still read MA1301/MA1301X if they choose to do so.

B. The following course offered by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is a FOUNDATION course:
NM1101X Communications, New Media and Society (4 units)

This course introduces fundamentals of study in communications and new media, exploring ways in which people create and use the variety of emerging networked, mobile, and social media channels to communicate meaning in a globalised world.

The objectives of this course are to foster your capacity as citizens and communicators to analyse, apply, and synthesise theories of communication and to yourself engage in the theorising of communication in understanding specific social problems and in seeking to solve them. By applying key communication concepts taught in the course, you will develop a solid understanding of the ways in which communication can be garnered to address our social, cultural, economic, and political problems. Phenomena such as relationships and social life in cyberspace, activism for social change, communication and community, new business paradigms and economic models of organising and issues in human computer interaction will also be explored.

Notes: NM1101E/NM1101X is compulsory for all Communications & New Media majors.

NM1101E/NM1101X is open to all interested students. No previous exposure to communications and/or new media courses needed.
C. The following course offered by the School of Computing is a FOUNDATION course:
CS1010X Programming Methodology (4 units)
With our recent advances in technology and modern platforms like Google, Facebook and now Coursera, it is important for students from all disciplines to have an appreciation for how modern technology works. This course is aimed at both introducing students with little to no background in programming to the basics of computational thinking as well as students with some background to more advanced abstractions and techniques. 

To this end, this course will cover the fundamental concepts of problem solving by computing and programming in Python with practical problems and scenarios. Students will learn how to analyze and break down a problem, and how to structure and develop their solutions.
Topics to be covered include problem solving by computing, writing pseudo-codes, problem formulation and problem solving, program development, coding, testing and debugging, fundamental programming constructs (variables, types, expressions, assignments, functions, control structures, etc.), fundamental data structures: arrays, strings and structures, simple file processing, and basic recursion. 

Notes: No previous exposure to programming is needed.

Different versions of CS1010 is a core requirement for some programmes. It is either CS1101S or CS1010/A/J for the School of Computing and CS1010E for Bachelor of Engineering degree programmes,  and generally CS1010S (or its variants) for Science degree programmes, i.e., Mathematics, Data Science and Analytics, Data Science and Economics, Quantitative Finance and Statistics, Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Science, Physics, Chemistry, Food Science and Technology, and Pharmacy.

The different versions of CS1010 are offered in different programming languages. CS1010X is offered in Python and appropriate for all students doing Computing, Engineering and Science degrees. Information Systems students are encouraged to take the Java version of CS1010 during the regular semester after matriculation into NUS.

CS1010X is one of the courses satisfying the Digital Literacy pillar of the enhanced General Education curriculum.



Some of the foundation courses listed above such as NM1101X and CS1010X, may be used to meet the requirements for both the Minor and a Major or another Minor, subject to the agreement of the particular department(s)/ programme(s) or Faculty/School hosting the Minor. For example, CS1010 or its equivalent also serves as the first foundation course in Minor in Computer Science or Information Systems. CS1010 or its equivalent is also the course required to apply for Minor in Information Security under in-progress admission.

Students should also note that Minor programmes can be "Open" or "Restricted". Unlike 'Open' Minors, students are required to apply to the Host Faculty/Department and obtain approval to read a restricted minor such as Minor in Computer Science or Information Systems. Please click here for information on NUS Minor Programmes.