The shape of impact

Impact is central to everything we do at NUS.
It inspires and informs our work, and shapes our goals and strategies.
In this impact report, we present our progress in nurturing talent, creating solutions, and advancing society from 2019 to 2023. We also offer examples of our impact in action—stories that show how we’ve brought ingenuity and humanity to bear in creating meaningful change for those around us.
Our greatest work remains to be done. This report is at once an assessment of how far we’ve come and a blueprint for the future.

Our impact at a glance
NUS graduates are ranked
9th in global employability
100 %
of our students engage in service learning since Academic Year 2021/2022.
Every year,
undergraduates pay $0 in tuition due to enhanced financial aid.
1 in 4
of our research publications are multidisciplinary in nature.
International collaborations in research have risen to
69 %
from 55% in 2013.
1 in 3
of our faculty participate in sustainability-linked research, a 30% increase in the last 5 years.
NUS is among the
top 3
filers of patents in Singapore.
start-ups, with a collective valuation of US$29 billion, supported by NUS globally since 2011.
collaborative research projects with government, shaping public policy.
NUS alumni make up
half of the 14th Singapore Parliament
and more than half of the current cabinet.