Lilian Chee is Associate Professor and Deputy Head at the Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore (NUS). She is a writer, academic, designer, curator and award-winning educator. A recipient of the University and Faculty Teaching Honour Rolls at NUS, she has lectured at UCL, Delft, ETH Zurich, Melbourne University, the Berlage Centre, Columbia University and Oxford University. Lilian teaches a wide range of levels from undergraduate to postgraduate, in both small group and large lecture settings. Students under her supervision have been award recipients – including the RIBA President’s Medal (UK, 2010); the Ong and Ong Traveling Fellowship (Singapore, 2013); the Jacques Rougerie Foundation-Institut de France International Competition in Architecture (France, 2016), and the AEDAS architectural thesis prize (Singapore, 2018). Her research and teaching expertise is situated in the history, theory and criticism of architecture (HTC), where she served as the HTC Research Cluster Leader between 2013-18. In particular, Lilian’s research connects embodied experience and affective evidence with the ways architecture is recorded, discussed and represented. Her research output which includes film, research monographs, journal papers, book chapters, and curatorial practice has been used as teaching material at several universities. Lilian is on the editorial boards of The Journal of Architecture, Architectural Theory Review and Australian Feminist Studies. She was a Visiting Research Fellow at Future Cities Lab Singapore-ETH Centre (June – December 2018) and is Honorary Senior Research Associate at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London (2018 – 2019). As a new Teaching Fellow at NUSTA, Lilian is committed to bridging the gaps between research and teaching excellence agendas, particularly considering the output required of tenure-track and educator-track faculty. She is also keen on examining the roles and potentials of women educators (particularly in architecture) in the tertiary education landscape.