Ravi Chandran s/o Thiagaraj

Ravi Chandran s/o Thiagaraj


“I would like my students to appreciate the relevance of what they are learning and enjoy the process of learning. I also hope the process makes them think more critically and helps them build their soft skills. As for myself, I hope never to lose the desire to keep reflecting and to learn more about teaching.”


A/P Ravi Chandran is the Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies, NUS Business School. He teaches both undergraduate and graduate students. He has written 4 textbooks, 2 of which are widely used. He was affiliated with CDTL from 2004 to 2008 when among others things, he was involved in the conducting of workshops for teaching assistants and new staff. He was also in the organising committee for the CDTL’s Teaching and Learning Conference, 2008. In addition, he has written several short articles on teaching which have appeared in CDTL IDEAS ON TEACHING, CDTL LINK and CDTL BRIEF. He was also in the teaching committee in his department (2010-2012) and a member of the Faculty Teaching Excellence Committee (2010-2012). Currently he is also a member of newly formed the Faculty Teaching Excellence Council

About being a part of the Academy…

I am excited to be part of the Teaching Academy. I look forward to not only contributing, but also meeting like-minded people and learning from them and being further inspired by them.

Teaching Awards / Accolades

  • Winner of Department Educator Award – 2002
  • Winner of Faculty Educator Award – 2002
  • NUS Excellent Teachers – 2002/2003
  • Recognition List of Outstanding Educator Awards – 2003
  • NUS Excellent Teachers –- 2004/2005
  • Commendation on Teaching – 2006/2007
  • Winner of Singapore Studies Modules Incentive Scheme – 2007
  • Voted the “Most Favourite Professor” from the graduating classes of year 2000 to the year 2007
  • Faculty Outstanding Educator Award – 2012/2013
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award – 2012/2013