Susan Ang Wan-Ling

Susan Ang Wan-Ling

Was a member of the Academy from 2014 to 2020

"To produce students with moral and intellectual courage, who are able to take on difficulties with creativity and without fear, and who are capable of taking fire from ideas and using their own enlightenment to then light the way for others."


Dr Susan Ang was educated at Singapore Chinese Girls’ School and Hwa Chong Junior College, taking her B.A. (Hons, First class) (1987) M.A. and Ph.D. (1993) at the University of Cambridge.  She has been with the Department of English Language and Literature at the National University of Singapore since 1993, and teaches across a wide range of areas from modern poetry to science fiction.  She has published work on Diana Wynne Jones, children’s literature, Louis Macneice and Geoffrey Hill.

Teaching Strengths

  • Challenges students to question critically rather than unquestioningly accept concepts, perspectives and theories
  • Possesses a knack for drawing examples from everyday life to illustrate the significance, value and relevance of literature regardless of content as well as class size and format
  • Makes topics come to life through carefully and vividly illustrated multimedia materials, including creating from scratch iBooks that offer a seamless collection of texts, videos, webpages as well as supplementary materials
  • Goes the extra mile to serve the best interests of her students, from increasing the tutorial sessions to keep class size small, organising additional learning programmes beyond the classroom to critiquing unsolicited essays
  • Demonstrates an outstanding ability in teaching a wide variety of modules to students from different disciplines and backgrounds

List of Awards/Scholarships

  • Undergraduate Teaching Award in English (Public Service Commission Singapore) (1984-7)
  • F.W. Bradbrook Scholarship (Downing College, Cambridge) (1987)
  • Overseas Graduate Scholarship (National University of Singapore) (1987-91)
  • Bye-Fellowship, Downing College, Cambridge (1989-90)

List of Teaching Awards

  • Outstanding Educator Award (2014)
  • Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (2013)
  • NUSAnnual Teaching Excellence Award Honour Roll (2008)
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award (2007)
  • Faculty Excellent Teacher Awards (2006)
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award (03/2006)
  • Faculty Excellent Teacher Award (11/2005)
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award (11/2005)
  • Faculty Excellent Teacher Award (11/2004)
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award (03/2004)
  • Faculty Excellent Teacher Award (11/2003)
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award (03/2003)
  • NUS Excellent Teachers (11/2002)
  • Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (11/2000)
  • Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (11/1999)
  • Staff Achievement Award (Teaching) (11/1999)
  • Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (11/1997)

 Visiting Appointments

  • Visiting Scholar, Downing College, Cambridge, Michaelmas Term (1997)
  • Visiting Scholar, Downing College, Cambridge, Michaelmas Term (1998)
  • Visiting Bye-Fellow, Newnham College, Cambridge (Jan-Dec 2000)