


Deputy President (Academic Affairs)
and Provost

Deputy President
Research and Technology

Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor

Deputy President

Senior Vice President
Innovation and Enterprise

The Team

Prof Chee Yeow Meng

Vice President
Innovation and Enterprise

+65 6516 1445

Professor Chee Yeow Meng is Vice President (Innovation and Enterprise) at the National University of Singapore. He is Director of the NUS Enterprise Academy, as well as a Professor at the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management. He was previously Vice Provost (Technology-Enhanced and Experiential Learning).

Preceding his tenure at NUS, Professor Chee was Head of the Division of Mathematical Sciences (2008-2010), Chair of the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2011-2017), and Interim Dean of the College of Science (2018-2019) at the Nanyang Technological University.

Prior to entering academia, Professor Chee held senior positions in public service, participated in national level committees, and represented Singapore in various international forums and councils.

Professor Chee has also embarked on the entrepreneurship path as a co-founder of a spin-off company and has gone on to found several start-ups before returning to public service, and eventually joining NUS. He continues to be actively involved in the start-up ecosystem.

Professor Chee is a Fellow and Council Member of the Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, and a senior member of IEEE. His research interest lies in the interplay between combinatorics and computer science, especially coding theory, extremal set systems, and their applications.

He received the BMath, MMath, and PhD degrees in computer science from the University of Waterloo in 1988, 1989, and 1996, respectively.