GEN2006 - Communications for Inter-generational Engagement


This course introduces students to deep community engagement using the constructivist theory of communication which is applied in engaging with aging elderly, some of whom may have dementia and related elderly malaise, at St. Luke’s Eldercare and Yishun Community Hospital.

Students are required to apply the constructivist’s four elements of functional communication competence, in the context of the Humanitude care methodology, prioritising inter-generational engagement. Using reciprocal engagement and learning relationship complemented with constructivist communication strategies, students develop awareness of the communities’ needs from the perspective of individual’s agency. Assessments include portfolio, service participation, attitude, and contributions.


By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  1. Apply the constructivist’s theory of communication and its four elements of functional communication competence for effective interpersonal and group communication to develop students’ communication competencies in diverse community settings;
  2. Apply active listening, dialogue and collaboration, reflective practices, cultural sensitivity, interpersonal communication, constructive feedback, narrative and story telling;
  3. Apply Humanitude approach though relationship-centred and compassionate care methods;
  4. Adopt an enquiry and reflective mode of thinking in proposing practical steps towards addressing communication issues encountered by communities;
  5. Do a critical examination of measures or indicators in evaluating the impact of engagement and communication activities with communities.


  • Continuous Assessment 100%









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