English Assist


CELC provides consultancy courses to various institutions and staff of the University.

English Assist is a paid consultancy service, set up for NUS expatriate staff from non-English speaking countries.


The consultancy service has the following objectives:

  • help clients maximise the clarity and effectiveness of their communication skills for teaching purposes;
  • help clients further develop their confidence and effectiveness in communication in their professional field.


Each programme consists of 20 hours of face-to-face consultation, spread over a semester.

For the first consultation, the client and consultant analyse samples of the client's lecture/seminar/tutorial teaching to determine the client's pre-course communication profile. The client may use his/her student feedback to provide information on his/her communication profile. Items from the pre-course profile become the basis for structuring the remaining consultations.

At the end of the programme, the consultant reviews the communication profile with the client. If the need arises, the client may ask for a maximum of 8 additional consultation hours in the same semester.

The unique feature of English Assist is that it offers each client a personal programme specially designed for his/her specific communication requirements.

English Assist is offered twice a year - Semester 1 and Semester 2. Applications should reach CELC by the end of July for Semester 1 and the first week of January for Semester 2.

Please email any enquires to: elcsec@nus.edu.sg

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