Face-threatening acts - How to Give Critical Feedback Without Anyone Losing Face

Under the auspices of the Oral Communication Committee (CELC), on March 29th Tim Groombridge and Lee Gek Ling conducted a 90-minute workshop entitled Face-threatening acts - How to Give Critical Feedback Without Anyone Losing Face. In total, there were 22 participants; both staff and students were present. This workshop was an adapted version of one done in November 2022 and focused mainly on feedback given in the workplace between employees and supervisors. Strategies and examples were provided and the reaction from the participants was lively and productive. The emphasis was on the practical rather than the theoretical, but an e-handout provided additional background information. The workshop also included by request,  an extra half-hour activity on student generated peer feedback  using two example scripts. Participants  reinforced  the key learning points through this extended activity.

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