
WU Siew Mei

Associate Professor

Contact Information

Telephone: 6601 7663
Email: elcwusm@nus.edu.sg
Office: CELC #02-23 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

Siew Mei WU teaches English language and communication skills to both undergraduate and graduate students. She is also the Vice Dean at the Office of Student Affairs where she oversees residential and general education curricular matters. Her research interest stems from related English language classroom issues, including investigations into the nature of academic writing, objective testing in large scale English language proficiency assessment and the validation of test descriptors. She has also recently published on educational practice and scholarship journals such as the HERDSA journal and the Asian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Recent Courses Taught

  • GEN2006 Communications for Inter-generational Engagement
  • PR4196 Conducting and Communicating Pharmacy Research (Embedded)

Awards & Recognition

  • Long Service Award (25 years, 2021)
  • Public Administration Medal (Silver) 2020
  • ATEA Team (2020)
  • ATEA (2008)
  • NUS Teaching Excellence Award 2007-2008
  • CELC Commendation for Teaching Excellence 2007-2008

Grant Projects

  • TEG (2016)
  • Ministry of Education Teaching Research Fund: A project on writing development in the university context: a longitudinal stud' .(June 2021 - May 2023)
  • ALSET funded project: Writing development in the FASS context: A study on the impact of an intervention programme on students' writing development (June 2019 - June 2020)

Selected Publications (since 2019)

  • Wu, S. M. & Lee, K. C. (in press). Disciplinary academic literacy in Singapore's higher education: Re-thinking ELT. In Chatwara, Duran & Boun, Soviet (Editors) English Education in Southeast Asian Contexts: Policy, Practice, and Identity.
  • Wu, S. M., Lee, K. C. & Chan, C. Y. (in press). The Conclusion - how to end a scientific report in style. In Susan Rowland & Loiuse, Kuchel (Editors), Science + SciComm + Work: A Guide for Teaching Science Communication.
  • Wu S. M. & Chng H. H. (in press). What Matters and What counts: Our Journey through the Scholarship of Leading. In Rao, N. & Hosein, A. Narratives of Academics' Personal Journeys in contested spaces: Leadership identity in Learning and Teaching in Higher education . Bloomsbury publications.
  • Henk, H., Reis, C., Soo, Y. J. Tan, V., Walker, I. & Wu, S. M. (2021). SoTL Enquiries In Four Disciplines: Unlocking The Potential Of Interdisciplinary Approaches And Methodologies. Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10 (1).
  • Chng, H. H. and Wu, S. M. (2020) Integrating Undergraduate Research in University Curriculum: The Singapore Perspective in Nancy H Hensel and Patrick Blessinger (Editors) International Perspectives on Undergraduate Research: Policy and Practice.


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