Christian Chia CELC Photo 4

Christian Chia


Contact Information

Telephone: 6601 4057
Office: CELC #03-30 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

Christian CHIA is a Lecturer at CELC (NUS). He has taught communication skills and academic English in Singapore and New Zealand for more than two decades. He completed his Doctorate in Education with University of Leicester in 2006. His doctoral research centred around fostering autonomy in language learning among students from the People's Republic of China. His book, Autonomy in Language Learning: The Use of IT and Internet Resources, was published by McGraw Hill in 2007. This book features a wide range of websites that learners can access and participate in engaging online activities, thereby enhancing their language skills. His other research interests include grammar teaching and learning, self-directed learning and professional communication skills.

Recent Courses Taught and/or Coordinated

  • NG5001 Academic Communication for Graduate Researchers
  • IS2101 Business and Technical Communication

Selected Presentations (since 2019)

  • Chia, C. S. C. and Goh, M (2022). Home-based Learning (HBL) during Covid-19: Challenges faced by Learners and Strategies to make HBL more effective. Paper presented at ISATE 2022, Singapore, 20 September 2022.
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