
Misty So-Sum Wai-Cook

Deputy Director, Senior Lecturer

Contact Information

Telephone: 6516 3876
Email: elcmsw@nus.edu.sg
Office: CELC #02-21 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

Dr Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK is Deputy Director & Senior Lecturer at the Centre for English Language Communication and Director of Student Life at the College of Alice & Peter Tan (CAPT). She is also the Chair of the NUS Teaching Academy. Misty has won multiple Centre and NUS teaching excellence awards, and she is now on Annual Teaching Excellence Award (ATEA) Honour Roll. She has also conducted multiple research projects and published papers on academic literacies, tutor and peer feedback in language education, English across the curriculum, and the use of technologies to enhance teaching and learning. Currently, she is leading a center-wide blended learning project at CELC and conducting a number of feedback literacy and AI-related projects on academic writing.

Recent Courses Taught and/or Coordinated

  • SP1541 Communication Practices in Popular Science
  • ES5001A Graduate English II
  • UTC2413 Communicating with communities in the 21st century
  • UTW1001G Human Behaviours: How do 'I' fit in this Social World?
  • PR4195/PR4196 Pharmacy Research Project and Scientific Communication
  • Faculty of Engineering Embedded Courses

Awards & Recognition

  • NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (Team) AY2019/2020
  • Teaching Excellence Honour Roll NUS (five years): 2018/19 - 2022/23.
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award, NUS: 2016/17.
  • Centre for English Language Communication, NUS: Commendation for Teaching Excellence (EAP Category), 2016/17.
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award, NUS: 2015/16.
  • Centre for English Language Communication, NUS: Commendation for Teaching Excellence (EAP Category), 2015/16.
  • TESOL Research and Travel Award, 2014 TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo.
  • Annual Teaching Excellence Award, NUS: 2013/14.
  • Centre for English Language Communication, NUS: Commendation for Teaching Excellence (EAP Category), 2013/14.

Editorial Board

  • Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education
  • Journal of Underrepresented & Minority Progress

Advisory Board Members

  • International Education Advisory Board, Morgan State University, USA.

NUS Service

  • Chair, National University of Singapore Teaching Academy (NUSTA)

NUS Learning Community

  • January 2023 to July 2024: Designing Blended Learning for Higher Education using Communities of Inquiry (CoI) Sensibilities. Co-leaders: Hafizah Osman and Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK

Grant Projects

  • ONGOING: CDTL Teaching Enhancement Grant Research, August 2023 to August 2025. CELC-wide project: Blended Learning 2.0: Best Practices in Designing a Community of Inquiry to Enhance Student Learning in Language and Communication Courses. Principal Investigator (PI): Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK. CO-Is: Brenda Yuen, Cao Feng, Doreen Tan Yun Ru, Jodie Luu, Marissa E Kwan Lin, Norhayati Bte Mohd Ismail, Lee Ming Cherk, and Tang Kum Khuan
  • ONGOING: Research Project Funds for DDs at CELC: The effects of Students’ Perceptions of the Uptake of Information, Emotion and Social Interaction on Feedback Literacy. Principal Investigator (PI): Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK
  • ONGOING: CDTL Teaching Enhancement Grant Research, August 2022 to August 2024. Students’ reaction to and regulation of emotions in receiving feedback. Principal Investigator (PI): Lee Kooi Cheng; CO-Is: Eric Chan, Mark Gan, Chng Hui Ting, Chen Wenqian, Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK, and Derek Wong.
  • ONGOING: An Investigation of GenAI Writing Rubrics. NUS Provost Special Grant. Principal Investigator (PI): Lee Kooi Cheng; CO-Is: Zhou Ziqian and Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK
  • CDTL Teaching Enhancement Grant Research, August 2018 (for 2-3 years, (PI): Embedded written communication skills in Engineering - implementation and evaluation of impact on students' writing performance. Principal Investigator (PI): Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK
  • 'OK English Expressions': A study on the effectiveness of mobile assisted language learning (MALL) (Co-PI). Learning Innovation Fund-Technology (LIFT). Principal Investigator (PI): Lee Kooi Cheng; CO-Is: Wu Siew Mei and Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK
  • CDTL Teaching Enhancement Grant Research, December 2014-January 2017: An evaluation study on the impact of students' use of e-portfolios on their learning attitude and academic writing—a case study, 2014-16. Principal Investigator (PI):  Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK
  • CDTL Teaching Enhancement Grant Research, December 2014-January 2017: Validating the E-portfolio: Student Reflections on Learning and Social Growth Gleaned from Peer and Tutor Feedback. Principal Investigator (PI): Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK
  • CDTL Teaching Enhancement Grant Research, December 2014-January 2015: An evaluation study on the impact of using of a screencasting software on iPad to provide verbal feedback to students learning to structure academic essay: A case study. Principal Investigator (PI): Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK
  • CELC Research Grant: English for Academic Purposes Study (EAP, ES1102) Impact Study, AY 2014/15. Principal Investigator (PI): Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK

Other ongoing projects

  • Inclusion of AI in Language and Communication Courses. Principal Investigator (PI): Kwan Lin Marissa E; CO-PI: Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK
  • Student Leadership: How Could We Provide Better Support for Student Leaders? Principal Investigator (PI): Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK
  • Communicating with communities in 21st Century: From Theory to Practice. Principal Investigator (PI): Misty So-Sum Wai-COOK
  • Community engagement, Co-chair, NUS Teaching Academy
  • Blended learning 2.0, Member, NUS Teaching Academy
  • Student Life, Member, NUS Teaching Academy

Selected Publications (since 2019)

  • Wai-Cook, M. S. S., Saleh, A., & Bista, K. (Eds.). (2023). Online Teaching and Learning in Asian Higher Education: Pedagogical Approaches to Classroom Practices. Springer Nature Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wai-Cook, M. S. S. (2023). Communities and Engagement: Are Students Still Able to Demonstrate Empathy in an Online Course?. In Online Teaching and Learning in Asian Higher Education: Pedagogical Approaches to Classroom Practices (pp. 191-205). Springer Nature Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wai-Cook, M. S. S. (2023). Navigating Online Teaching in Asia: Innovations and Challenges During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In Online Teaching and Learning in Asian Higher Education: Pedagogical Approaches to Classroom Practices (pp. 267-276). Springer Nature Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Lee, K.C., Wu, S.M., Cook, M., & Ong, P.S. (2022). Interdisciplinary Collaboration between Pharmacy and Academic Literacy: Impact on Student Learning. Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning12(2), 152-162.
  • Wai-Cook, M. S.S. (2022). How Do “I” Fit into This Social World: Developing Student Academic Literacy in a Social Psychology Module. In: Brooke, M. (eds) Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education: Developing Academic Literacy. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4559-5_4
  • Wai-Cook, M. (2021). “Working towards best teaching and learning practices in a holistic curriculum for the twenty-first century: Roles of university management, teachers and students”. Book chapter in: Student Support Services in the series University Development and Administration. Springer. Series editor: Fernando F. Padró Volume editors: Megan Kek, Henk Huijser.
  • Wai-Cook, M. (2021). “Students’ perceptions of interactions from instructor presence, cognitive presence, and social presence in online lessons”. International Journal of TESOL Studies, 3(1), 134-61.
  • Brooke, M., So-Sum Wai-Cook, M., & Ramazanu, S. (2020). Seeking to reduce physical distancing in teacher-student interactions. Online Education: Teaching in a Time of Change. Architecture, Media, Politics & Society (AMPS) Proceedings series https://amps- research.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Amps-Proceedings-Series-23.1-1.pdf
  • Wai-Cook, M. (2020). “The Reality of Home-Based Learning During COVID-19: Roles of Parents, Teachers, and School Administration in Promoting Self-Directed Learning”. Journal of School Administration Research and Development, 5(2), 86-92.
  • Brooke, M., Lee, K. C., Wai-Cook, M., Segarra Navera, G., & Tang K.K.J, (2020).“Trekking the Educator Track at a Research-Intensive University: Five Accounts of Different Career Levels”, International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: 14(2), pp. 1- 12.
  • Wai-Cook, M. (2020). “Engaging Students in a Student-Centred Synchronous Online Lesson: Mission Possible”. Teaching Connections. Link: https://blog.nus.edu.sg/teachingconnections/2020/09/02/engaging-students-in-a- student-centred-synchronous-online-lesson-mission-possible/
  • Wai-Cook, M., & Lee, K. C. (2019). "I ever eat at Zizzi: The importance of speaking popperly": A reflection on beliefs and actual classroom practice. Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(1).
  • Wai-Cook, M. (2019). The Success of an EAP Programme in Tertiary Education: Using a Student-Centric Approach to Scaffold Materials in an EAP. Studies in English Language Teaching. 7. p213.

Conference Papers (since 2019)

  • Wai-Cook, M. Panel Facilitator, with Lefebvre, O.P., Sim, J., Mitchell, A., and Zhang, W. (2024, April 23).  Panel 2: Next Scene: Propelling Adult Education to Greater Heights with Experimental and Experiential Learning. 2024 Adult Educator Symposium: Learner Centricity in Adult Education.
  • Wai-Cook, M. (2023, December 7).  Feedback Literacy: Is There a Relationship Between Students’ Perceptions of Information, Emotions, and Social Interaction in Giving and Receiving Feedback? Higher Education Campus Conference (HECC), Singapore.
  • Wai-Cook, M. (2023, July 4-7). Community and Engagement: Is it Possible to Inculcate Empathy in Students through Experiential Learning? HERDSA Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Wai-Cook, M. (2023, July 4-7). The Multidimensionality of Feedback Literacy: Do Students’ Perceptions of Information, Emotions and Social Interaction Matter in Giving and Receiving Feedback? HERDSA 2023 Annual Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
  • Wai-Cook, M. (2022, December 7-8). Communities & Engagement: Evidencing Effective Practices to Connect Theory & Practice in Module Design (Empathy). Higher Education Campus Conference (HECC), Singapore.
  • Wai-Cook, M.  and  Brooke,  M.  (2021).  “Effective  Teaching  Practices  in Supporting Students in and Beyond Class Time in an Online Academic Literacy Module.” Australia-ASEAN Academics Forum: Online Education During COVID-19 and Beyond. Monday 6 September 2021.
  • Wai-Cook, M. "Developing Students’ Academic Literacy with Relevance and Creativity in Content and Language Integrated Learning". Paper presented at the Third International Conference on English Across the Curriculum 2021. The Hong Kong Polytechnique University. 15 May 2021.
  • Wai-Cook, M. "Developing Critical Thinking in a Social Psychology Module". Paper presented at a Colloquium: Building student creativity, critical thinking, and academic literacy in a CLIL academic writing programme. Third International Conference on English Across the Curriculum 2021. The Hong Kong Polytechnique University. 14 May 2021
  • Wai-Cook, M. “Developing Critical Thinking in a social psychology module: Scaffolding relevant content to learn academic literacy”. "Seeking to Reduce Physical Distancing in Teacher-Student Interactions". Paper presented with Mark Brooke, at the Online Education: Teaching in a Time of Change Conference. 20 April 2021.
  • Wai-Cook, M. Invited Contributor to Panel Discussion in "Post-COVID Demands of Education & Schooling”. Morgan State University, US. 18 March 2021.
  • Wai-Cook, M. "Embedding Communication Skills into the Discipline: Do students learn?”. Paper presented at the HKCPD Hub Virtual Conference: Innovative Teaching and Research In English Language Education. Friday 8 January 2021.
  • Wai-Cook, M. "Embedding Communication Skills into the Discipline: Rising above the challenges"-an example of a SoTL Project. Paper presented at the SoTL-Asia, 2019 Colloquium, Day 2, 20 September 2019.
  • Wai-Cook, M. "Embedding Communication Skills into the Discipline: the good, the bad, and the challenges"-an evaluation of the framework. Paper presented at the 6th CELC Roundtable, 4-5 December 2019.
  • Wai-Cook, M. "Engaging Students Through Feedback". Paper presented at the Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference, NUS, 25 September 2018.
  • Wai-Cook, M. & Lee, K.C. "I ever eat at Zizzi: The importance of speaking popperly". Paper presented at the 2018 NUS Learning Day, NUS, 25 September 2018.
  • Wai-Cook, M. "How can we leverage on technology to engage tertiary students in the feedback process?" Paper presented at the Co-Constructing Excellence: Recognising, Scaffolding and Building Excellence in University Learning and Teaching, hosted by the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, The University of Hong Kong, 19 December 2019.
  • Wai-Cook, M. "Engaging students using peer feedback". Paper presented at the CDTL, 12 July, 2019.
  • Wai-Cook, M. NTPU Workshop: "English for Teaching Workshop 7: Providing Effective Feedback on Students' Work". CELC, NUS. 30 July - 3 August.
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