Selected Publications (since 2018)
Selected Publications: Papers & Book Chapters
- Seow, J., & Wong, J. (2025). Duibuqi, baoqian, buhaoyisi: Saying 'sorry' in Chinese Mandarin. In L. Sadow, K. Mullan, & C. Goddard (Eds.), Explorations in Applied Ethnolinguistics: Words, Cultures and Global Perspectives (pp. 218-227). Cham, Springer Nature.
- Wong, J. (2024). Resemblance by meaning and culture between Singapore English and Singapore Mandarin. Intercultural Pragmatics, 21(3), 451-476. DOI:
- Wong, J. (2024). International Journal of TESOL Studies (IJST) Special Issue Call for Papers: Who's afraid of academic writing? Alleviating anxiety, fear, and stress for university students. International Journal of TESOL Studies.
- Darley, D., Blundell, P., Cherry, L., Wong, J. O., Wilson, A. M., … Vaughan, S. (2024). Breaking the Boundaries Collective – A Manifesto for Relationship-based Practice. Ethics and Social Welfare, 18(1), 94–106.
- Wong, J. (2024, March 24). Who’s afraid of academic writing? A reflective essay on dispelling anxiety and fear in an academic writing course. Teaching Connections.
- Wong, J. (2023). What completes an excellent teacher? Care in higher education English language teaching. International Journal of TESOL Studies 5(3), 1-6.
- Wong, J. (2023) When angels fall: The plight of an ambitious educator. Teaching Connections: Advancing Discussions about Teachings.
- Wong, J. (2022). Reflection in student learning in a semantics and academic writing module. In Brooke, M. (ed.),Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education: Developing Academic Literacy. Singapore: Springer.
- Wong, J. (2022). Explaining COVID-19-related concepts in Singapore: A minimal language approach. In S. D. Brunn, & D. Gilbreath (eds.), COVID-19 and a World of Ad Hoc Geographies. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Wong J. (2021). Labels and realities: The relevance of terms like ESL and EFL in a linguistically complex world. International Journal of TESOL Studies 3(3), 91-93.
- Yee, T. B. L., & Wong, J. (2021). Japanese first-person singular pronouns revisited: A semantic and cultural interpretation. Journal of Pragmatics, 181, 139-161. doi:
- Wong, J. (2021). The "Chineseness" of Singlish. In Y. Zhengdao (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Chinese Language Studies (pp. 1-25). Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:
- Wong, J. (2020). A pandemic in 2020, zoom and the arrival of the online educator. International Journal of TESOL Studies (Special Issue "ELT in the Time of the Coronavirus 2020", Part 2), 2(3), 82-99. doi:
- Wong J. & Or M. (2021). "Is beauty only skin deep?" The conceptualization of 'beauty' in Mandarin Chinese. (Special issue 'The Conceptualization of 'Beautiful' and 'Ugly' across Languages and Cultures' edited by Anna Gladkova and Jesus Romero-Trillo.) International Journal of Language and Culture 8:1 (2021), 35-62.
- Wong J. (2021). ELT in the time of the coronavirus 2020/2021 (part 3): The show must go on! International Journal of TESOL Studies 3(1), 114-115
- Wong J. (2020). The Singlish interjection bojio. In Helen Bromhead and Zhengdao Ye (eds.), Meaning, Life and Culture: In Conversation with Anna Wierzbicka. Canberra: ANU Press.
- Wong J. (2020). ELT in the time of the coronavirus: Part 2. International Journal of TESOL Studies 2(3), I-II.
- Wong J. (2020). ELT in the time of the coronavirus: Introductory remarks. International Journal of TESOL Studies 2(2), 1-3.
- Tao J. & Wong J. (2020). The confounding Mandarin colour term 'qing': Green, blue, black or all of the above and more? In Lauren Sadow, Bert Peeters & Kerry Mullan (eds.), Studies in Ethnopragmatics, Cultural Semantics and Intercultural Communication: Minimal English (and Beyond) (pp.95-116). Singapore: Springer
- Wong J. (2020). Semantic challenges in understanding Global English: Hypothesis, theory, and proof in Singapore English. In Lauren Sadow, Bert Peeters & Kerry Mullan (eds.), Studies in Ethnopragmatics, Cultural Semantics and Intercultural Communication: Minimal English (and Beyond) (pp.95-116). Singapore: Springer
- Wong J. (2020, August). What goes into an introduction? SoTL Matters.
- Wong J. (2020, April.) Peer review: A cultural adaptation. SoTL Matters.
- Wong, J. & Liu, C. (2019). Two ways of saying 'thank you' in Hong Kong Cantonese: m-goi vs. do-ze. In A. Capone, M. Carapezza, & F. Lo Piparo (eds.), Further Advances in Pragmatics and Philosophy: Part 2 Theories and Applications (pp. 435-447). Cham: Springer.
- Wong J. (2019). Respecting other people's boundaries: A quintessentially Anglo cultural value. In A. Capone, M. Carapezza, & F. Lo Piparo (eds.), Further Advances in Pragmatics and Philosophy: Part 2 Theories and Applications (pp. 449-467). Cham: Springer.
- Wong, J. (2018). The Semantics of Logical Connectors: therefore, moreover and in fact. Russian Journal of Linguistics, 22(3), 581-604.