Dr Wong Jock Onn

Wong Jock Onn

Senior Lecturer

Contact Information

Telephone: 6516 3113
Email: jock@nus.edu.sg
Office: CELC #03-28 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

WONG Jock Onn is Senior Lecturer at the Centre for English Language Communication. He has taught semantics and academic English in the Centre for many years. A linguist (more specifically, semanticist) by training and an educator by vocation, Jock has published in both areas, and in areas such as pragmatics and intercultural communication. As a semanticist, he subscribes to the natural semantic metalanguage (NSM) and Minimal English school. As an educator, he believes in maximizing student potential. He publishes with his undergraduate students and provides opportunities for some of them to be the first author. He also subscribes to an ethic of care.

Jock is a John Rebus fan. His favourite fiction authors are Ian Rankin and Graham Swift.

Recent Courses Taught

  • UTW1001Q English, Singlish and intercultural communication
  • NG5001 Academic communication for graduate researchers
  • RVX1002 What do you mean? Meaning & Communication in Intercultural Contexts

Awards & Recognition

  • RCTEA Honour Roll AY2022/23
  • NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award AY2021/22
  • Residential Colleges Teaching Excellence Award AY2021/22
  • NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award AY2020/21
  • Residential Colleges Teaching Excellence Award AY2020/21
  • NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award AY2019/20
  • Residential Colleges Teaching Excellence Award AY2019/20

Editorial Board

  • International Journal of TESOL Studies (Associate Editor)
  • Journal of Intercultural Communication Research (Editorial Board member)

Selected Publications (since 2018)

Selected Publications: Papers & Book Chapters

Selected Publications: Special Issues

Selected Invited Presentations (since 2019)

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