PG Portrait 2021-cropped

Patrick Gallo

Senior Lecturer

Contact Information

Telephone: 6516 1942
Office: CELC #02-19 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

Patrick GALLO is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for English Language Communication. Since 2001, Patrick has served the Centre as Lecturer, Course Coordinator, Faculty Coordinator, Administrative Coordinator (Graduate English Course) Head (Academic Programmes), Associate Director (Programmes 1), and chair or a member of numerous Centre-wide committees. Patrick received the Centre's Commendation for Teaching Excellence in Academic Years 2001/02, 2002/03 and 2003/04 and the Residential College Teaching Commendation in AY 2015/16. More recently, Patrick has been instrumental in updating and managing the foundation level of the Centre's Graduate English Course for post-graduate students.

Recent Courses Taught and/or Coordinated

  • ES5000 Graduate English I
  • Embedded Instruction for Design and Final Year Project Students in the Faculty of Engineering
  • IS2101 Business and Technical Communication
  • FAS1103 Effective Workplace Communication
  • FAS1102 Public Writing and Communication


  • Residential Colleges Teaching Commendation 2015/2016
  • CELC Commendation for teaching excellence 2003/2004
  • CELC Commendation for teaching excellence 2002/2003
  • CELC Commendation for teaching excellence 2001/2002

Selected Publications

  • Gallo, P. and Deng, X. 2007. Concordancing: An online journey of language discovery. In T. Ruanni F. Tupas, Yuan Yi, Christianty Nur (Eds.) Changing Perspectives on Pedagogical Grammar. Singapore: Singapore Association for Applied Linguistics.
  • Lee, G.L., Feng, A., Gallo, P., Lim, H.L., Meyer, J.E.L. & Zhang, M.Y. 2004. Business and technical communication: A guide for IT students. Singapore: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Deng, X. and Gallo, P. 2004. ESL/EFL Teaching and learning: Online concordancing and self-correction. In Ho W. K. and R.Y.L. Wong (Eds.), English Language Teaching in East Asia Today: Changing Policies and Practices Second Edition. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press.
  • Deng, X. and Gallo, P. 2003. ESL/EFL teaching and learning: Online concordancing and self-correction. In Ho W. K. and R.Y.L. Wong (Eds.), English Language Teaching in East Asia Today: Changing Policies and Practices. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press.
  • Gallo, P. and Deng, X. 2002. Getting on-line help with words. Guidelines, 24(2), 9-14.
  • Jacobs, G., & Gallo, P. 2002. Reading alone together: Enhancing extensive reading via student-student cooperation in second-language instruction. Reading Online, 5(6). Available:

Selected Presentations

  • Gallo, P.B. Embedded Instruction at CELC: Approaches, Challenges and Options. CELC Speaker Series, NUS, Singapore. February 2022.
  • Gallo, P.B. Leadership, influence and communication in business. A 3-hour workshop for Tec de Monterrey Summer Programme in Singapore. June 2014.
  • Gallo, P.B. and Deng, X. Enhancing students' academic and professional literacies: Approaches, challenges and options. Parallel paper presented at the ALAA/ALANZ 2nd combined conference, Canberra, Australia, December 2011.
  • Gallo. P.B. Effective oral presentations. A four-part presentation skills workshop series designed for undergraduates and presented in conjunction with the NUS Centre for Development of Teaching and Learning, Sept & Dec 2009, Feb and May 2010.
  • Gallo, P.B. Are Group Grades Fair? Parallel paper presented at the CELC Symposium, Hilton Hotel, Singapore, June 2007.
  • Gallo, P.B. and Deng, X. Concordancing: An on-line journey of language discovery. Workshop presented at the STU-SAAL Colloquium, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, November 2003.