
Jodie Luu


Contact Information

Telephone: 6601 1473
Office: CELC #02-24 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

Jodie LUU is a lecturer at the Centre for English Language Communication CELC. She holds a master's degree in Communications & New Media from NUS. She has taught and coordinated modules that aim to cultivate transferrable critical thinking and communication skills in engineering, computing as well as arts and social sciences students for more than 10 years. She is currently coordinating CELC embedded instructions in EG3611A Industrial Attachment Programme for engineering students. She has also co-developed an edX MOOC on professional communication from an intercultural perspective, an endeavour that aims to help fresh graduates and working professionals adapt and thrive in the globalised world. Her research interests revolve around effective implementation of student-centred pedagogy in technology-enhanced classrooms.

Recent Courses Taught and/or Coordinated

  • ES2660 Communicating in the Information Age
  • FAS1102 Public Writing and Communication
  • EG3611A Industrial Attachment Programme
  • BN3101 Biomedical Engineering Design
  • EE3031 Innovation and Enterprise

Awards & Recognition

  • Annual Digital Education Award (ADEA) 2021

Grant Projects

  • edX MOOC: Intercultural Communication at work - Land the job and do it well. Learning Innovation Fund-Technology (LIFT)
  • ES2660: Improving student learning experience through the use of a critical digital literacy framework (Teaching Enhancement Grant)


Selected Publications (since 2019)

  • Lam, A. W. L., Luu, T. H. L., & Chong, S. P. M. (2020). Lessons in online course design and implementation. Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10(2). 245-255.


Selected Presentations (since 2019)

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