
Norhayati Ismail

Senior Lecturer

Contact Information

Telephone: 6516 3878
Email: elcnmi@nus.edu.sg
Office: CELC #02-13 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

NORHAYATI Ismail has been teaching with CELC, NUS, for the past 25 years. Prior to joining NUS, she worked in editing with an international law publishing firm and corporate relations for a professional services firm. She also taught Technical Communications to Engineering students at a local polytechnic. In NUS, while she has experience teaching English for Academic Purposes, she has mainly taught, designed and coordinated professional communication courses to graduate and undergraduate students in Computing, Design and Environment (Real Estate), and Business. She has developed training courses in business writing for adult learners and coordinated English as a Medium of Instruction training programme for other universities. Her main research interest is student engagement through material design, questioning, and use of IT.

Recent Courses Taught and/or Coordinated

  • CDE2000 Creating Narratives
  • ES2002 Business Communication for Leaders (BBA)
  • BMS5801 Communication and Influencing Skills for Managers for CEMS-MIM students, School of Business
  • ES2531 Critical Thinking and Writing
  • CEMS Business and Communication Skills Seminar
  • English as a Medium of Instruction

Awards & Recognition

  • NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award 2024
  • National Day Commendation Medal 2021

Grant Projects

  • Teaching Enhancement Grant (2020). Effectiveness of dialogic feedback: Impact of questioning techniques used in tutor-student conferences. (PI: Jessie Teng Sze Mei, Co-PIs: Norhayati Mohd Ismail & Daron Benjamin Loo)
  • Teaching Enhancement Grant (2013). Technology-supported workplace simulation and the flipped classroom - an integrated and intensive approach to prepare university students for the working world. (PI: Norhayati Mohd Ismail, Co-PI: Chitra Sabapathy)

Selected Publications (since 2019)

  • Teng, J., Norhayati, I., & Loo, D. (2021, March). Use of Questions in Dialogic Feedback for Enhanced Learning and Thinking. In CDTL's Teaching Connections.
  • Hoi-Yi, K.K., & Norhayati, I. (2021). Competing values framework as decoding tool: Signature pedagogy in teaching business communication. Business Communication Quarterly, 84(1), 60-84. https://doi.org/10.1177/2329490620985909
  • Teng, J., Norhayati, I., K.L.E., M., & Loo, D.B. (2020, September). Emotional Affordances in 'Online' Classrooms. In Modern English Teacher.
  • Norhayati, I. & Sabapathy, C. (2016). Workplace simulation: An integrated approach to training university students in professional communication. Business Communication Quarterly, 79(4), 487-510. https://doi.org/10.1177/2329490616660814

Selected Presentations (since 2019)

  • Norhayati, I., & Hoi-Yi, K.K. (2022). The Hybrid Classroom - Managing Limitations & Challenges. Presented at Lunch 'n' Sharing session, 2 March 2022, CELC, NUS, Singapore.
  • Norhayati, I. (2015). Online Peer Feedback Tool for Student Team Projects. Presented at the CELC Staff Seminar on 13 May 2015, CELC, NUS, Singapore.
  • Norhayati, I. & Sabapathy, C. (2014). Technology-supported and workplace simulation and the flipped classroom - an integrated and intensive approach to prepare university students for the working world. Presented at the 4th International Conference Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 10-12 September 2014, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Norhayati, I. (2013). Learning from Critical Incidents, Developing the Courage to Teach. Presented at International English Language Teaching Conference 2013, 17-19 April 2013, Penang, Malaysia.
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