
Sylvia Sim


Contact Information

Telephone: 6601 2505
Office: CELC #03-23 (10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511)

Sylvia SIM is a Lecturer at CELC (NUS). She has taught language and communication skills for more than twenty years. Having designed and taught blended and MOOC modules for local and global learners, she believes that effective curriculum design can greatly enhance students' engagement in both face-to-face as well as virtual classrooms. She is particularly interested in helping learners enhance their professional communication skills and strives to create opportunities for experiential learning within communities of learning.

Recent Courses Taught and/or Coordinated

  • IS3101 Information Systems Leadership and Communication
  • ES2002 Business Communication for Leaders (BBA)
  • IS2101 Business and Technical Communication
  • EPP1 Engineering Principles and Practices

Awards & Recognition

  • ADEA (Team) Award for 2021

Selected Publications (since 2019)

  • Sim, Sylvia S C (2021) "Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills and Dispositions Through Community Dialogue in an Academic Writing Programme," International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Vol. 15: No. 2, Article 14. Available at:

Selected Presentations (since 2019)

  • HECC (2019) "What voice? Is culture a barrier to helping students' critical thinking be heard in an academic writing course?", Dr Daron Loo and Sylvia Sim
  • HKCPD (2021) "Practicing Academic Writing: Moving Beyond Theory And Application", Dr Daron Loo and Sylvia Sim
  • HKCPD (2021) "Rethinking Professional Communication Course Design using the IQ-EQ-CQ-AQ Framework", Aileen Lam, Jodie Luu and Sylvia Sim
  • CELC Speaker Series 04 (2021) "Riding the MOOC Wave", Aileen Lam, Jodie Luu and Sylvia Sim
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