4th CELC Symposium Proceedings

Table Of Contents
I) Key Issues in Teaching and Researching English
1) Rhetorical Genre Studies (RGS) and the Teaching of EFL Reading and Writing--or Genre Is Much More Than Text Structure Ann M. Johns
2) Key Issues in L2 Reading Development William Grabe
3) The Role of Intercultural Rhetoric in ESP Education Ulla Connor & Ana Traversa
4) Exploring Theory in Computer-Assisted Language Learning Glenn Stockwell
5) Metaphors in Financial Analyst Reports Winnie Cheng
6) Fairness and Justice in Language Assessment: Principles and Public Reasoning Antony John Kunnan
7) Innovation and Reciprocity in Applied Linguistics Albert Weideman
II) Alternative Pedagogies in Teaching English Language and Communication
The Use of Technology in Teaching and Teacher Training
8) Developing the Reflective Practice Capabilities of Pre-Service Trainees in TESOL Through Online Means Mark Brooke
9) Explorations on the Issues Involved in Classroom Emailing Cecilia B. Ikeguchi
10) Facebook Group in an EFL Grammar Classroom Dian Toar Y. G. Sumakul
11) Teaching EAP in a Blended Environment: The MOODLE Experience A. Gildin & N. Sorlovich
12) Online Resources for Teaching Critical Thinking Skills to ELLs: A Pilot Study Philip J. Wilkinson & Alexander C. Nanni
The Teaching of Academic Writing
13) Use of Gamification in Vocabulary Learning: A Case Study in Macau Sze Lui, LAM
14) Using Unconventional Genres for University Writing Courses Hazel L.W. Chiu
15) A Case Study of Hong Kong UndergraduatesUndertaking Their Disciplinary Writing Tasks and Its Implications for EAP Pedagogy Robert Hak Hung Yiu
16) A Qualitative Study of Second Language Writers' Response to and Use of Teacher and Peer Feedback - a Proposal Sandra Lam Tsui Eu
17) Effects of Genre-Based Framework on Students' Writing Chitra Varaprasad
Testing and Assessment
18) Test Takers' Strategy Use and Reading Test Performance: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach Limei Zhang, Christine Goh & Antony Kunnan
19) Rubrics for Assessment: Their Effects on ESL Students' Authentic Task Performance Radhika De Silva
Task Design and Classroom Techniques
20) Authenticity in Task Design for Vocational English Teaching and Learning: A Case Study of a Project-based Learning Module Annie Choi Lai-kun
21) Input Modification and Self-Questioning: Effect on Level 7 Students' Comprehension of Science Texts Haidee Matibag-Angeles
22) A Prelude to Practice: Interactive Activities for Effective Communication in English V.R. Jeyasala
Oral Presentation and Culture
23) Visual Language Retention: Cross Cultural Study Susan Meiki