5th CELC Symposium Proceedings

ELTWO: Special Issue on 5th CELC Symposium Proceedings

Selected papers from the Fifth CELC Symposium for English Language Teachers.

Editors: Fong Yoke Sim; Mark Brooke

Editorial Committee: Nazarene Ibrahim; Maria Luisa Sadorra; Richard Seow; Tang Kum Khuan, Jonathan; Patrick Wade

First published: December 2016


Table of Contents




Keynote Address

  1. Negotiating Diversity in English Language Teaching: A Tragedy in Four Acts

by Suresh Canagarajah



Curriculum and Pedagogy

  1. English Across the Curriculum: Fostering Collaboration

by Shari Dureshahwar Lughmani, Sheena Gardner, Julia Chen, Hebe Wong, and Lucy Chan


  1. Developing a Strategic Task-based Grammar Curriculum in CLT: A Practitioner’s Insight

by Sylvia S. C. Sim


  1. Smart Talk: Enabling Ideas to Take Flight

by Tan Su Hwi and Lee Gek Ling


  1. Double Construction in Translation and Its Effect as a Learning Tool

by Bing Lv



Theory and Concept I: Teaching Language

  1. The Nature of Authenticity in English as a Foreign Language: A Comparison of Eight Inter-related Definitions

by Richard Pinner


  1. On Multiple Literacies and Language Learning: Video Production and Embodied Subjectivities

by Joff P.N. Bradley and David R. Cole



Theory and Concept II: Investigating Writing Instruction

  1. Investigating the Effect of Teaching Embedded Rebuttals on Students’ Argumentative Essays: A Preliminary Study

by Jonathan Kum Khuan Tang, Jeffrey Chi Hoe Mok, and Sirinut Sawatdeenarunat


  1. Characterizing the Metadiscourse of the Pure Math PhD Thesis

by Lee Ming Cherk