ES2631 - Critique and Communication of Thinking and Design


This course equips students with competencies requiring students to analyze, critique, and communicate engineering ideas in a systematic and thoughtful manner. Students will be introduced to a reasoning in engineering framework (Paul et al., 2019), as well as key principles of effective communication in the field of engineering, such as being purpose- and context-conscious and audience-centric (Irish & Weiss, 2013). These will be applied to analyze engineering ideas in both written and oral communication. Students will also engage in a group engineering conceptual design project aimed at promoting critical analysis and communication within groups.


By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. critically analyze ideas in the field of engineering;


  • ES2631 is a 100% Continuous Assessment course.


Students who are required to take ES1000 Foundation Academic English and/or ES1103 English for Academic Purposes must pass the courses before they are allowed to read this course.


  1. IEM1201%, UTW1001%, ES2531, ES1531, GEK1549 and GET1021, RVX courses (RVX1000, RVX1001, RVX1002, RVX1003).
  2. U-town students cannot select ES2631.
  3. RVRC students cannot select ES2631.





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