ES2631 - Critique and Communication of Thinking and Design
This course equips students with competencies that enable students to analyze, critique, and communicate engineering and design ideas in a systematic and thoughtful manner. Students will be introduced to the Engineering Reasoning Framework (Paul, Niewoehner and Elder, 2019), as well as key principles of effective academic communication. Students will learn to apply the critical thinking framework and communication principles to critique ideas expressed in different genres and to convey these in critique essays. They will also engage in a group project aimed at promoting critical analysis and communication in teams that will culminate in a team academic oral presentation.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
- critically analyze ideas in the field of engineering;
communicate critical analysis of engineering ideas clearly and coherently;
work effectively in a team to develop and present an engineering conceptual design;
demonstrate an understanding of key principles and features of communication for engineers in different contexts
- ES2631 is a 100% Continuous Assessment course.
Students who are required to take ES1000 Foundation Academic English and/or ES1103 English for Academic Purposes must pass the courses before they are allowed to read this course.
- IEM1201%, UTW1001%, ES2531, ES1531, GEK1549 and GET1021, RVX courses (RVX1000, RVX1001, RVX1002, RVX1003).
- U-town students cannot select ES2631.
- RVRC students cannot select ES2631.