ES2660 - Communicating in the Information Age


In a context of prolific production and convenient access to content and innovation in the Information Age, how should one critically process and clearly communicate ideas to various audiences? In this course, students will learn to question and articulate their analysis of assumptions and assertions on issues facing the Information Age through processes such as identifying bias and substantiating arguments. The Ennis’ (1986, 2001) taxonomy of critical thinking dispositions will be employed to develop students’ analytical thinking skills and their ability to articulate cogent responses to arguments or to defend their own positions in both written and oral form.


By the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate the following in both writing and speaking:

  • Understand and apply principles and processes in evaluating and constructing arguments.
  • Learn the metalanguage for deconstructing and constructing arguments presented in various formats.
  • Identify and critically respond to key issues arising from the production and consumption of news, views and claims arising from issues and innovations in the Information Age.
  • Communicate one’s own views clearly and objectively, while also being open to alternative viewpoints
  • Exhibit features of a disposition for critical thinking that reflects the developing of a habit of mind and a habitual characteristic of the nature of their communicaton.


ES2660 is a 100% Continuous Assessment course.


  1. Students who are required to take ES1000 Foundation Academic English and/or ES1103 English for Academic Purposes, must pass those courses before they are allowed to read this course.
  2. Only SoC students matriculated in AY2016/2017 and after, are allowed to take ES2660.


  1. Non-SoC students
  2. GET1006 and GEK1901





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