SP1541X - Communication Practices in Popular Science
SP1541X aims to enable students to communicate science to the non-specialist audience in a comprehensible and engaging manner through science popularised discourses. Students are introduced to four science communication models which shed light on the evolving assumptions made about the roles of and interactions between scientists, policymakers, and the public. Drawing upon these models, students critically analyse and evaluate how communication strategies are employed in written and spoken sources and apply them through public engagement opportunities during a field trip in a Southeast Asian country, where they interact with the local community and learn about their cultures and local practices.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
critically read, synthesise, and analyse features of academic and popular science genres.
critically analyse and evaluate how science communication strategies help explain scientific concepts and ideas to a non-specialist audience
work effectively in a team to identify and explain scientific concepts using science communication strategies.
communicate scientific concepts and ideas in a comprehensible, coherent and engaging manner to a non-specialist audience in both written and oral forms.
deepen understanding of Southeast Asian countries through interaction with the local community partners, appreciation of local practices, cultures, economies, sustainability efforts, or science-related explorations/innovations.
- SP1541X is a 100% Continuous Assessment course.
Students who are required to read ES1000 Foundation Academic English and/or ES1103 English for Academic Purposes must pass those courses before they are allowed to read this course.
- Non-CHS students
- Students who have read and passed FAS1101, ES2531, ES2631, ES2660, UTW1001% and RVX100%
- Students in SPS (Special Program in Science) who have read and passed SP2271 are precluded from SP1541 and SP1541X
- Students who have read and passed SP1541
- U-town students cannot select SP1541X
- RVRC students cannot select SP1541X