AY2024/2025 Semester 2

The Ideas & Exposition (I&E) Courses are offered to students from Tembusu College, College of Alice & Peter Tan (CAPT) and Residential College 4.
Please refer to this webpage for more details. The timetable can be found here.

The Critique and Expressions course (RVX100X) is offered only to students from Ridge View Residential College (RVRC).
Please refer to this webpage for more details. The timetable can be found here.


    All Residential College students who are eligible to read I&E or RVX courses should participate in the relevant round(s) of class selection in MYEDUREC.

    IE and RVX courses are available in Select Class Round 2 and 3.

    Students should check with their respective Residential Colleges if they need to change their learning plans, or if they are unable to view or select any CELC courses in MYEDUREC. The Registrar’s Office provides more information on the new Course Registration system on their website.


    Please go to MYEDUREC (“View Courses” page) to check the courses that are allocated in the respective rounds.

    3. APPEALS (via MSForms)

    Students who did not manage to secure course via the CourseReg Rounds 2 and 3 are to submit appeals. 

    Date and Time: Saturday 11 Jan 7pm to Monday, 13 Jan 2025 9am.
    You will need to sign in with NUS account to access the page.

    Link for IE courses appeal:
    Link for RVX appeal:

    The appeal outcome for the courses will be conveyed via email latest by Sunday 19 Jan 2025.

    There are enough places for everyone on the courses but limited places in each class. In the appeal forms, please list three to five different course / classes that fit your schedule, regardless.
    We will process appeals based on the students’ listed classes indicated in the Appeal Form.

  • All eligible students will be able to view and select I&E classes hosted by any RC’s. You are encouraged to heed your home College’s advice with regards to the prioritizing of UTCP course selection.

For both IE and RVX courses, students who are successfully enrolled in a class after CourseReg Select Courses Round 2 and 3 are to attend classes from Monday, 13 Jan 2025 in Week 1.
Students who appeal are to attend classes after appeals are processed. 
Instructions will be given on how to catch up on the missed lesson in Week 1. T
here are no makeup lessons and materials will be shared via Canvas.

You may be placed on our wait-list if the class you wish to enrol is already full. Please submit a manual appeal using the form provided in Q2.

You may exercise your S/U option subject to your S/U option quota and home faculty’s guidelines and approval. Please consult your faculty administrator.

From AY2022/2023 Semester 1 onwards, all IEM and RVX classes will be conducted face-to-face

For queries other than those listed above, please email the CELC Support Team for RC Courses at
*CELC (Centre for English Language Communication) is located at 10 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117511 (next to SDE2 & opposite AS8 and Central Library)

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