Karla Kracht and Andrés Beladiez

Fri & Sat 24 & 25 Mar | 8pm | UCC Dance Studio | $19

(This programme is eligible for the Tote Board Arts Grant subsidy)

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2062 is the result of nine months of research into forms of storytelling, shadow play, live video, sound, and animation. Everything heard and seen in this world is created from scratch by both artists – from the elements of sound, to animation, poetry, illustrations, and the narrative.

Memory is a house of cards in a child's hand. Fragile, volatile. It is also a place lost in time. Deformed, blurred. It is us and our predecessors... It is also the future, but not yet, still… History repeats itself over and over again, nothing changes but everything is different. Meanwhile we continue being the same and give different name to the present, forgetting that in the past, our past, we already named it and we swear we would never repeat it again...

Supported by Acción Cultural Española, AC/E

This programme is eligible for the Tote Board Arts Grant subsidy.

Photo: Gerardo Sanz

Create your own live cinema performance
A workshop with Karla Kracht and Andrés Beladiez

Sat 25 March | 10am – 4.30pm | Practice Room 1, Stephen Riady Centre, University Town | $40

In this hands-on workshop, participants will establish first what do they want to tell, how they are going to tell it and what materials human and economic materials are at hand. They will then work in different real time techniques using a camera and video projector from simple animations to stop motion and live cinema techniques introducing different software to work with mobile phones, tables and computers including simple apps as well as more advance professional software. At the end of the workshop, participants will present their works created at the workshop. The workshop is limited to 15 participants.

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