Yeo Shih Yun: Diaries, Marking Time And Other Preoccupations

Tue - Sat 10am - 6pm | Until 27 Apr NUS Museum Free admission

Monday: School visits by appointment only
Sunday & PH: Closed

Diaries, Marking Time and Other Preoccupations features paintings, video works and installations by Yeo Shih Yun whose practice is associated with Chinese ink, a medium with its own unique history. Yeo’s varied experimentation situates the medium in the fold of contemporary practice. In her works of art, the element of chance – markings rendered by brushes tied to tree branches or battery operated toy robots – is introduced and eventually transferred and recomposed on a final surface through the use of silkscreens or other print techniques. For this exhibition, the studio presents itself as a site of appropriative potential. At the centre of this new project is Yeo’s fascination with the marks discovered on a piece of cloth and on the studio floor – the accidental drips, blotches and stains are mobilised as compositions transpiring from labour and chance.