13 to 28 march 2020

A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place

John Krasinski | USA | 2018

91 mins | PG13 | English | Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium

Postponed to a later date

A powerful and evil force threatens to attack a family whenever they make a noise, causing them to plunge into lives of silence. Any move they make, they live with the terrifying threat of being ambushed at any moment. With their existence on the line, they will need to develop a plan to escape their perilous circumstances. The question is whether or not time has already run out on their aspirations to lead normal lives.

This critically-acclaimed film was voted one of the Top 10 Films of 2018 by the American Film Institute and won the Best Sci/Horror Movie from Critics’ Choice Movie Awards.

Co-curated by Luqman Hakim Bin Abdul Rahman (Year 4, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)