13 to 28 march 2020

Image: Manuel Vason


Written and Performed by Jo Bannon. Produced by MAYK. (United Kingdom)

Various timings (Each performance lasts approximately 10 minutes. Please do arrive 5 mins before the stipulated performance time. We regret that latecomers will have their seats offered to someone else in line)

Secret space (Meeting point is at Stephen Riady Centre Level 2, Anteroom entrance)

“Jo Bannon’s Exposure, which questions the act of looking itself, is an extraordinary 10 minutes which considers not just how we look but what we choose to look at too.”
- Lyn Gardner, The Guardian

“Jo Bannon’s powerful encounter Exposure which uses darkness and then occasional encounters...to explore how we look at people and how we do not.”
- The Scotsman

Exposure is the beginning of an investigation into how we look, how we are looked at and if we can ever really be seen. Conducted in a small dark room, this intimate one-to-one performance uses the materiality of light; darkness and brightness, revealing and exposing, to question whether we can ever really see each other as we really are, if we can ever really see it through another’s eyes. It is a tender and tentative look into autobiography, asking how fully we can reveal ourselves - to ourselves, to another, with another.

This production is funded and supported by Unlimited; celebrating the work of disabled artists, and Arts Council England. It is also made possible with the generous support of the British Council.
