13 to 28 march 2020

Festival pick Mindscapes 舞之雅韵
Image: Kinetic Expressions Photography


Mindscapes 舞之雅韵

NUS Chinese Dance

Fri 13 Mar | 7.30pm | UCC Hall

Public $28 | Students and Friends of CFA $15 & $25 (a pair)


Once again, NUS Chinese Dance draws rich inspiration from the world of Chinese paintings to portray how the imagination captures moments in time within the medium of paper and ink and yet, given space for further contemplation, these works can reveal broader truths of man’s existence.

Under the direction of Artistic Director and Resident Choreographer Ding Hong, together with the intricate choreography by guest artist Wang Cheng (China), a well-established Anhui-based National 1st Grade Choreographer, Mindscapes will be a rich multi-sensorial treat for audiences, with their responses to artworks drawn from NUS Museum’s Lee Kong Chian Collection.

From reimagining life in a more idyllic time to tracing the fine details of human connection, the evening will serve to remind us that values of good and beauty endure in a world of shifting perspectives.


