13 to 28 march 2020

Transformation三月天 ⠂化

Transformation 三月天 ⠂化

NUS Chinese Orchestra

Sun 29 Mar | 5pm | UCC Hall

Public $28 | Students and Friends of CFA $15 & $25 (a pair)

Postponed to a later date

In an increasingly interconnected world and with the ever-growing pace of globalisation, the culture and heritage of different parts of the world becomes increasingly diluted. Compounded with the growing influence of social media, it becomes increasingly difficult for individuals to maintain their distinct identity in this world.

Featuring repertoire with a contemporary take on the distinct cultures and irreplaceable heritages of the world, Transformation present the swift evolution of Chinese orchestra music from folk tunes to one that is increasingly versatile and dynamic, mirroring how modern generations of Chinese people must see themselves.

Written in 2010 for an extended Chinese orchestra featuring the percussion section, Dragon Soaring in the East 龙跃东方is a modern take on the theme of traditional folk tune, Jasmine Flower. From the land of Mongolia, composer Xin Huguang recounts the tale of Gada Meiren, a Mongolian leader who led an uprising to fight for his land and his nation’s freedom, in the symphonic poem style of Gada Meiren Symphony 嘎达梅林交响诗. Macau Capriccio 澳门随想曲 celebrates Macau’s distinct culture of East and West, featuring both Portuguese and Chinese culture in the piece.

Also featuring soloist Ong Weida on the Singapore premiere of Yangqin Concerto No.1 – Pan Gu 第一扬琴协奏曲–盘古by Chinese composer Zhang Zhao, and Zhongruan Soloist, Chan Feng Lin on the third movement of Reminiscences of Yunnan 云南回忆by Liu Xing.
