Navigating Policy Developments and Trends in Carbon Markets
Dates: 18-19 March 2025 (Run 1) | 12-13 June 2025 (Run 2)
Fees: S$2,250 without GST | S$2452.50 with GST
Venue: In-person at NUS Education Resource Centre, Level 2, SCALE Classroom 1 (8 College Ave West, Singapore 138608) *Changes will be notified by email
Registration: Email to register by 28 February 2025 (Run 1) | 9 May 2025 (Run 2)
As tackling climate change becomes a priority, the world must transit towards a low-carbon future. Governments and corporates will need to build knowledge internally and may have to tap onto carbon services firms to lower their carbon footprint. Singapore is keen to support global and regional climate goals by serving as a go-to location for climate-related services.
CNCS is developing training courses to upskill professionals across a spectrum of carbon management activities, including development of climate targets and strategies, measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of carbon emissions, carbon offset project development and financing, and trading of carbon offsets. The first of such courses, titled “Navigating Policy Developments and Trends in Carbon Markets”, will introduce participants to environmental policy and how they can operate effectively in today’s carbon market.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognise how international climate regimes influence regional and local carbon markets development
- Deepen connections with relevant subject matter experts to stay updated on the latest trends
- Explain the roles that different ecosystem players play in the voluntary and compliance carbon markets
- Assess how key factors (e.g. quality, project type, country of origin) affect carbon pricing
Key topics will include:
- Paris Agreement Article 6
- Carbon Pricing and Investors
- Quality and Integrity of Carbon Credits
- Co-benefits of Carbon Projects
- Outlook of Carbon Markets
For more information, please refer to the course brochure here.
To register, contact CNCS at by 28 February 2025 (Run 1) | 9 May 2025 (Run 2)
Unfortunately, as part of a funding restructuring process under SkillsFuture Third Block Grant to NUS, SkillsFuture funding subsidies for this course is no longer available. Course fee for all participants (regardless of age and citizenship) for the upcoming run would be $2,250 (before 9% GST) per person. But participants can still use their SkillsFuture credit to pay part of the course fees.