Dr. Renee Lorica
Academic Qualifications
PhD, Agriculture, Health & Environment, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich
MSc, Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
BSc, Forestry, University of the Philippines Los Baños
Research areas
Wildlife ecology, biodiversity conservation, vertebrate pest management, nature-based climate solutions, rodent-borne zoonoses
Research interests
Renee is interested in understanding how the rapidly changing climate affects changes in natural habitats, zoonotic disease transmission, animal movement, and pest ecology to inform policy and government programs.
Renee is a wildlife ecologist with twenty years of experience in research, conservation, and management of wildlife in natural and agricultural ecosystems in Southeast Asia. Renee has also trained partners in government, farmer groups, and volunteers on wildlife monitoring and pest management in various countries in SE Asia. Prior to joining CNCS in April 2024, she worked with the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity as Director for the Centre's Knowledge Management Division.
At CNCS, she manages Carbon Integrity SG (CISG) – a research programme that seeks to address credibility and integrity pain points in nature-based carbon projects in Southeast Asian biomes by developing robust, intelligent and scalable carbon accounting techniques.
Selected publications:
- Propper, CR, Singleton, GR, Sedlock, JE, Smedley, RE, Frith, OB, Shuman-Goodier, ME, Lorica, RP, Grajal-Puche, A, Horgan, FG, Prescott, CV & Stuart, AM (2023). Faunal Biodiversity in Rice-Dominated Wetlands—An Essential Component of Sustainable Rice Production. In: Connor, M., Gummert, M., Singleton, G.R. (eds) Closing Rice Yield Gaps in Asia. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-37947-5_3
- Lorica, RP, Stuart, AM, Singleton, GR, Sudarmaji and Belmain, SR (2022). Optimizing the capture of neophobic rice field rats in lowland Asian rice ecosystems. Pest Management Science, 78(10), pp.4252-4260. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.7043
- Latinne, A, Chen, HW, Kuo, CC, Lorica, R, Singleton, G, Stuart, A, Malbas, FF, Demanche, C, Chabé, M, Michaux, J & Morand, S (2021). Revisiting the Pneumocystis host specificity paradigm and transmission ecology in wild Southeast Asian rodents. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, p.104978. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0031182017001883
- Singleton, GR, Lorica, RP, Htwe, NM, & Stuart, AM (2021). Rodent management and cereal production in Asia–balancing food security and conservation. Pest Management Science. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.6462
- Lorica, RP, Singleton, GR, Stuart, AM, Belmain, SR (2020). Rodent damage to rice crops is not affected by the water-saving technique, alternate wetting and drying. Journal of Pest Science. 93:1431-1442 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10340-020-01237-3
Feature and publications in popular media:
- Amphibians in rice fields: Heroes or villains? DZRH 2019. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=2297251110521948 (interview in Filipino; start at 24 min-mark)
Conference and presentations:
Lorica, RP, Singleton, GR, and Belmain, SR. Ecology of two rodent pest species, R. tanezumi and R. argentiventer, under Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) conditions in irrigated lowland rice cropping systems in the Philippines and Indonesia. Joint Meeting of the 6th International Conference on Rodent Biology and Management and 16th Rodens et Spatium, University of Potsdam, Germany, September 2018.