
Making the connection to industries and problems

We aim to build a close-knit deep tech community to bridge ideas and innovations with knowledge, network and resources. Our partners bring with them decades of experience from being in the industry to bring about different perspectives and real world problems.

Commercial Champions (CC)

Having fought the proverbial war, our Commercial Champions are the industry veterans that will provide the teams with guidance and mentorship, to provide better understanding of the market, avoid common start-up pitfalls and for a smoother start-up journey. 


Working hand-in-hand with GRIP to elevate our start-ups into the path of success are VC’s and angel investors that co-invest time, money and resources to help our start-ups grow. In return, our partners gain first-hand access to our pipeline of world-class research-based deep tech start-ups.


For the individuals that would like to bring about disruptive changes through deep tech ventures, the NUS GRIP program provides the platform for them to be matched with teams that requires their area of expertise, giving them a chance to become a part of their deep tech start-up.

Industry Partners

Tapping on the knowledge and experience of our Industry Partners, we are able to present actual industrial challenges, to our professors, postgraduate students and researchers. Our goal is to bridge these challenges with technologies and fresh ideas to achieve deployable solutions.

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