Advanced Imaging Laboratory (AIL)


About the Advanced Imaging Laboratory

The Advanced Imaging Laboratory is a core microscopy facility of the Life Sciences Institute. Light microscopes in the facility are available for fluorescence, live-cell timelapse and confocal imaging. These are complemented with specialised software for processing and analysis of multi-dimensional images.


  • Leica SP5 inverted confocal microscope
  • Zeiss LSM510 upright confocal microscope
  • Zeiss AxioImager Z1 upright fluorescence microscope
  • Olympus IX81 inverted fluorescence microscope with stage-top live-cell imaging chamber
  • Olympus FV3000RS inverted confocal
  • Zeiss PALM – LCM laser microdissection

Both the confocal microscopes are equipped with the following lasers: 405nm, 488nm, 543nm and 633nm. In addition the LSM510 has 458nm and 514nm laser lines.The two wide-field fluorescence microscopes are equipped with filters for blue, green, red and far red fluorescence.

The laser scanning cytometer uses an inverted microscope to acquire images which are then analysed in a format that is similar to flow cytometry data.

Training is provided for the use of the microscopes and software for processing and analysing microscope images. The software available includes Imaris, MetaMorph and Fiji.


To arrange a training session on any of the microscopes, please fill up the training request form by clicking here.

To enquire more about the services at LSI Histology Core, please contact Miss Syaza Hazwany Mohammad Azhar or Dr Lim Hwee Ying at