Emergency Response – First Aid


For any emergency situation, please contact CeLS Safety Team and CeLS security and explain your emergency as calmly and clearly as possible. CeLS security will then act and contact the necessary emergency teams to address your situation.

CeLS Security 6516 4043


First Aider List

Level 5:

Name Dept Contact
Kwek Siong Peng N1 66017823
Leong Wai Mun LSI 66011797


Level 4:

Name Dept Contact
Daniel The Boon Loong Neurobiology 65166824
Zi Xiang CHL 65168166


Level 3:

Name Dept Contact
Dr Anne K. Bendt SLING 6516 6683
Dr Amaury Cazenave Gassiot SLING 6516 8174
Michael Thiam Immunology 65167006
Sua Xin Ying Immunology 65161063
Emily Pauline Nickles Immunology 65165019


Level 2:

Name Dept Contact
Byun Dongmin SynCTI bdongmin@nus.edu.sg
Shohei Kitano SynCTI shohei.kitano@nus.edu.sg



Name Dept Contact
Raymond Martin Serrano CM raymond.serrano@nus.edu.sg


DSO Building, Level 4

Name Dept Contact
Antony Dhasan Josphin Denslin DSO 65165314
Wu Yingnan DSO 65165472