Public Lecture and Panel Discussion on Urban Greening and Water Sustainability for Improved Liveability

On the afternoon of 26 April 2023, Professor Tan Puay Yok from the Department of Architecture, NUS and National Parks Board delivered the Public Lecture on “Greening of Singapore – A Look at the Past with an Eye for the Future” to a packed Lecture Hall at SDE3, National University of Singapore. During the lecture, Professor Tan provided a quick overview of Singapore's journey towards becoming a sustainable "City in Nature" and presented several innovative propositions to sustain or enhance the benefits of urban greening, drawing upon the concept of "urban ecosystem services". Following the lecture, an intriguing panel discussion took place, moderated by Professor Khoo Teng Chye, Director of NUS Cities and Practice Professor at CDE, NUS. The distinguished panel members included Professor Tan Puay Yok from NUS and NParks, Associate Professor Karina Gin from NUS, Professor Nathalie Blanc from Centre des Politiques de la Terre (CPT) and Université Paris Cité, Associate Professor Alexandre Gélabert from Université Paris Cité and Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) and Dr. Alvaro Artigas from Sciences Po.

NUS Environmental Research Institute (NERI) and Centre des Politiques de la Terre (CPT), the joint organisers of the Public Lecture expressed their gratitude to Dr. Mariana Losada, Director of the Paris-NUS Program, for her support, as well as to all the participants for taking part in this stimulating event. The event concluded with a closing remark by Professor Hu Jiangyong, Deputy Director of NUS Environmental Research Institute (NERI).


Prof. Tan Puay Yoke speaking at the Public Lecture


Panel members (from left) Prof. Khoo Teng Chye (Chair), Prof. Tan Puay Yoke, Assoc. Prof. Alexandre Gélabert, Prof. Nathalie Blanc, Dr Alvaro Artigas and Assoc. Prof. Karina Gin; and Prof. Hu Jiangyong, NERI Deputy Director.


Panel Discussion


Closing remarks by Prof. Hu, NERI Deputy Director