"Submerged MBR Technology: an Overview and its Future Direction"
Lecture at NUS by Professor Kazuo Yamamoto, Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize 2020 Laureate
On 21 April 2022, Thursday

Many braved the rain on the morning of 21 April 2022 to attend the physical lecture by Professor Kazuo Yamamoto, the Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) Water Prize 2020 Laureate at Lecture Theatre 2 (LT2), College of Design and Engineering, NUS.

Hosted by NERI, Professor Yamamoto shared insights of the early Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Technology R&D that led him to the submerged MBR technology inception in late 1980s. He further shared his determination that established a successful fouling control strategy for sustainable MBR operation, namely, the intermittent suction mode that is being used as an industry practice in the full-scale MBR operation till this day.  A world-renowned expert in MBR, he commended Singapore’s success in applying the submerged MBR technology for water reclamation at national scale and further demonstrated an energy efficient Integrated Validation Plant (IVP) comprised enhanced primary treatment and low-energy MBR for the upcoming Tuas Water Reclamation Plant (WRP).

Professor Yamamoto concluded his lecture by shedding insights on the future directions of MBR technology and the importance of digital transformation.

Photo 1: Professor Yamamoto speaking to the NUS research community.

Photo 2: Professor Ng How Yong, Director of NUS Environmental Research Institute (NERI) presenting a token of appreciation to Professor Kazuo Yamamoto at the end of his Lecture.