Visit to NERI by the Minister for Sustainability and the Environment

January 2021

Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, Ms Grace Fu, visited NERI on 26 January 2021. Director of NERI, Professor Ng How Yong hosted
the visit and highlighted some of NERI’s research efforts in sustainability.  Apart from learning more about some of NERI’s latest on-going research activities, Minister Fu also interacted with researchers and toured NERI’s analytical laboratory that is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation.
Photo above: Professor Ng How Yong giving Minister Grace Fu a laboratory tour at NERI. 
(L to R): Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment; Ms Amy Hing, First Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment; Professor Ng How Yong, Director of NERI; and Professor Chen Tsuhan, NUS Deputy President (Research and Technology).
From left to right: Respective researchers / PI on water reclamation, resource recovery from food waste and novel approaches to improved green leafy vegetables productions sharing their research with Minister Fu. These highlighted research works are some of the successful research outcome funded by government agencies and industry, that have great potential for commercialisation.