Scientific Advisory Board

Professor Leo Tan, National University of Singapore
Professor Tan is well known as an outstanding science educator and passionate advocate for environmental and biodiversity conservation. He had helped to lay the foundations of nature conservation in Singapore and received the 2007 President’s Award for Environment, the highest accolade for individuals, educational institutions and organisations that have made outstanding contributions towards environmental and water resource sustainability in Singapore.

Professor Ng How Yong, National University of Singapore
Professor Ng is the Director of the NUS Environmental Research Institute (NERI). He has a background in civil and environmental engineering and his core research interest is in membrane science and technology, focusing on membrane fouling as well as biological reactor technologies. His research also focuses on the rapid detection of heavy metals in wastewater using microbial fuel cell as a biological sensor.

Professor Susan Page, University of Leicester
Professor Page is an ecologist by training with research interests in wetland ecology and functioning and wildlife conservation. Her current research focuses on the tropical peatlands in Southeast Asia, but she is also involved in research projects on peatlands in South America, Central Africa, and the Fens of eastern England. Throughout her career, Professor Page has become increasingly aware of the value of converting scientific knowledge into policy and practice. This transfer of expertise and experience has led to inputs as a Lead Author for IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories, and as an advisor to plantation companies and government agencies in Southeast Asia.

Professor Jatna Supriatna, University of Indonesia
Professor Supriatna is the Director of the Research Center for Climate Change at the University of Indonesia. He has been a member of the Indonesian government delegation to several international conferences including the Convention of Biological Diversity, World Conservation Union-IUCN meeting, World Park Congress, UNFCCC and its SUBSTTA (Bali, Cairns, Bonn, Bangkok) and the UN Forest Forum in New York. Professor Supriatna also has over 15 years of experience as the country Director for Conservation International (CI) and has brought CI to be one of the most distinctive international NGOs based on scientific approach in conservation works in Indonesia.