NUS Bulletin AY2020/21

Faculty of Engineering

The College of Design and Engineering (CDE) came into existence on 1 January 2022 from the merger of the Faculty of Engineering (FoE) and the School of Design and Environment (SDE). Do check for the latest on CDE’s programmes.

Research Programmes

Coursework element

The research degree programme includes an element of coursework in the same or related fields. This provides a graduate-level foundation and prepares the student for research. The coursework component for EngD students comprises not less than 32 MCs (typically eight graduate modules), of which at least 50% must be modules on Management of Technology/Business/Industrial Engineering modules. Students of some departments may be required to read additional modules.

There is a compulsory ES5101 Technical Communication for Engineers to be taken and passed.

Doctoral students are expected to achieve a CAP of at least 3.50 in the best 8 modules (equivalent of 32 MCs), inclusive of core modules (if any).

Graduate Seminar

To cultivate a strong research culture among graduate students, the required coursework includes “Graduate seminar” in which faculty members, graduate students and visitors present current research.  All research students are also expected to obtain a satisfactory grade for the Graduate Seminar module.

EngD Qualifying Examination

A doctoral candidate must complete a prescribed set of modules before proceeding to the Qualifying examination (QE). The QE comprises a comprehensive examination and a presentation of the thesis proposal. The comprehensive examination tests the general competence of the candidate in his/her discipline(s), while the presentation ensures that the candidate is prepared to embark on his/her thesis research. The QE should usually be taken 12 to 24 months from the start of the doctoral candidature.

Doctoral students are expected to pass both the comprehensive and oral examinations.

Thesis component

The EngD programme requires a 40,000 word thesis. The thesis is not measured by MCs. The thesis will be examined by internal/external examiners.

Oral Defence Examination

Doctoral candidates are required to undergo and pass an oral examination before a panel chaired by the candidates’ Head of Department and two examiners of the EngD thesis. Doctoral students are required to pass their oral defence thesis examination before they are conferred their doctoral degree.

Coursework element

Research degree programme includes an element of coursework in the same or related fields. This provides a graduate-level foundation and prepares the student for research. The coursework component comprises not less than 16 MCs (typically 4 graduate modules) for MEng students. Students of some departments may be required to read additional modules.

Master’s students are expected to achieve a CAP of at least 3.00 in the best 4 modules (equivalent of 16 MCs), inclusive of core modules (if any).

English language requirements (for international students) include having to take and obtain at least a Grade C) in the Graduate English Course (Intermediate level).

Graduate Seminar

To cultivate a strong research culture among graduate students, the required coursework includes a “graduate seminar”.

A master’s student is required to attend seminars and also deliver presentations of his/her research work. Participation in seminars is an integral part of graduate study as it helps to enhance knowledge, broaden research outlook, sharpens thinking and improves communication skills.

A ‘Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory’ grade is awarded on the basis of attendance, presentation and document submission. All research students are also expected to obtain a satisfactory grade for the seminar module

Thesis component

The Master’s programme requires the completion of a thesis not exceeding 30,000 words.

Coursework element

Research degree programme includes an element of coursework in the same or related fields. This provides a graduate-level foundation and prepares the student for research. The doctoral coursework component comprises not less than 24 MCs (typically 6 graduate modules). Students of some departments may be required to read additional modules.

Doctoral students are expected to achieve a CAP of at least 3.50 in the best 6 modules (equivalent of 24 MCs), inclusive of core modules (if any).

English language requirements (for international students) include having to take and obtain at least a Grade C) in the Graduate English Course (Advanced level).

Doctoral Seminar

To cultivate a strong research culture among graduate students, the required coursework includes a “doctoral seminar”.

A doctoral student is required to attend seminars and also deliver presentations of his/her research work. Participation in seminars is an integral part of graduate study as it helps to enhance knowledge, broaden research outlook, sharpens thinking and improves communication skills.

A ‘Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory’ grade is awarded on the basis of attendance, presentation and document submission. All research students are also expected to obtain a satisfactory grade for the seminar module.

PhD Qualifying Examination

A doctoral candidate must complete a prescribed set of modules before proceeding to the PhD Qualifying examination (QE). The QE comprises a comprehensive written examination and an oral defence of the PhD thesis proposal. The comprehensive written examination tests the general competence of the candidate in his/her discipline(s), while the oral defence ensures that the candidate is prepared to embark on his/her thesis research. The QE should usually be taken 12 to 24 months from the start of the PhD candidature.

Doctoral students are expected to pass both the written comprehensive examination and the oral defence.

Thesis component

The PhD requires a 40,000-word thesis.

Oral Defence Examination

Doctoral candidates are required to undergo and pass an oral examination before a panel chaired by the candidates’ Head of Department and two examiners of the PhD thesis. Doctoral students are required to pass their oral defence thesis examination before they are conferred their doctoral degree.