NUS Bulletin AY2020/21

School of Computing

Undergraduate Education

The School of Computing aims to provide a sound and forward-looking education to equip graduates for careers in IT and related fields. To this end, our courses integrate problem-solving skills with a foundation in IT and business. Graduates will be able to integrate new technology and develop themselves into future IT leaders, and to proceed to further studies.

The School offers direct entry to four-year undergraduate degree programmes, designed to meet the needs of distinct segments of the IT job market, and to better serve students with different interests, background, abilities and career orientation. Four-year programmes are designed to educate tomorrow’s technical leaders who will pioneer the development of novel technology. The programmes emphasise in-depth mastery of the scientific, engineering and organisational foundations that underlay the continuing progress in information and communications technologies and their applications. The maximum candidature period for a four-year programme is five years.

The School of Computing offers the following full-time Bachelor of Computing programmes, leading to:

  • Bachelor of Computing in Computer Science;
  • Bachelor of Computing in Information Security and its Co-operative Programme;
  • Bachelor of Computing in Information Systems; and
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics and its Co-operative Programme.

Its Department of Computer Science jointly offers the following full-time Bachelor of Engineering programme with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering:

  • Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering

The School also offers a wide array of minors and special programmes to full-time undergraduate students to provide more breadth and depth in their studies.

Please refer to our School’s web page at: for the latest details on the degree programmes.

The overall degree requirement is based on Modular Credits, with at least 160 Modular Credits (MCs) for the four-year programmes. To graduate, a student must obtain a Cumulative Average Point (CAP) of not less than 2.00.

Each programme consists of modules divided into three main categories:

  1. Programme Requirements
  2. University Level Requirements (ULR)
  3. Unrestricted Electives

A module can only be counted towards one category. No double counting is allowed.

For more details, please visit:

The Bachelor of Computing (Honours) in Computer Science or BComp (CS) programme aims to nurture students for a rewarding computing career in various industry sectors. Suitable for those who love hands-on work and keen to apply computing technologies to solve real-world problems, the programme will equip students with the critical knowledge and capacity to take on the world with confidence.

Degree Requirements

Table 1: Summary of degree requirements for Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science)

Modules MCs Subtotals
Computer Science Foundation 32  
CS1101S Programming Methodology 4
CS1231S Discrete Structures 4
CS2030S Programming Methodology II 4
CS2040S Data Structures and Algorithms 4
CS2100 Computer Organisation 4
CS2103T Software Engineering 1 4
CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems 4
CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 4
Computer Science Breadth and Depth 48

Complete 28 MCs of CS/CP/IFS-coded modules by satisfying the following conditions:

Satisfy at least one CS Focus Area for BComp(CS) by completing 3 modules in the Area Primaries, with at least one module at level-4000 or above. Computer Science Foundation modules that appear in Area Primaries can be counted as one of the 3 modules towards satisfying a Focus Area.

  • At least 12 MCs are at level-4000 or above.
  • CP-coded modules must come from the following independent project modules:
    • CP3106 Independent Project (4 MCs)
  • CP3209 Undergraduate Research in Computing (8 MCs)
    • CP4106 Computing Project (8 MCs)
    • Or other suitable modules approved by the Department of Computer Science;

At most 12 MCs of CP-coded independent project modules.


Complete at least 8 MCs of Computer Systems Team Project modules from the following pairs, or modules approved by the Department of Computer Science:

  • CS3203 Software Engineering Project, or
  • CS3216  Software Product Engineering for Digital Markets and CS3217 Software Engineering on Modern Application Platforms, or
  • CS3281 Thematic Systems Project I and CS3282 Thematic Systems Project II, or
  • CS3283 Media Technology Project I and CS3284 Media Technology Project II
Industrial Experience Requirement2 12
IT Professionalism 12
IS1103 Ethics in Computing or IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy 4
CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals 4
ES2660 Communicating in the Information Age 4
Mathematics and Sciences 16
MA1521 Calculus for Computing3 4
MA1101R Linear Algebra I or MA2002 Linear Algebra I 4
ST2334 Probability and Statistics4 and one Science Module5 8
Grand Total    160

 1  Students taking CS2103T Software Engineering must take CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals in the same semester.

2 Students in the Department of Computer Science who aim for Honours (Highest Distinction) must pass the CP4101 BComp Dissertation. Students with CAP of 4.00 or higher after completing at least 70% (i.e. 112 MCs) of the MC requirement for the degree programme may opt to replace the Industry Experience Requirement by CP4101 B.Comp Dissertation (12 MCs). Note that the CP4101 project selection process takes place one semester ahead of the semester in which the students commence CP4101. Thus the students can tentatively select CP4101 projects; but the condition “CAP of 4.00 or higher after completing at least 70% (112 MCs) of the MC requirement for the degree programme” must be satisfied before they can commence CP4101 in lieu of Industry Experience Requirement.

3 Students pursuing double degree in Computer Science and Mathematics/Applied Mathematics are recommended to replace MA1521 Calculus for Computing by MA1102R/MA2002 Calculus.

4 Students pursuing a double degree in Computer Science and Mathematics or Minor or Second Major in Mathematics/Statistics who take ST2131 Probability must also complete ST2132 Mathematical Statistics in place of ST2334 Probability and Statistics for CS fulfilment. If a student has already taken ST2131/MA2116/MA2216 that precludes ST2334, he/she will have to take ST2132 to fulfil the BComp(CS) degree requirements.

5 Students may take either a Physics, Chemistry or Life-Science course as a Science course. Please refer to Appendix B at this link.

6 Students without A-level or H2 Mathematics are required to complete the bridging module MA1301/X as part of the Unrestricted Electives.

For more details, please visit:

The von Neumann Programme for Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science) programme, [vNP] is one of the two special programmes in Computer Science. vNP aims to nurture students who aspire to engage in industry careers emphasising the design of complex computing systems. It is most suitable for students who love to solve complex real-world problems and develop complex computer-based systems for real-world applications. Students pursuing Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science) degree will be invited for admission into vNP based on the performances in selected modules (including CS3281/CS3282 and CS3216/CS3217). Students in this programme will be assigned CS professors and industry partners as their mentors, who will help them to blend academic knowledge and industrial experience into their studies.

Degree Requirements

Table 2: Summary of degree requirements for Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science) – von Neumann Programme (vNP)










Computer Science Foundation



CS1101S Programming Methodology


CS1231S Discrete Structures


CS2030S Programming Methodology II


CS2040S Data Structures and Algorithms


CS2100 Computer Organisation


CS2103T Software Engineering 1


CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems


CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms


Computer Science Breadth & Depth


CS3219 Software Engineering Principles and Patterns


Complete at least 8 MCs of Computer Systems Team Project modules from one of the following pairs:
– CS3216 Software Product Engineering for Digital Markets and CS3217 Software Engineering on Modern Application Platform, or
– CS3281 Thematic Systems Project I and CS3282 Thematic Systems Project II (with large-scale complex system development)


  • Complete 28 MCs of CS/CP/IFS-coded modules by satisfying the following conditions:

    • Satisfy at least one vNP Focus Area for BComp(CS) by completing 3 modules in the Area Primaries, with at least one module at level-4000 or above. Computer Science Foundation modules that appear in Area Primaries can be counted as one of the 3 modules towards satisfying a Focus Area. After satisfying a vNP Focus area, a student may choose to satisfy other CS Focus Areas. vNP Focus areas are:
      - Computer Security
      - Database Systems
      - Networking and Distributed Systems
      - Parallel Computing
      - Programming Languages
      - Software Engineering
    • At least 12 MCs are at level-4000 or above.
    • CP-coded modules must come from the following independent project modules:
      • CP3106 Independent Project (4 MCs)
      • CP3209 Undergraduate Research in Computing (8 MCs)
      • CP4101 BComp Dissertation (12 MCs)
      • CP4106 Computing Project (8 MCs)

    At most 12 MCs of CP-coded independent project modules.


Industrial Experience Requirement 2


IT Professionalism


IS1103 Ethics in Computing


CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals


ES2660 Communicating in the Information Age


Mathematics and Sciences


MA1521 Calculus for Computing 3


MA1101R Linear Algebra I or MA2002 Linear Algebra I 


ST2334 Probability and Statistics and one Science Module5





Grand Total 



1  Students taking CS2103T Software Engineering must take CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals in the same semester.

2  Students in the Department of Computer Science who aim for Honours (Highest Distinction) must pass the CP4101 BComp Dissertation. Students with CAP of 4.00 or higher after completing at least 70% (i.e. 112 MCs) of the MC requirement for the degree programme may opt to replace the Industry Experience Requirement by CP4101 B.Comp Dissertation (12 MCs). Note that the CP4101 project selection process takes place one semester ahead of the semester in which the students commence CP4101. Thus the students can tentatively select CP4101 projects; but the condition “CAP of 4.00 or higher after completing at least 70% (112 MCs) of the MC requirement for the degree programme” must be satisfied before they can commence CP4101 in lieu of Industry Experience Requirement.

3 Students pursuing double degree in Computer Science and Mathematics/Applied Mathematics are recommended to replace MA1521 Calculus for Computing by MA1102R/MA2002 Calculus.

4 Students pursuing a double degree in Computer Science and Mathematics or Minor or Second Major in Mathematics/Statistics who take ST2131 Probability must also complete ST2132 Mathematical Statistics in place of ST2334 Probability and Statistics for CS fulfilment. If a student has already taken ST2131 (that precludes ST2334), he/she will have to take both ST2131 and ST2132 pair to fulfil the BComp(CS) degree requirements.

5 Students may take either a Physics, Chemistry or Life-Science course as a Science course. Please refer to Appendix B at this link.

6  Students without A-level or H2 Mathematics are required to complete the bridging module MA1301/X Introductory Mathematics as part of the Unrestricted Electives.

For more details, please visit:

The Turing Programme for Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science) programme [TP] is yet another special programme in Computer Science. TP aims to nurture students who aspire to engage in pure research careers in Computing. It is most suitable for students who love to solve technically challenging problems and are able to handle theoretical and practical work. Students will be selected for admission to TP based on their performance in selected modules, including CS2309 and CS3230 Students in TP are expected to build sufficient track records by the time they graduate to gain admission into PhD programmes in top schools including SoC. Students in this programme will be assigned CS professors as their mentors to help them to build their research track records.

Degree Requirements

Table 3: Summary of degree requirements for Bachelor of Computing (Computer Science) – Turing Programme










Computer Science Foundation



CS1101S Programming Methodology


CS1231S Discrete Structures


CS2030S Programming Methodology II


CS2040S Data Structures and Algorithms


CS2100 Computer Organisation


CS2103T Software Engineering 1


CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems


CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms


Computer Science Breadth & Depth


CS2309 CS Research Methodology


Complete 28 MCs of CS/CP/IFS-coded modules by satisfying the following conditions:

  • Satisfy at least one CS Focus Area for BComp(CS) by completing 3 modules in the Area Primaries, with at least one module at level-4000 or above. Computer Science Foundation modules that appear in Area Primaries can be counted as one of the 3 modules towards satisfying a Focus Area.
  • At least 12 MCs are at level-4000 or above.
  • CP-coded modules must come from the following independent project modules:
    • CP3106 Independent Project (4 MCs)
    • CP4106 Computing Project (8 MCs)
    • other suitable modules approved by the Department of Computer Science;

At most 12 MCs of CP-coded independent project modules


CP3209 Undergraduate Research in Computing


CP4101 B.Comp. Dissertation (with research content)


IT Professionalism


IS1103 Ethics in Computing or IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy


CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals


ES2660 Communicating in the Information Age


Mathematics and Sciences


MA1521 Calculus for Computing2


MA1101R Linear Algebra I or MA2001 Linear Algebra I 


ST2334 Probability and Statistics3 and one Science Module4





Grand Total



1  Students taking CS2103T Software Engineering must take CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals in the same semester.

2 Students pursuing double degree in Computer Science and Mathematics/Applied Mathematics are recommended to replace MA1521 Calculus for Computing by MA1102R/MA2002 Calculus.

3 Students pursuing a double degree in Computer Science and Mathematics or Minor or Second Major in Mathematics/Statistics who take ST2131 Probability must also complete ST2132 Mathematical Statistics in place of ST2334 Probability and Statistics for CS fulfilment. If a student has already taken ST2131/MA2116/MA2216 that precludes ST2334, he/she will have to take ST2132 to fulfil the BComp(CS) degree requirements.

4 Students may take either a Physics, Chemistry or Life-Science course as a Science course. Please refer to Appendix B at this link.

Students without A-level or H2 Mathematics are required to complete the bridging module MA1301/X as part of the Unrestricted Electives.

For more details, please visit:

The Bachelor of Computing in Information Security aims to:

  • To provide a broad-based, inter-disciplinary information security undergraduate programme within NUS
  • To contribute to the national focus on growing the pool of cyber security professionals in Singapore.
  • To produce graduates who are able to understand information security issues and practices from both technical and organisational points of view.

Degree Requirements

Table 4: Summary of degree requirements for Bachelor of Computing (Information Security)










Computing Foundation



CS1010 Programming Methodology 2


CS1231S Discrete Structures


CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms


CS2100 Computer Organisation


CS2102 Database Systems


CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks


CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems


CS2113T Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Programming 3


IS3103 Information Systems Leadership and Communication


Information Security Requirements


CS2107 Introduction to Information Security


IFS4205 Information Security Capstone Project; or
(CS4238 Computer Security Practice and IFS4103 Penetration Testing Practice)


CS3235 Introduction to Computer Security


IS4231 Information Security Management


Programme Electives
Complete 12 MCs from the following list of modules:
CS3236 Introduction to Information Theory
CS4230 Foundations of Modern Cryptography
CS4236 Cryptography Theory and Practice; or
MA4261 Coding and Cryptography
CS4238 Computer Security Practices
CS4239 Software Security
CS4257 Algorithmic Foundations of Privacy
CS4276 IoT Security
CS5231 Systems Security
CS5321 Network Security
CS5322 Database Security
CS5331 Web Security
CS5332 Biometric Authentication
IS4204 IT Governance
IFS4101 Legal Aspects of Information Security
IFS4102 Digital Forensics
IFS4103 Penetration Testing Practice
IS4233 Legal Aspects of Information Technology
IS4234 Compliance and Regulation Technology/ Governance, Regulation, and Compliance Technology 
IS4238 Strategic Cybersecurity 
IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Other modules approved by the SoC UG Office


Computing Breadth


Complete 8 MCs of CP-coded, CS-coded or IS-coded modules at level-3000 or above.


Industrial Experience Requirement


IT Professionalism


IS1103 Ethics in Computing or IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy


CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals




MA1101R Linear Algebra I or MA2001 Linear Algebra I


MA1521 Calculus for Computing


ST2334 Probability and Statistics4






Grand Total



 1  For students who opt for NOC, the additional MCs beyond the 12-MCs allocated to Industry Experience Requirement should be taken from Unrestricted Electives and/or exempted modules.

 CS1010 can be replaced by CS1101S Programming Methodology.

 3  Students taking CS2113T Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming must take CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals in the same semester.

 4 If a student has taken (ST2131 or MA2216 or MA2116) and ST2132, then the student does not need to take ST2334.

 5  Students without A-level Mathematics are required to complete MA1301 or MA1301X Introductory Mathematics as part of the Unrestricted Electives.

For more details, please visit:

The Bachelor of Computing in Information Security aims to:

  • To provide a broad-based, inter-disciplinary information security undergraduate programme within NUS
  • To contribute to the national focus on growing the pool of cyber security professionals in Singapore.
  • To produce graduates who are able to understand information security issues and practices from both technical and organisational points of view.

Under the NUS Co-operative Education Programme scheme, students will interleave work and study. A total of 64 weeks will be spent on internship.  The three stages of internship are as follows:

  • First Internship: special term of Year 1 (approx. 12 weeks)
  • Second Internship: semester 2 and special term of Year 2 (approx. 24 weeks)
  • Third Internship: either semester 2 and special term of Year 3 OR special term of Year 3 and semester 1 of Year 4 (approx. 28 weeks)

Degree Requirements

Table 5: Summary of degree requirements for Bachelor of Computing (Information Security) – Co-operative Education Programme










Computing Foundation



CS1010 Programming Methodology 1


CS1231S Discrete Structures


CS2040C Data Structures and Algorithms


CS2100 Computer Organisation


CS2102 Database Systems


CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks


CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems


CS2113T Software Engineering and Object-Oriented Programming2


IS3103 Information Systems Leadership and Communication


Information Security Requirements


CS2107 Introduction to Information Security


CS3235 Introduction to Computer Security


IFS4201 Information Security Industry Capstone Project


IS4231 Information Security Management


Programme Electives
Complete 12 MCs from the following list of modules:
CS3236    Introduction to Information Theory
CS4230 Foundations of Modern Cryptography
CS4236    Cryptography Theory and Practice;
MA4261 Coding and Cryptography
CS4238    Computer Security Practice
CS4239    Software Security
CS4257    Algorithmic Foundations of Privacy
CS4276    IoT Security
CS5231    Systems Security
CS5321    Network Security
CS5322    Database Security
CS5331    Web Security
IS4204     IT Governance
CS5332    Biometric Authentication
IFS4101   Legal Aspects of Information Security
IFS4102   Digital Forensics
IFS4103   Penetration Testing Practice
IS4233     Legal Aspects of Information Technology
IS4234     Compliance and Regulation Technology/ Governance, Regulation, and Compliance Technology 
IS4238     Strategic Cybersecurity 
IS4302     Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
Other courses approved by the SoC UG Office


Computing Breadth


Complete 8 MCs of CP-coded, CS-coded or IS-coded modules at level-3000 or above.


Industrial Experience Requirement3


CP3880 Advanced Technology Attachment Programme (Internship II)


Co-operative Scheme Additional Requirements 


IFS2200  Information Security Immersion Programme


IFS4202  Information Security Practicum Programme


IT Professionalism


IS1103 Ethics in Computing or IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy


CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals




MA1101R Linear Algebra I or MA2001 Linear Algebra I


MA1521 Calculus for Computing


ST2334 Probability and Statistics4






Grand Total



 1  CS1010 can be replaced by CS1101S Programming Methodology.

2  Students taking CS2113T Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming must take CS2101 Effective Communication for Computing Professionals in the same semester.

3  For students who opt for NOC programme, the additional MCs beyond the 12-MCs allocated to Industry Experience Requirement should be taken from Unrestricted Electives and/or exempted modules.

4 If a student has taken (ST2131 or MA2216 or MA2116) and ST2132, then the student does not need to take ST2334.

5  Students without A-level Mathematics are required to complete MA1301 or MA1301X Introductory Mathematics as part of the Unrestricted Electives

For more details, please visit:

The four-year IS programme provides a stimulating education that equips students with the ability to integrate infocomm technology fundamentals with domain expertise to develop innovative solutions for organisations. Through projects and case studies that are aligned with industry best practices, students will develop an in-depth understanding of the strategic exploitation of infocomm technology in emerging organisational forms. Students become proficient in the design and development of infocomm solutions and the management of infocomm projects. Such skills are vital in helping students develop careers that are being emphasised in the National Infocomm Media 2025 masterplan, such as techno-strategist, solution architect, and infocomm project manager.

Students can also take a specialisation in Digital Product and Platform Management, Financial Technology or Artificial Intelligence (AI) System Solutioning. 

Degree Requirements

Table 6: Summary of degree requirements for Bachelor of Computing (Information Systems)

Modules MCs Sub
Core Modules 72  
CS1010J Programming Methodology 4  
CS1231 Discrete Structures or BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics 4  
IS1103 Ethics in Computing or IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy 4  
IS2101 Business and Technical Communication 4  
CS2030 Programming Methodology II 4  
CS2040 Data Structures and Algorithms 4  
CS2102 Database Systems or BT2102 Database Management and Visualization 4  
CS2105 Introduction to Computer Networks or IS3107 Data Engineering^^ 4  
IS2102 Enterprise Systems Architecture and Design 4  
IS2103 Enterprise Systems Server-side Design and Development 4  
IS3103 Digital Transformation and Leadership Communication (old: Information Systems Leadership and Communication) 4  
IS3106 Enterprise Systems Interface Design and Development 4  
IS4100 IT Project Management or IS4301 Agile IT with DevOps&& 4  
IS4103 Information Systems Capstone Project 8  
MA1301/X Introductory Mathematics1 4  
MA1312 Calculus with Applications or
MA1521 Calculus for Computing 2 or
MA2002 Calculus
ST2334 Probability and Statistics 3 4  
Programme Electives (PE) 24  

Choose 6 modules to make up 24 MCs from the list of Programme Electives below. 3 of the 6 modules must be at level-4000.

Digital Business
IS3150 Digital Media Marketing
IS3240 Digital Platform Strategy and Architecture
IS3261 Mobile Apps Development for Enterprise
IS4151 AIoT Solutions and Development
IS4262 Digital Product Management

Financial Technology
IS4226 Systematic Trading Strategies and Systems
IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services
IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
IS4303 IT-Mediated Financial Solutions and Platforms

IT Solutioning
BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
BT4014 Analytics Driven Design of Adaptive Systems
BT4221 Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies (old: Big Data Techniques and Technologies)
CS3240 Interaction Design
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
IS3107 Data Engineering^^
IS3221 ERP Systems with Analytics Solutions
IS4100 IT Project Management
IS4204 IT Governance
IS4234 Compliance and Regulation Technology/ Governance, Regulation, and Compliance Technology 
IS4236 Cloud Services and Infrastructure Management
IS4243 Information Systems Consulting
IS4246 Smart Systems and AI Governance
IS4248 Digital Business and the Metaverse
IS4250 IT-enabled Healthcare Solutioning
IS4301 Agile IT with DevOps &&

IT Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship
IS3251 Principles of Technology Entrepreneurship
IS4152 Affective Computing
IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis
IS4242 Intelligent Systems and Techniques
IS4261 Designing Tech Business Innovations
IS5002 Digital Transformation4
IS5128 Digital Innovation4

IT Security and Legal Aspects
CS2107 Introduction to Information Security
IFS4101 Legal Aspects of Information Security
IS4231 Information Security Management
IS4233 Legal Aspects of Information Technology
IS4238 Strategic Cybersecurity

Specialisations (20 MCs)
Students may choose to read one or more specialisations for the BComp (Information Systems) programme.  In the case of common modules between these specialisations, the extent of double counting should be no more than 8 MCs among the specialisation(s).  Some of the modules require pre-requisites from outside this list. To ensure academic integrity of NUS specialisations, at least 60% of the Specialisation requirements to be earned from courses read at NUS. Students must have the pre-requisites to take them. In the case of  (i) Digital Innovation Specialisation and (ii) Digital Product and Platform Management Specialisation, students can only choose one of them.

To be awarded the Digital Innovation Specialisation, students must satisfy the followings:
Set I (do any 2 modules) 5:
IS3240 Digital Platform Strategy and Architecture
IS3251 Principles of Technology Entrepreneurship
IS4261 Designing IT-Enabled Business Innovations

Set II (select any 3 modules):
BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
IS3150 Digital Media Marketing 
IS3261 Mobile Apps Development for Enterprise 
IS4152 Affective Computing
IS4204 IT Governance 
IS4233 Legal Aspects of Information Technology
IS4242 Intelligent Systems and Techniques 
IS4243 Information Systems Consulting
IS4262 Digital Product Management
IS5002 Digital Transformation**
IS5128 Digital Innovation**

To be awarded the Digital Product and Platform Management, students must satisfy the followings:
Set I (Select any 2 modules)5:
IS3240 Digital Platform Strategy and Architecture
IS4261 Designing IT-enabled Business Innovations
IS4262 Digital Product Management

Set II (Select any 3 modules):
IS3150 Digital Media Marketing
IS4100 IT Project Management
IS4234 Compliance and Regulation Technology/ Governance, Regulation, and Compliance Technology
IS4236 Cloud Services and Infrastructure Management
IS4243 Information Systems Consulting
IS4250 IT-enabled Healthcare Solutioning
IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

To be awarded the Electronic Commerce Specialisation, students must satisfy the followings:
Set I (Select any 2 modules)5:
IS3150 Digital Media Marketing
IS4151 AIoT Solutions and Development
IS4261 Designing IT-enabled Business Innovations

Set II (Select any 3 modules):
IS3107 Data Engineering
IS3240 Digital Platform Strategy and Architecture
IS3261 Mobile Apps Development for Enterprise
IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services
IS4231 Information Security Management
IS4242 Intelligent Systems and Techniques
IS4243 Information Systems Consulting

To be awarded the Financial Technology Specialisation, students must satisfy the followings:
Set I (Select any 2 modules)5:
IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services
IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
IS4303 IT-Mediated Financial Solutions and Platforms

Set II (Select any 3 modules):
BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
IS3107 Data Engineering
IS3221 ERP Systems with Analytics Solutions
IS4226 Systematic Trading Strategies and Systems
IS4231 Information Security Management
IS4233 Legal Aspects of Information Technology
IS4234 Compliance and Regulation Technology/ Governance, Regulation, and Compliance Technology
IS4242 Intelligent Systems and Techniques
IS5002 Digital Transformation4

To be awarded the Intelligent Systems Solutioning Specialisation, students must satisfy the followings: 
Set I (Select any 2 modules)5:
BT4014 Analytics Driven Design of Adaptive Systems
IS4242 Intelligent Systems and Techniques
IS4246 Smart Systems and AI Governance

 Set II (Select any 3 modules):
BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
IS3221 ERP Systems with Analytics Solutions
IS4151 AIoT Solutions and Development
IS4152 Affective Computing
IS4243 Information Systems Consulting
IS4248 Digital Business and the Metaverse

All modules are
4 MCs modules.
CP4101 B.Comp. Dissertation or IS4010 Industry Internship Programme 6 12  
Grand Total   160

^^:  If students have taken IS3107 in place of CS2105 as core, it cannot be double counted as programme elective.
&&:  If students have taken IS4301 and not IS4100, they are not required to take IS4100 as a required module and IS4301 can be considered as a fulfilment to a core module requirement. However, IS4301 cannot at the same time considered as a fulfilment of the programme elective and/or specialization requirement. For students in the cohort AY 2020/21 and before, if they have taken IS4100 but not IS4301, they can still take IS4301 and consider IS4301 as a programme elective.

1 MA1301/X is waived for students with A-level Mathematics. The 4 MCs gained from the waiver are added to the MCs for Unrestricted Electives. Students on double degree programmes who possess A-level Mathematics or its equivalent are not required to replace the missing MCs for MA1301/X with unrestricted electives.
2 MA1521 to be chosen if student wants to keep the option of switching to the Computer Science stream.
3 If a student has taken (ST2131 or MA2216 or MA2116) and ST2132, then the student does not need to take ST2334.
4 The module registration for these two graduate level modules is done offline.
5Students can choose to do all courses from Set I and count them towards Set II to fulfil the course requirement for the specialisation.
6 Students can choose to take on any current 12 MCs or more internship-related programmes within the School of Computing (e.g., CP3880 Advanced Technology Attachment Programme (ATAP)) and/or within NUS (e.g., TR3202 Start-up Internship Programme from the NUS Overseas College (NOC) programme in place of IS4010 Industry Internship Programme to satisfy the industry experience requirement).
7 Students are encouraged to use their unrestricted electives to take modules that will build up their business domain knowledge. Having a strong knowledge of a business domain will provide IS graduates a favorable advantage in employment opportunity in the industry.

For more details, please visit:

The Bachelor of Science (Business Analytics) degree programme is an inter-disciplinary undergraduate degree programme offered by the School of Computing with participation from the Business School, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. This is a four-year direct honours programme which offers a common two-year broad-based inter-disciplinary curriculum where all students will read modules in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Accounting, Marketing, Decision Science, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems. Students in their third and fourth years of study may choose elective modules from two lists of either functional or methodological elective modules. Functional elective modules span business functions or sectors of marketing, retailing, logistics, healthcare, etc. Methodological elective modules include those related to big data techniques, statistics, text mining, data mining, social network analysis, econometrics, forecasting, operations research, etc. In sum, these elective modules span the most exciting and challenging areas of business analytics practice in the industry today.

Students under the NUS co-operative education programme will need to take BT4011 Business Analytics Capstone Industry Project rather than BT4101. Note that the BT4101 project selection process takes place one semester ahead of the semester in which the students commence BT4101. Thus the students can tentatively select BT4101 projects; but the condition “CAP of 4.00 or higher after completing at least 70% (112 MCs) of the MC requirement for the degree programme” must be satisfied before they can commence BT4101 in lieu of IS4010.

Degree Requirements

Table 7: Summary of degree requirements for Bachelor of Science (Business Analytics)

Modules MCs Sub
Core Modules 72  
BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics 4  
CS1010S Programming Methodology 4  
EC1301 Principles of Economics1 4  
IS1103 Ethics in Computing or IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy 4  
MA1311 Matrix Algebra, or MA1522 Linear Algebra for Computing or MA2001 Linear Algebra I2 4  
MA1521 Calculus for Computing, or MA1102R/MA2002 Calculus2 4  
MKT1705X Principles of Marketing 4  
BT2101 Decision Making Methods and Tools or
BT2101 Econometrics Modeling for Business Analytics
BT2102 Data Management and Visualisation 4  
CS2030 Programming Methodology I 4  
CS2040 Data Structures and Algorithms 4  
IS2101 Business and Technical Communication 4  
ST2334 Probability and Statistics3 4  
BT3102 Computational Methods for Business Analytics 4  
BT3103 Application Systems Development for Business Analytics 4  
IS3103 Information Systems Leadership and Communication 4  
BT4103 Business Analytics Capstone Project 8  
Programme Electives (PE) 24  

Option 1:
Choose 6 modules to make up 24 MCs from Lists A, B and C, with at least 2 modules each from Lists A and B. 5 of 6 modules must be at level-4000.

List A (Business Applications):
DBA3712 Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management
IE3120 Manufacturing Logistics
IS3240 Digital Platform Strategy and Architecture
BT4013 Analytics for Capital Market Trading and Investment
BT4016 Risk Analytics for Financial Services
BT4211 Data-Driven Marketing
BT4212 Search Engine Optimization and Analytics
DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis
IS4242 Intelligent Systems and Techniques
IS4250 Healthcare Analytics
IS4262 Digital Product Management
MKT4812 Marketing Analytics

List B (Analytics Methods):
IE2110 Operations Research I 4, or DBA3701 Introduction To Optimisation
BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS3244 Machine Learning
DBA3803 Predictive Analytics in Business
ST3131 Regression Analysis
BSE4711 Econometrics for Business II
BT4012 Fraud Analytics
BT4015 Geospatial Analytics
BT4221 Big Data Techniques and Technologies/ Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies
BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
BT4240 Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics
BT4241 Causal Impact Analytics for Business Applications
IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis
IE4210 Operations Research II
ST4245 Statistical Methods for Finance

List C (Technology Implementation):
IS3107 Data Engineering
IS3221 Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
IS3261 Mobile Solutions Design and Development
BT4014 Analytics Driven Design of Adaptive Systems
IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services
IS4234 Compliance and Regulation Technology/ Governance, Regulation, and Compliance Technology 
IS4246 Smart Systems and AI Governance
IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

Specialisations (20 MCs):
Students may choose to read one or more specialisations for the BSc(Business Analytics) programme.  In the case of common modules between these specialisations, the extent of double counting should be no more than 8 MCs among the specialisations. To ensure academic integrity of NUS specialisations, at least 60% of the Specialisation requirements to be earned from courses read at NUS.

Some of the courses require pre-requisites from outside this list. Students must have the pre-requisites to take them.

To be awarded the Financial Analytics Specialisation, students must satisfy the followings:
Set I (select any 2 modules)6:
• BT4013 Analytics for Capital Market Trading and Investment
• BT4016 Risk Analytics for Financial Services
• IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services

Set II (select any 3 modules):
• BT4012 Fraud Analytics
• BT4221 Big Data Techniques and Technologies/ Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies
• BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
• IS3107 Data Engineering
• IS4226 Systematic Trading Strategies and Systems
• IS4234 Compliance and Regulation Technology
• IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

To be awarded the Marketing Analytics Specialisation, students must satisfy the followings:
Set I (select any 2 modules)6:
• BT4211 Data-Driven Marketing
• BT4212 Search Engine Optimization and Analytics
• BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights

Set II (select any 3 modules):
• BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
• BT4014 Analytics Driven Design of Adaptive Systems
• BT4015 Geospatial Analytics
• BT4221 Big Data Techniques and Technologies/ Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies
• IS3107 Data Engineering
• IS3240 Digital Platform Strategy and Architecture
• IS4234 Compliance and Regulation Technology
• IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis

To be awarded the Machine Learning-based Analytics Specialisation, students must satisfy the followings:
Set I
 (Select any 2 modules)6
• BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
• BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
• IS4242 Intelligent Systems and Techniques

Set II (Select any 3 modules): 
• BT4012 Fraud Analytics
• BT4221 Big Data Techniques and Technologies/ Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies
• BT4240 Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics
• BT4301 Business Analytics Solutions Development and

• CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
• CS3244 Machine Learning
• IS3107 Data Engineering
• IS4246 Smart Systems and AI Governance

All modules
are 4 MCs.
BT4101 BSc Dissertation or IS4010 Industry Internship Programme7 12  
Grand Total   160

1 Students have done EC1101E Introduction to Economic Analysis can use it to replace EC1301.
2 Students are encouraged to take these MA module options should they wish to pursue a more rigorous treatment of the subject topics covered.
3 For students taking Second Major in Statistics, they can replace ST2334 with ST2131 to meet first major requirement. For students taking the Second Major in Mathematics, they can replace ST2334 with both ST2131 and ST2132 to meet first major requirement. The MCs for ST2132 come from Unrestricted Electives. For students taking the minor in Mathematics, they can replace ST2334 with ST2131 and take ST2132 as an unrestricted elective to meet first major requirement.
4 Students are encouraged to take IE2110 should they wish to choose IE4210 as an elective module.
5 Students who are doing or contemplating to do minor/second major requiring ST3131 such as Statistics which has more than allowed overlap cannot double count ST3131 towards fulfilling the BSc (BA) programme elective requirement.
6 Students can choose to do all three modules from Set I and count one of them towards Set II to fulfil the module requirement for the specialisation.
7 Students can choose to take on any current 12 MCs or more internship-related programmes within the School of Computing (e.g., CP3880 Advanced Technology Attachment Programme (ATAP)) and/or within NUS (e.g., TR3203 Start-up Internship Programme from the NUS Overseas College (NOC) programme in place of IS4010 Industry Internship Programme to satisfy the industry experience requirement.

For more details, please visit:

Degree Requirements

Table 8: Summary of degree requirements for Bachelor of Science (Business Analytics) – Co-operative Education Programme

Modules MCs Sub
Core Modules 64  
BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics 4  
CS1010S Programming Methodology 4  
CS2030 Programming Methodology I 4  
EC1301 Principles of Economics1 4  
IS1103 Ethics in Computing or IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy 4  
MA1311 Matrix Algebra, or MA1101R/MA2001 Linear Algebra I2 4  
MA1521 Calculus for Computing, or MA1102R/MA2002 Calculus2 4  
MKT1705X Principles of Marketing 4  
BT2101 Decision Making Methods and Tools or
BT2101 Econometrics Modeling for Business Analytics
BT2102 Data Management and Visualisation 4  
CS2040 Data Structures and Algorithms 4  
IS2101 Business and Technical Communication 4  
ST2334 Probability and Statistics2a 4  
BT3102 Computational Methods for Business Analytics 4  
BT3103 Application Systems Development for Business Analytics 4  
IS3103 Information Systems Leadership and Communication 4  
Programme Electives (PE) 24  

Choose 6 modules to make up 24 MCs from both List A and List B, with at least 2 modules from each list. 5 of 6 modules must be at 4000 level.

List A (Business Applications):
DBA3712 Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management
IE3120 Manufacturing Logistics
IS3240 Digital Platform Strategy and Architecture
BT4013 Analytics for Capital Market Trading and Investment
BT4016 Risk Analytics for Financial Services
BT4211 Data-Driven Marketing
BT4212 Search Engine Optimization and Analytics
DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis
IS4250 IT-enabled Healthcare Solutioning
IS4262 Digital Product Management
MKT4812 Marketing Analytics

List B (Analytical Methods):
IE2110 Operations Research I3, or DBA3701 Introduction To Optimisation
BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS3244 Machine Learning
DBA3803 Predictive Analytics in Business
BSE4711 Econometrics for Business II
BT4012 Fraud Analytics
BT4015 Geospatial Analytics
BT4221 Big Data Techniques and Technologies/ Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies
BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
BT4240 Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics
IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis
IE4210 Operations Research II
ST3131 Regression Analysis 3a
ST4245 Statistical Methods for Finance

List C (Technology Implementation):
IS3107 Data Engineering
IS3221 ERP Systems with Analytics Solutions
IS3261 Mobile Apps Development for Enterprise
BT4014 Analytics Driven Design of Adaptive Systems
IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services
IS4234 Compliance and Regulation Technology
IS4246 Smart Systems and AI Governance
IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

Specialisations (20 MCs):
Students may choose to read one or more specialisations for the BSc(Business Analytics) programme.  In the case of common modules between these specialisations, the extent of double counting should be no more than 8 MCs among the specialisations. To ensure academic integrity of NUS specialisations, at least 60% of the Specialisation requirements to be earned from courses read at NUS.

To be awarded the Financial Analytics Specialisation, students must satisfy the followings:
Set I (select any 2 modules)4:
• BT4013 Analytics for Capital Market Trading and Investment
• BT4016 Risk Analytics for Financial Services
• IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services

Set II (select any 3 modules):
• BT4012 Fraud Analytics
• BT4221 Big Data Techniques and Technologies/ Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies
• BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
• IS3107 Data Engineering
• IS4226 Systematic Trading Strategies and Systems
• IS4234 Compliance and Regulation Technology
• IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies

To be awarded the Marketing Analytics Specialisation, students must satisfy the followings:
Set I (select any 2 modules)4:
• BT4211 Data-Driven Marketing
• BT4212 Search Engine Optimization and Analytics
• BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights

Set II (select any 3 modules):
• BT3017 Faeture Engineering for Machine Learning
• BT4014 Analytics Driven Design of Adaptive Systems
• BT4015 Geospatial Analytics
• BT4221 Big Data Techniques and Technologies/ Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies
• IS3107 Data Engineering
• IS3240 Digital Platform Strategy and Architecture
• IS4234 Compliance and Regulation Technology
• IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis

To be awarded the Machine Learning-based Analytics Specialisation, students must satisfy the followings:
Set I
 (Select any 2 modules)4
• BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
• BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
• IS4242 Intelligent Systems and Techniques

Set II (Select any 3 modules):
• BT4012 Fraud Analytics
• BT4221 Big Data Techniques and Technologies/ Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies
• BT4240 Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics
• BT4301 Business Analytics Solutions Development and Deployment
• CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
• CS3244 Machine Learning
• IS3107 Data Engineering
• IS4246 Smart Systems and AI Governance

All modules
are 4 MCs.
Co-op Internship Scheme 32  
BT2010    Business Analytics Immersion Programme  6  
BT4010    Business Analytics Internship Programme5 12  
BT4011     Business Analytics Capstone Industry Project 14  
Grand Total   160

1  Students have done EC1101E Introduction to Economic Analysis can use it to replace EC1301.

2  Students are encouraged to take these MA module options should they wish to pursue a more rigorous treatment of the subject topics covered.

2a If a student has taken (ST2131 or MA2216 or MA2116) and ST2132, then the student does not need to take ST2334.

3  Students are encouraged to take IE2110 should they wish to choose IE4210 as an elective module.

3a Students who are doing or contemplating to do minor/second major requiring ST3131 such as Statistics which has more than allowed overlap cannot double count ST3131 towards fulfilling the BSc (BA) programme elective requirement.

4 Students can choose to do all three modules from Set I and count one of them towards Set II to fulfil the module requirement for the specialisation.

5  BT4010 is equivalent to IS4010 (which is offered in regular programme).

For more details, please visit:

For details on curriculum and degree requirements, please visit: