NUS Bulletin AY2021/22

School of Design and Environment

The College of Design and Engineering (CDE) came into existence on 1 January 2022 from the merger of the Faculty of Engineering (FoE) and the School of Design and Environment (SDE). Do check for the latest on CDE’s programmes.

Research Programmes

The research programmes offered in the School of Design and Environment are as follows:

  • Master of Arts (Architecture)
  • Master of Arts (Industrial Design)
  • Master of Science (Building)
  • Doctor of Philosophy

Master’s Degree by Research

  • Minimum CAP of 3.00 for all four modules (or 16 modular credits equivalent) taken under coursework requirements
  • “Satisfactory” grade in graduate seminar module
  • Satisfactory Grade of “C” or better in English Language Course (Intermediate Level), if the student is required to take the graduate English Language Course
  • Pass in Master’s thesis

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

  • Minimum CAP of 3.50 for all six modules (or 24 modular credits equivalent) taken under coursework requirements
  • “Satisfactory” grade in doctoral seminar module
  • Satisfactory Grade of “C” or better in English Language Course (Advanced Level), if the student is required to take the graduate English Language Course
  • Pass in Qualifying Examination (includes a Comprehensive Written Examination and a closed door oral defence)
  • Pass in PhD Thesis and Oral Examination

For Financial Assistance & Scholarships, please visit

Medals and book prizes are awarded only once in the academic year, after the Semester 2 Examination. In all instances, a prize-winner must be of sufficient merit. He/She must have passed all modules attempted and must be a good overall student. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.

For a full list of the medals and prizes for SDE students, please visit