NUS Bulletin AY2021/22

Faculty of Science

Coursework Programmes

Please refer here

  • Complete 40 Modular Credits (MCs) for modules of level 4000 and above with a minimum CAP of 3.00.
  • At most 8 MCs are of level 4000.
  • A student will be issued a warning if
    • His/her CAP falls below 3.00 but above 2.50 for the first time
  • A student will be placed on probation if
    • His/her CAP falls below 2.50 for the first time
    • His/her CAP falls below 3.00 but above 2.50 for two consecutive semesters
  • A student will be dismissed if
    • His/her CAP falls below 2.50 for two consecutive semesters
    • His/her CAP falls below 3.00 for three consecutive semesters