College of Design and Engineering
The College of Design and Engineering (CDE) came into existence on 1 January 2022 from the merger of the Faculty of Engineering (FoE) and the School of Design and Environment (SDE). Do check for the latest on CDE’s programmes.
Coursework Programmes
Aimed at working professionals, our coursework (taught) programmes are designed for university graduates who wish to advance their knowledge and careers in their chosen fields of specialisation.
Admission for a Masters' programme requires a Bachelor’s degree with honours or its equivalent from a good University, in an area related to the intended programme of study; or a Bachelor’s degree with a relevant NUS Graduate Certificate with a minimum CAP as imposed by the Host Department of the intended programme of study. Candidates should preferably have had a period of relevant work experience after obtaining their first degree. Candidates with other qualifications and achievements deemed to be suitably prepared for the programme of study may also be considered.
Coursework programmes of study, well chosen, enhance future career prospects and have been a vital part of many of our students’ career plans.
- Graduate Diploma in Architectural Conservation
- Master of Architecture
- Master of Arts in Architectural Conservation
- Master of Arts (Urban Design)
- Master of Landscape Architecture
- Master of Science (Biomedical Engineering)
- Master of Science (Building Performance and Sustainability)
- Master of Science (Chemical Engineering)
- Master of Science (Civil Engineering)
- Master of Science (Computer Engineering)
- Master of Science (Electrical Engineering)
- Master of Science (Environmental Engineering)
- Master of Science (Environmental Management)
- Master of Science (Energy Systems)
- Master of Science (Integrated Sustainable Design)
- Master of Science (Industrial & Systems Engineering)
- Master of Science (Management of Technology and Innovation)
- Master of Science (Maritime Technology and Management)
- Master of Science (Materials Science and Engineering)
- Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering)
- Master of Science (Project Management)
- Master of Science (Safety, Health and Environmental Technology)
- Master of Science (Supply Chain Management)
- Master of Urban Planning
Masters by coursework programmes are normally conducted in the evenings and are awarded once the candidates pass the relevant examinations in a prescribed number of subjects. Students may enrol in any of these programmes on a part-time or full-time basis. However, International candidates who are not long-term residents of Singapore at the time of application are only eligible to apply for the full-time MSc programmes, and if offered admission, they are to be registered as full-time students.
Typically the study workload for students are as follow:
- Classes: Normally take 2 modules each semester (i.e. generally attend lectures 2 evenings per week).#
- Maximum workload per semester:12 MCs*
- Period of candidature
- Minimum residency: 50% of required MCs
- Normal Course Duration: 5 semesters / 2.5 years
- Maximum candidature: 8 semesters / 4 years
- Classes: Normally take 3-5 modules each semester (i.e. generally attend lectures between 3-5 evenings per week)#
- Maximum workload per semester: 16 – 20 MCs*
- Period of candidature
- Minimum residency: 50% of required MCs
- Normal Course Duration: 3 semesters / 1.5 years
- Maximum candidature: 4 semesters / 2 years
*A graduate module is normally equivalent to 4 MCs. A 4-MC module would normally require 10 hours of work a week, including lectures, tutorials, laboratory sessions, assignments, and independent or group study. Refer to NUS modular system here.
# Candidates who intend to take more than or fewer than the prescribed number of modular credits in a given Semester should seek approval from the respective Heads of Departments within the first two Instructional weeks of that Semester.
Graduate classes (including lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions) are usually conducted in the evenings from 6.00 pm to 9.00 pm from Mondays to Fridays.
For students eligible for MOE subsidised fees, please note that the Tuition fee subsidy is only for the duration of their normal candidature duration (this is different from maximum candidature period), non-subsidised fees apply thereafter.
A student pursuing a Master’s degree by coursework must achieve a minimum CAP of 3.0 to be eligible for graduation. Details are described in the degree requirements of each respective programmes.
Medals and book prizes are awarded only once in the academic year, after the Semester 2 Examination. In all instances, a prize-winner must be of sufficient merit. He/She must have passed all modules attempted and must be a good overall student. No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
For a full list of the medals and prizes for CDE students, please visit