NUS Bulletin AY2022/23

NUS Graduate School

Graduate Education

Why pursue a PhD?

  • Enables you to tackle difficult challenges in exciting research areas
  • Deepens your knowledge base, and broadens your horizons
  • Affords enhanced job prospects in our global knowledge-based economy

Why choose ISEP?

  • ISEP: flexible and student-centred.
  • All ISEP students have the opportunity to transcend traditional discipline boundaries, and apply their knowledge and skills in novel ways.
  • ISEP PhD supervisors have been carefully selected on the basis of strong publication record, commitment to graduate education, and an interest in tackling tough research problems in innovative ways.  Our supervisors make ISEP special.
  • Students can conduct their research with supervisors from two (or more) different fields. Multiple supervisory combinations, that cross faculties and/or involve individuals working in NUS and in the research institutes, are possible.
  • ISEP offers a unique core curriculum with emphasis on cross-disciplinary learning, in combination with elective modules, that can be tailored to/by each student according to one’s interests and needs.
  • Students can explore venturing into entirely new fields of study to enhance their critical thinking skills, and design their PhD projects in interesting ways.
  • The ISEP research environment is vibrant, intensive, and multi-cultural.

ISEP is looking for students who:

  • possess a keen interest in integrative research
  • enjoy taking an analytical approach to problems
  • seek to deepen their knowledge
  • are curious about major issues in related subject areas
  • will adhere to the highest ethical standards in research
  • appreciate the importance of developing excellent communication skills
  • can function well as part of a team
  • will serve as role models to future generations of researchers

ISEP offers the following full-time graduate degree by research:

  • Doctor of Philosophy (in Integrative Sciences and Engineering)

ISEP encourages trans-disciplinary research across Science, Engineering, Computing and Bio-medicine.

Please visit the for the broad spectrum of research disciplines we cover, as well as to search for the particular research area(s), project(s) or advisor(s) of your interest.

Click on “Show Results” without entering any search criteria to view the full list of ISEP advisors from NUS and A*STAR Research Institutes.

In addition, we offer “Data Science” specialisation via our PhD (Data Science) programme. Please visit for details.

Please visit for most current information on

  • Coursework Requirements, comprising
    • Coursework
    • Laboratory Rotations
    • Diagnostic English Test (DET) for international stuents whose undergraduate degrees are not taught in English
  • Teaching Hours
    • for Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents
  • Graduate Assistantship Programme
    • for international students
  • Credit Transfers
  • Academic Performance Criteria During PhD candidature
  • Grading System
  • Research Supervision incluing Nomination of Research Supervisor
  • Thesis Defence and Thesis Advisory Committee

Students who are offered a place in our School will be offered a scholarship, either through

  • ISEP Scholarship (ISEPS)
  • A*STAR Graduate Scholarship (AGS)

For information on these scholarships, visit

For university-wide scholarship and financial assistance, visit respectively

Contact Information


Contact Email Address

Corporate Relation



Student Communication

Alumni Matters

Location / Address:

NUS Graduate School - Integrative Sciences and Engineering Programme (ISEP)

University Hall, Tan Chin Tuan Wing Level 04, #05-03

21 Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119077

Contact Number: 
+65 6516 1480