NUS Bulletin AY2024/25

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Coursework Programmes

The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy offers four Master degree programmes.

  1. The Master in Public Policy (MPP):
    This academically rigorous two-year degree programme is targeted at pre- and early-career professionals with an interest in public affairs. MPP students are exposed to an analytical toolkit from the economics, political science and management disciplines and, upon graduation, will be ready to pursue a variety of careers in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. Students attending the MPP programme will get the chance to enrol in double degree programmes the School has established with its partners in the Global Public Policy Network (GPPN) – Columbia University’s School of lnternational and Public Affairs, the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Sciences Po, Paris.
  2. The Master in Public Administration (MPA):
    This management-centric one-year degree programme is targeted at mid-career professionals who are looking to boost their career potential. Drawing on the strengths of a traditional public policy education, the MPA prepares students for the challenges involved in taking on a managerial or leadership position in a variety of public, private and not-for-profit organisations.
  3. The Master in International Affairs (MIA):
    The two-year full-time programme furthers the school’s mission of educating current and future generations of leaders to improve the level of governance in Asia. The programme brings Asia’s role as a key influencer in world affairs to the forefront.  The MIA programme provides students with a strong foundation in both theoretical frameworks and practical knowledge of multi-disciplinary subfields of international relations, together with an immersive experience in Asia.
  4. The Master in Public Administration and Management (MPAM):
    The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy offer a Master in Public Administration and Management (MPAM) programme taught in Chinese to train public service professionals and Chinese State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) executives. MPAM graduates will be equipped to perform in a wide variety of public service fields in all levels of government, in the international arena, and in the private sector.

For master programme and faculty-specific scholarship, please visit