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d=\"M 1.285156 79.019531 L 344 79.019531 L 344 348.046875 L 1.285156 348.046875 Z M 1.285156 79.019531 \" clip-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/clipPath><clipPath id=\"3b17824dda\"><path d=\"M 35.371094 26.238281 L 374.992188 26.238281 L 374.992188 208 L 35.371094 208 Z M 35.371094 26.238281 \" clip-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/clipPath><\/defs><g clip-path=\"url(#4aec1cb1f0)\"><path fill=\"#3b5672\" d=\"M 122.707031 325.261719 L 126.5 333.371094 L 126.5 344.316406 L 114.152344 347.019531 L 108.945312 345.925781 L 111.835938 333.566406 L 108.945312 327.128906 Z M 19.550781 329.058594 L 19.746094 333.695312 L 22.445312 342.511719 L 13.828125 348.046875 L 1.800781 343.734375 L 5.402344 328.996094 L 19.550781 328.996094 Z M 341.238281 305.886719 C 341.238281 308.203125 335.125 324.746094 335.125 324.746094 C 341.945312 334.59375 344.644531 340.195312 343.164062 341.613281 C 341.363281 343.347656 333.199219 338.523438 318.597656 327.0625 L 328.246094 305.242188 Z M 253.066406 316.316406 C 252.9375 321.398438 252.808594 326.484375 252.742188 331.632812 C 240.589844 342.964844 240.523438 345.667969 241.105469 346.503906 C 242.453125 348.5 251.265625 345.34375 256.667969 342.578125 C 260.527344 340.582031 263.355469 338.457031 265.285156 336.847656 C 264.640625 329.445312 264 321.980469 263.355469 314.578125 Z M 165.410156 91.351562 C 166.117188 88.710938 165.085938 87.746094 165.792969 85.625 C 166.886719 82.144531 171.195312 80.152344 174.027344 79.507812 C 182.386719 77.707031 189.589844 85.363281 190.875 86.652344 C 194.15625 90.0625 195.699219 93.730469 196.40625 95.984375 C 201.9375 98.238281 205.410156 103 205.023438 107.121094 C 204.445312 112.527344 196.855469 118.0625 187.789062 115.554688 C 182.515625 115.230469 177.308594 114.972656 172.03125 114.652344 C 170.746094 115.425781 168.6875 116.453125 166.117188 116.453125 C 157.433594 116.390625 150.230469 104.480469 152.484375 100.683594 C 153.640625 98.753906 156.339844 100.234375 160.714844 97.078125 C 162.066406 96.179688 164.574219 94.375 165.410156 91.351562 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/g><path fill=\"#ee4a46\" d=\"M 281.878906 114.457031 L 281.878906 117.546875 C 277.632812 117.546875 269.914062 118.128906 261.875 122.570312 C 254.671875 126.558594 250.941406 131.515625 245.925781 138.144531 C 239.109375 147.222656 233.835938 154.300781 235.445312 162.21875 C 236.152344 165.628906 237.953125 167.882812 241.617188 172.453125 C 246.957031 179.148438 252.550781 183.589844 256.472656 186.292969 C 256.988281 184.683594 258.082031 182.109375 260.398438 179.792969 C 261.296875 178.890625 262.199219 178.183594 263.035156 177.667969 C 261.234375 176.316406 257.375 173.03125 254.996094 167.367188 C 253.128906 162.796875 253.066406 158.742188 253.195312 156.492188 C 256.152344 153.464844 259.109375 150.375 262.070312 147.351562 C 263.933594 149.089844 269.65625 154.753906 271.136719 164.148438 C 272.167969 170.910156 270.492188 176.316406 269.464844 178.890625 C 275.703125 181.335938 285.09375 184.167969 296.734375 184.621094 C 305.15625 184.941406 312.359375 183.976562 317.828125 182.753906 C 316.992188 179.277344 316.285156 174.898438 316.285156 169.878906 C 316.285156 167.109375 316.476562 164.601562 316.734375 162.347656 C 318.085938 160.222656 319.5625 157.261719 320.59375 153.53125 C 322.457031 146.769531 321.75 140.914062 321.105469 137.632812 C 327.472656 125.660156 333.777344 113.6875 340.144531 101.648438 L 357.894531 61.292969 C 356.929688 61.226562 355.578125 61.097656 354.097656 60.390625 C 350.820312 58.84375 349.46875 55.882812 349.082031 54.984375 C 341.171875 68.371094 333.328125 81.761719 325.414062 95.148438 L 310.175781 110.726562 L 302.714844 111.242188 L 297.890625 105.703125 C 296.796875 107.25 294.289062 110.273438 290.042969 112.335938 C 286.765625 114.074219 283.679688 114.394531 281.878906 114.457031 Z M 175.957031 189.511719 C 185.539062 190.027344 193 187.707031 197.113281 186.101562 C 198.785156 193.953125 200.457031 201.742188 202.128906 209.59375 C 209.65625 225.75 217.179688 241.90625 224.703125 258 C 225.863281 261.730469 227.46875 267.265625 228.628906 274.15625 C 230.492188 284.902344 230.363281 292.820312 230.429688 298.550781 C 230.554688 307.304688 231.199219 319.789062 233.644531 335.496094 C 228.5625 335.496094 222.324219 335.109375 215.378906 333.695312 C 209.207031 332.472656 203.929688 330.734375 199.621094 329.058594 L 204.640625 261.988281 L 174.414062 217.511719 L 162.386719 275.636719 C 164.121094 295.589844 165.792969 315.542969 167.53125 335.5625 C 165.023438 336.976562 160.070312 339.230469 153.445312 339.488281 C 145.40625 339.808594 139.425781 336.976562 136.855469 335.5625 C 134.796875 320.757812 136.46875 309.683594 138.398438 302.21875 C 140.132812 295.394531 142 292.175781 144.507812 283.550781 C 147.980469 271.644531 149.203125 261.539062 149.71875 254.84375 C 148.816406 247.636719 148.238281 239.394531 148.429688 230.449219 C 148.882812 211.847656 152.480469 196.140625 156.339844 184.363281 C 160.136719 186.226562 167.015625 188.996094 175.957031 189.511719 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><path fill=\"#f6b33e\" d=\"M 269.464844 178.890625 C 266.054688 189.769531 262.777344 201.417969 259.816406 213.84375 C 254.996094 234.375 251.90625 253.558594 249.980469 271.066406 L 250.363281 316.25 L 265.800781 314.125 L 271.007812 271.773438 L 288.953125 218.347656 L 328.761719 255.679688 L 327.34375 305.179688 L 344.902344 306.082031 C 346.574219 299.066406 348.890625 288.636719 350.820312 275.761719 C 353.199219 259.863281 352.683594 256.066406 352.234375 253.878906 C 351.011719 247.507812 348.183594 242.550781 333.777344 225.363281 C 328.503906 219.054688 321.558594 211.074219 313.195312 201.871094 C 314.804688 195.496094 316.414062 189.1875 318.019531 182.816406 C 312.230469 184.039062 304.128906 185.199219 294.546875 184.554688 C 283.804688 183.78125 275.316406 181.207031 269.464844 178.890625 Z M 56.335938 121.21875 C 57.171875 125.015625 58.648438 127.589844 60.195312 130.359375 C 62.058594 133.769531 64.117188 136.40625 65.855469 138.46875 C 67.011719 136.792969 68.167969 134.925781 69.328125 132.738281 C 71.898438 127.652344 73.121094 122.890625 73.699219 119.15625 L 73.570312 112.914062 L 81.675781 115.230469 L 100.644531 98.816406 L 128.492188 57.816406 C 131.324219 59.234375 134.152344 60.582031 136.980469 62 C 134.472656 71.140625 131.578125 78.605469 129.199219 84.140625 C 126.050781 91.414062 123.539062 97.207031 118.71875 104.09375 C 114.34375 110.402344 112.351562 111.5625 105.535156 120.1875 C 100.773438 126.238281 97.238281 131.453125 95.050781 134.734375 C 92.734375 142.074219 90.613281 150.054688 88.75 158.679688 C 87.460938 164.535156 86.496094 170.136719 85.660156 175.480469 C 81.996094 177.601562 76.53125 180.179688 69.519531 181.660156 C 64.308594 182.753906 59.742188 182.882812 56.207031 182.753906 L 43.664062 178.761719 L 36.976562 155.074219 L 31.898438 165.566406 L 40.902344 177.796875 C 38.972656 181.273438 37.042969 184.683594 35.113281 188.160156 C 26.367188 184.683594 21.285156 179.855469 18.714844 177.023438 C 15.238281 173.160156 14.46875 170.714844 14.148438 169.234375 C 13.117188 164.40625 15.113281 160.289062 16.269531 157.777344 C 19.871094 150.246094 23.859375 141.492188 28.617188 131.257812 C 31.578125 127.910156 36.398438 123.339844 43.410156 119.671875 C 47.976562 117.289062 52.21875 115.875 55.628906 115.101562 C 55.628906 116.648438 55.757812 118.707031 56.335938 121.21875 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><path fill=\"#456eb8\" d=\"M 161.101562 338.136719 C 160.90625 338.777344 158.976562 344.058594 153.960938 345.539062 C 152.289062 345.988281 150.746094 345.925781 149.652344 345.730469 C 148.753906 345.730469 146.757812 345.539062 144.828125 344.121094 C 141.613281 341.804688 141.226562 338.070312 141.164062 337.492188 C 143.285156 338.265625 146.371094 339.164062 150.039062 339.421875 C 154.734375 339.679688 158.59375 338.90625 161.101562 338.136719 Z M 229.71875 335.433594 C 230.105469 336.847656 230.8125 338.652344 231.90625 340.515625 C 233.386719 343.09375 235.058594 344.894531 236.410156 346.054688 C 235.894531 346.246094 227.40625 349.011719 220.84375 343.542969 C 216.535156 339.9375 215.636719 335.046875 215.441406 333.695312 C 217.886719 334.210938 220.589844 334.59375 223.480469 334.917969 C 225.667969 335.175781 227.726562 335.304688 229.71875 335.433594 Z M 174.027344 139.820312 C 175.3125 144.777344 176.726562 149.410156 178.144531 153.660156 C 180.136719 149.925781 182.128906 145.675781 183.996094 140.914062 C 186.179688 135.3125 187.726562 130.101562 188.882812 125.464844 L 193.382812 124.757812 C 192.871094 122.632812 193.640625 120.378906 195.378906 119.09375 C 197.308594 117.613281 200.007812 117.613281 202.003906 119.09375 C 201.101562 124.371094 203.222656 128.878906 206.503906 130.101562 C 207.082031 130.359375 208.691406 130.808594 211.003906 129.972656 C 211.585938 130.613281 212.484375 131.902344 212.933594 133.703125 C 213.0625 134.285156 213.707031 136.792969 212.550781 139.238281 C 211.328125 141.878906 208.367188 143.554688 205.089844 143.746094 C 202.582031 150.632812 200.074219 157.519531 197.5 164.34375 C 191.582031 165.117188 185.023438 165.695312 177.949219 165.953125 C 171.648438 166.144531 165.792969 166.082031 160.394531 165.757812 C 159.429688 159.257812 158.464844 152.757812 157.5 146.191406 C 155.054688 145.417969 151.390625 143.9375 147.660156 140.976562 C 144.636719 138.597656 142.644531 136.085938 141.355469 134.15625 C 141.292969 133.511719 141.164062 129.132812 144.378906 126.367188 C 146.628906 124.4375 149.203125 124.371094 150.683594 124.308594 C 154.992188 124.113281 158.207031 126.238281 159.492188 127.203125 L 170.941406 125.59375 C 171.710938 130.035156 172.742188 134.796875 174.027344 139.820312 Z M 62.445312 181.53125 C 71.640625 181.273438 78.714844 178.699219 82.894531 176.765625 L 113.25 258.707031 L 126.5 324.683594 L 105.339844 327.578125 L 91.707031 273.769531 L 64.761719 213.84375 L 60.515625 214.9375 L 37.941406 267.332031 L 24.691406 329.058594 L 0 329.058594 L 21.863281 259.480469 L 43.664062 178.761719 C 47.78125 180.179688 54.34375 181.785156 62.445312 181.53125 Z M 51.640625 95.339844 L 48.683594 83.753906 C 49.003906 82.53125 50.609375 77.316406 55.949219 74.226562 C 62.769531 70.238281 69.839844 73.070312 70.613281 73.394531 C 76.785156 72.621094 81.675781 74.871094 82.703125 78.15625 C 82.894531 78.800781 83.152344 80.085938 82.445312 81.953125 C 83.730469 83.5 84.117188 85.558594 83.410156 87.234375 C 82.894531 88.453125 81.996094 89.097656 81.546875 89.355469 C 81.996094 88.066406 81.675781 86.589844 80.710938 85.75 C 79.550781 84.65625 78.074219 84.914062 77.878906 84.914062 C 77.6875 88.324219 77.492188 91.800781 77.300781 95.210938 C 73.699219 98.558594 70.164062 101.90625 66.5625 105.253906 L 51.898438 97.273438 Z M 297.953125 105.832031 C 298.46875 109.117188 299.949219 111.433594 301.554688 111.625 C 301.878906 111.625 302.261719 111.625 302.714844 111.367188 C 305.222656 105.511719 307.664062 99.652344 310.171875 93.859375 C 307.40625 90.257812 299.691406 81.117188 286.378906 77.707031 C 280.65625 76.222656 275.574219 76.289062 271.84375 76.613281 C 269.980469 77.707031 265.285156 80.730469 262.582031 86.71875 C 261.039062 90.191406 260.71875 93.347656 260.71875 95.339844 C 262.132812 97.015625 263.613281 98.753906 265.027344 100.425781 C 276.023438 102.292969 287.019531 104.03125 297.953125 105.832031 Z M 208.304688 331.957031 L 205.410156 336.203125 L 201.488281 334.082031 L 202.644531 330.152344 L 208.304688 331.957031 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><g clip-path=\"url(#3b17824dda)\"><path fill=\"#efbf9e\" d=\"M 259.496094 180.820312 C 258.144531 182.429688 257.308594 184.039062 256.859375 185.261719 C 258.402344 187.128906 260.78125 189.703125 264.191406 192.019531 C 271.394531 196.976562 280.078125 198.910156 280.847656 197.429688 C 281.425781 196.335938 277.503906 194.144531 272.039062 186.484375 C 270.945312 184.941406 270.109375 183.652344 269.527344 182.6875 C 273.515625 182.753906 275.574219 182.558594 275.640625 182.171875 C 275.703125 181.53125 271.203125 180.242188 262.070312 178.375 C 261.296875 178.953125 260.398438 179.726562 259.496094 180.820312 Z M 267.984375 95.339844 C 273.453125 95.921875 277.695312 93.089844 279.113281 91.996094 C 280.332031 90.769531 282.261719 90.578125 283.679688 91.609375 C 285.09375 92.636719 285.542969 94.503906 284.769531 96.050781 C 285.222656 96.949219 286.25 98.816406 288.566406 100.234375 C 291.84375 102.230469 295.191406 101.585938 295.960938 101.457031 C 296.605469 102.9375 297.3125 104.417969 297.953125 105.898438 C 296.925781 107.378906 295.125 109.503906 292.296875 111.304688 C 288.050781 114.007812 283.804688 114.457031 281.8125 114.523438 C 281.621094 113.816406 281.363281 113.105469 281.167969 112.398438 C 279.046875 113.75 277.375 113.878906 276.476562 113.878906 C 270.558594 113.6875 266.441406 105.574219 265.027344 100.554688 C 264.320312 97.980469 264.191406 95.792969 264.191406 94.503906 C 265.285156 94.828125 266.570312 95.210938 267.984375 95.339844 Z M 175.121094 92.960938 C 177.371094 91.285156 178.722656 89.355469 179.429688 88.199219 C 180.84375 89.675781 182.453125 91.15625 184.058594 92.636719 C 186.632812 94.957031 189.140625 97.078125 191.582031 98.945312 C 192.097656 100.363281 193.964844 106.285156 190.875 111.882812 C 189.976562 113.558594 188.820312 114.78125 187.855469 115.683594 C 187.597656 116.90625 187.402344 118.835938 187.660156 121.089844 C 187.980469 123.597656 188.820312 125.464844 189.460938 126.625 C 187.726562 131.773438 185.667969 137.246094 183.160156 142.972656 C 181.550781 146.769531 179.816406 150.375 178.144531 153.722656 C 176.726562 149.472656 175.3125 144.90625 174.027344 139.882812 C 172.742188 134.863281 171.777344 130.164062 171.003906 125.722656 C 171.582031 124.949219 172.226562 123.792969 172.613281 122.3125 C 173.578125 118.835938 172.546875 115.875 172.097656 114.78125 C 171.003906 113.558594 169.976562 112.398438 168.882812 111.175781 C 168.367188 109.695312 167.851562 107.765625 167.59375 105.445312 C 167.273438 101.328125 168.109375 97.980469 168.882812 95.921875 C 170.234375 95.535156 172.613281 94.828125 175.121094 92.960938 Z M 61.933594 83.949219 C 59.488281 83.5 57.558594 84.140625 56.847656 84.464844 C 57.109375 87.296875 56.660156 89.355469 56.207031 90.644531 C 55.824219 91.609375 55.371094 92.445312 55.113281 93.859375 C 54.859375 95.40625 54.921875 96.691406 55.050781 97.59375 C 54.792969 97.464844 51.964844 96.179688 50.933594 97.207031 C 49.839844 98.238281 51.253906 101.199219 52.347656 102.679688 C 53.3125 104.03125 54.46875 104.867188 55.242188 105.320312 C 55.5625 106.347656 55.949219 107.957031 56.015625 109.886719 C 56.078125 111.753906 55.824219 112.527344 55.695312 115.101562 C 55.5625 116.90625 55.433594 118.964844 55.695312 121.089844 C 56.015625 123.921875 56.980469 125.980469 57.878906 127.78125 C 60.066406 132.351562 63.152344 135.828125 65.917969 138.339844 C 68.167969 135.121094 70.675781 130.679688 72.351562 125.015625 C 72.992188 122.890625 73.378906 120.894531 73.699219 119.027344 L 73.441406 108.472656 C 74.214844 106.734375 74.921875 104.996094 75.695312 103.324219 C 76.722656 102.613281 78.394531 101.199219 79.039062 98.945312 C 79.488281 97.335938 79.425781 94.957031 78.523438 94.632812 C 77.75 94.375 76.59375 95.664062 76.335938 96.050781 C 75.695312 94.761719 75.050781 93.21875 74.601562 91.351562 C 73.894531 88.648438 73.765625 86.265625 73.765625 84.464844 C 73.058594 84.207031 70.742188 83.5 68.234375 84.464844 C 67.269531 84.847656 66.5625 85.363281 66.113281 85.816406 C 65.339844 85.300781 63.988281 84.335938 61.933594 83.949219 Z M 145.535156 139.238281 C 144.445312 141.878906 142.898438 145.546875 141.164062 150.054688 C 136.855469 161.382812 136.726562 163.699219 136.789062 165.117188 C 136.855469 169.234375 138.332031 172.453125 141.355469 178.761719 C 143.992188 184.296875 146.695312 188.546875 148.6875 191.507812 C 149.910156 193.757812 151.582031 196.847656 153.703125 200.453125 C 156.726562 205.472656 157.628906 206.441406 158.914062 207.082031 C 163.414062 209.402344 169.976562 206.761719 170.039062 204.960938 C 170.105469 203.738281 167.339844 203.609375 164.507812 201.03125 C 161.484375 198.328125 160.265625 194.660156 159.683594 191.699219 C 163.738281 191.828125 165.859375 191.636719 165.988281 190.992188 C 166.179688 190.089844 162.644531 188.480469 155.441406 186.164062 L 152.160156 166.210938 L 157.5625 146.386719 C 155.828125 145.871094 153.574219 144.96875 151.261719 143.617188 C 148.753906 142.074219 146.886719 140.527344 145.535156 139.238281 Z M 40.453125 178.570312 C 49.457031 180.304688 53.957031 181.851562 53.894531 183.203125 C 53.828125 184.167969 51.449219 185.070312 46.628906 185.90625 C 47.914062 187.964844 49.96875 191.183594 52.542969 195.175781 C 56.339844 201.03125 57.558594 202.707031 56.984375 203.351562 C 56.019531 204.574219 50.164062 201.804688 45.984375 198.78125 C 40.582031 194.917969 37.367188 190.285156 35.628906 187.257812 Z M 349.660156 56.207031 C 350.949219 50.929688 353.648438 43.203125 359.886719 36.316406 C 365.351562 30.269531 373.261719 25.054688 374.742188 26.46875 C 375.515625 27.242188 374.871094 30.203125 367.605469 40.628906 C 372.683594 40.246094 373.714844 40.824219 373.90625 41.339844 C 374.164062 42.175781 372.234375 43.269531 369.277344 45.652344 C 366.445312 47.839844 364.324219 49.898438 362.84375 51.378906 C 360.914062 54.726562 358.988281 58.007812 357.121094 61.355469 C 356.222656 61.226562 354.421875 60.90625 352.621094 59.554688 C 350.882812 58.394531 350.046875 56.980469 349.660156 56.207031 Z M 202.003906 119.09375 L 213.257812 90.644531 C 214.929688 85.558594 217.4375 79.445312 221.167969 72.878906 C 225.089844 65.992188 229.335938 60.519531 233 56.398438 C 234.414062 53.375 236.792969 48.996094 240.910156 44.75 C 244.320312 41.210938 249.65625 36.960938 250.75 37.925781 C 251.457031 38.503906 250.816406 41.210938 244.640625 50.867188 C 246.828125 50.992188 250.558594 51.316406 250.75 52.476562 C 250.878906 53.308594 249.335938 54.210938 245.542969 56.269531 C 241.941406 58.203125 238.722656 59.8125 236.023438 61.097656 C 230.8125 75.003906 225.605469 88.96875 220.460938 102.875 L 211.003906 130.035156 C 210.425781 130.164062 207.277344 130.871094 204.640625 129.007812 C 201.746094 126.945312 200.585938 122.890625 202.003906 119.09375 Z M 135.183594 61.097656 L 145.40625 53.246094 C 149.910156 48.867188 150.683594 47.132812 150.230469 46.550781 C 149.84375 45.972656 148.625 46.421875 146.308594 45.714844 C 145.214844 45.394531 144.378906 45.007812 143.800781 44.621094 C 148.816406 36.640625 149.074219 34.773438 148.625 34.386719 C 147.53125 33.488281 142.644531 37.089844 139.683594 39.921875 C 136.277344 43.203125 134.21875 46.488281 132.609375 49.191406 C 130.617188 52.539062 129.265625 55.5 128.367188 57.6875 C 130.617188 58.847656 132.933594 59.941406 135.183594 61.097656 Z M 179.042969 165.953125 C 185.21875 165.695312 191.070312 165.179688 196.472656 164.539062 C 195.699219 167.113281 194.734375 171.101562 194.992188 176.058594 C 195.25 180.308594 196.277344 183.78125 197.113281 186.101562 C 193 187.710938 185.539062 190.027344 175.957031 189.511719 C 166.953125 188.996094 160.136719 186.230469 156.210938 184.296875 C 157.5 182.175781 158.847656 179.40625 160.007812 176.058594 C 161.292969 172.195312 161.808594 168.785156 162 166.144531 C 167.339844 166.273438 172.996094 166.210938 179.042969 165.953125 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/g><path fill=\"#3b5672\" d=\"M 332.039062 245.253906 C 326.1875 236.113281 317.570312 228.453125 309.144531 221.695312 C 307.023438 220.019531 303.226562 218.15625 302.390625 215.515625 C 301.554688 212.617188 301.941406 208.757812 301.8125 205.730469 C 301.621094 199.167969 302.007812 192.535156 301.878906 185.972656 C 301.878906 185.457031 301.105469 185.457031 301.042969 185.972656 C 300.269531 192.277344 300.398438 198.78125 300.527344 205.089844 C 300.589844 209.015625 299.5625 215.257812 302.585938 218.347656 C 304.578125 220.40625 307.28125 221.953125 309.464844 223.753906 C 311.589844 225.492188 313.582031 227.292969 315.578125 229.097656 C 319.949219 233.152344 324.195312 237.402344 327.925781 242.097656 C 331.527344 246.667969 334.546875 251.882812 335.382812 257.675781 C 336.285156 263.917969 334.226562 270.164062 333.070312 276.277344 C 330.753906 288.316406 329.46875 300.546875 329.402344 312.839844 C 329.402344 313.804688 330.882812 313.804688 330.882812 312.839844 C 331.140625 300.09375 332.296875 287.414062 334.804688 274.863281 C 335.898438 269.519531 337.507812 264.113281 336.992188 258.578125 C 336.671875 253.878906 334.675781 249.308594 332.039062 245.253906 Z M 332.363281 231.351562 C 327.601562 226.585938 322.90625 221.824219 318.148438 217.058594 C 316.285156 215.195312 314.355469 213.390625 312.683594 211.394531 C 310.046875 208.242188 309.144531 205.023438 309.144531 200.96875 C 309.144531 195.496094 309.210938 190.027344 308.246094 184.554688 C 311.203125 184.105469 314.097656 183.523438 316.925781 182.6875 C 317.632812 182.496094 317.3125 181.53125 316.605469 181.59375 C 300.269531 183.976562 284.578125 183.589844 268.886719 177.925781 C 267.601562 177.472656 267.019531 179.535156 268.308594 180.050781 C 275.960938 182.816406 284.257812 184.621094 292.679688 185.199219 C 290.367188 188.675781 290.300781 194.917969 290.042969 198.910156 C 289.660156 204.960938 289.660156 211.011719 288.757812 216.996094 C 288.695312 217.316406 288.824219 217.640625 289.015625 217.832031 C 288.695312 217.898438 288.308594 217.898438 287.988281 217.960938 C 286.765625 218.027344 285.542969 217.640625 284.386719 218.15625 C 284.0625 218.285156 284 218.863281 284.257812 219.121094 C 285.351562 220.085938 287.152344 219.828125 288.5 219.636719 C 290.042969 219.441406 291.652344 218.992188 293.003906 218.089844 C 293.515625 217.769531 293.195312 216.933594 292.550781 217.058594 C 291.910156 217.1875 291.265625 217.382812 290.625 217.574219 C 291.589844 212.425781 291.589844 207.082031 291.78125 201.871094 C 291.84375 199.167969 291.972656 196.527344 292.296875 193.886719 C 292.488281 192.277344 292.679688 190.667969 293.003906 189.0625 C 293.003906 188.933594 293.515625 186.9375 293.582031 185.84375 L 293.644531 185.84375 C 293.710938 185.84375 293.710938 185.84375 293.773438 185.777344 C 293.96875 185.714844 294.03125 185.585938 294.03125 185.390625 C 298.46875 185.585938 302.972656 185.457031 307.34375 184.875 C 307.664062 190.734375 307.664062 196.460938 307.730469 202.320312 C 307.792969 207.148438 309.722656 210.6875 313.003906 214.164062 C 321.621094 223.304688 330.816406 231.992188 339.628906 240.941406 C 341.816406 243.128906 343.875 245.445312 344.839844 248.472656 C 345.867188 251.625 345.800781 255.039062 345.738281 258.253906 C 345.609375 264.5625 344.773438 270.871094 343.746094 277.113281 C 341.75 288.894531 338.214844 300.929688 338.214844 312.902344 C 338.214844 313.742188 339.371094 313.675781 339.5 312.902344 C 340.402344 306.210938 341.171875 299.515625 342.394531 292.886719 C 343.488281 286.964844 344.710938 281.105469 345.609375 275.121094 C 346.574219 269.132812 347.21875 263.148438 347.28125 257.03125 C 347.28125 252.140625 346.832031 247.378906 343.808594 243.386719 C 340.527344 238.882812 336.15625 235.210938 332.363281 231.351562 Z M 282.003906 184.554688 C 273.582031 204.574219 267.601562 226.070312 265.089844 247.636719 C 263.804688 258.835938 263.484375 270.097656 263.097656 281.363281 C 262.648438 292.886719 261.425781 304.601562 261.875 316.121094 C 261.875 316.957031 263.097656 316.957031 263.164062 316.121094 C 264.449219 304.859375 264.128906 293.335938 264.511719 282.007812 C 264.898438 270.9375 265.21875 259.863281 266.441406 248.921875 C 268.886719 226.78125 275.960938 205.859375 282.648438 184.746094 C 282.777344 184.296875 282.199219 184.167969 282.003906 184.554688 Z M 273.710938 182.238281 C 273.839844 181.785156 273.128906 181.59375 273.003906 182.042969 C 266.25 203.480469 260.976562 225.6875 258.015625 247.957031 C 256.539062 259.285156 255.960938 270.679688 255.832031 282.070312 C 255.765625 293.851562 255.636719 305.953125 256.859375 317.667969 C 256.925781 318.503906 258.144531 318.503906 258.144531 317.667969 C 258.144531 306.210938 257.179688 294.816406 257.246094 283.359375 C 257.308594 271.964844 257.890625 260.507812 259.367188 249.242188 C 262.261719 226.394531 268.757812 204.574219 273.710938 182.238281 Z M 334.484375 104.222656 C 335.382812 103.128906 335.707031 101.648438 336.21875 100.363281 C 336.863281 98.6875 337.441406 96.949219 338.085938 95.277344 C 338.277344 94.828125 337.441406 94.441406 337.25 94.957031 C 336.542969 96.628906 335.769531 98.238281 335.0625 99.910156 C 334.484375 101.199219 333.710938 102.488281 333.648438 103.902344 C 333.582031 104.289062 334.226562 104.546875 334.484375 104.222656 Z M 240.523438 151.082031 C 238.59375 153.207031 237.375 156.425781 238.144531 159.324219 C 238.339844 159.964844 239.496094 159.902344 239.367188 159.128906 C 239.046875 156.363281 239.304688 153.980469 241.105469 151.726562 C 241.488281 151.277344 240.910156 150.632812 240.523438 151.082031 Z M 354.097656 59.617188 C 352.296875 58.652344 351.074219 57.109375 350.238281 55.304688 C 349.917969 54.597656 348.890625 55.113281 349.082031 55.820312 C 349.855469 59.746094 353.261719 61.292969 356.476562 63.03125 C 356.929688 63.285156 357.570312 62.964844 357.507812 62.453125 C 357.3125 60.582031 355.449219 60.328125 354.097656 59.617188 Z M 257.890625 186.808594 C 258.402344 183.265625 260.140625 180.304688 262.519531 177.667969 C 262.839844 177.34375 262.453125 176.765625 262.003906 177.023438 C 258.660156 178.953125 256.667969 182.558594 256.089844 186.355469 C 255.894531 187.644531 257.632812 187.835938 257.890625 186.808594 Z M 283.164062 157.390625 C 282.519531 157.390625 282.457031 158.292969 283.035156 158.421875 C 285.09375 159.066406 287.535156 158.808594 289.660156 158.613281 C 290.238281 158.550781 290.238281 157.714844 289.660156 157.714844 C 287.472656 157.84375 285.351562 157.390625 283.164062 157.390625 Z M 305.609375 158.292969 C 307.664062 158.613281 310.6875 158.355469 312.167969 156.683594 C 312.425781 156.425781 312.167969 155.847656 311.78125 155.976562 C 310.816406 156.296875 310.046875 156.941406 309.015625 157.199219 C 307.921875 157.519531 306.828125 157.585938 305.738281 157.519531 C 305.285156 157.457031 305.15625 158.230469 305.609375 158.292969 Z M 262.519531 148.121094 C 263.546875 144.519531 263.613281 140.335938 264 136.601562 C 264.0625 136.085938 263.164062 135.957031 263.097656 136.472656 C 262.453125 140.140625 261.425781 144.195312 261.492188 147.992188 C 261.492188 148.574219 262.328125 148.703125 262.519531 148.121094 Z M 320.464844 139.882812 C 320.59375 140.527344 321.558594 140.335938 321.558594 139.753906 C 321.234375 132.609375 319.433594 124.757812 314.417969 119.414062 C 314.097656 119.09375 313.648438 119.542969 313.902344 119.929688 C 318.792969 125.722656 319.304688 132.738281 320.464844 139.882812 Z M 282.519531 115.167969 C 288.371094 114.714844 294.351562 111.367188 297.570312 106.347656 C 297.828125 105.898438 297.183594 105.445312 296.863281 105.769531 C 292.746094 110.144531 288.242188 112.65625 282.328125 113.75 C 281.554688 113.878906 281.75 115.230469 282.519531 115.167969 Z M 286.1875 108.730469 C 287.023438 107.765625 287.792969 106.925781 288.5 105.832031 C 289.078125 104.867188 289.851562 103.839844 289.980469 102.742188 C 290.042969 102.292969 289.402344 102.101562 289.144531 102.359375 C 288.371094 103.128906 287.988281 104.289062 287.472656 105.253906 C 286.894531 106.285156 286.316406 107.378906 285.671875 108.34375 C 285.476562 108.601562 285.929688 108.988281 286.1875 108.730469 Z M 279.113281 93.730469 C 279.304688 93.089844 279.949219 92.636719 280.589844 92.574219 C 280.203125 93.605469 280.011719 94.699219 280.140625 95.792969 C 280.203125 96.113281 280.589844 96.113281 280.589844 95.792969 C 280.71875 94.699219 280.914062 93.730469 281.296875 92.703125 C 281.363281 92.703125 281.425781 92.765625 281.425781 92.765625 C 282.328125 93.28125 282.328125 94.3125 282.261719 95.210938 C 282.261719 95.535156 282.714844 95.664062 282.839844 95.339844 C 283.484375 94.117188 282.648438 92.378906 281.425781 91.929688 C 280.203125 91.480469 278.660156 92.25 278.53125 93.605469 C 278.53125 93.988281 279.046875 93.988281 279.113281 93.730469 Z M 184.1875 116.96875 C 184.574219 116.648438 184.125 116.003906 183.671875 116.132812 C 182.582031 116.390625 181.679688 116.90625 180.457031 116.90625 C 179.171875 116.90625 178.078125 116.519531 176.984375 116.003906 C 176.664062 115.875 176.214844 116.261719 176.535156 116.582031 C 178.464844 118.257812 182.128906 118.640625 184.1875 116.96875 Z M 153.832031 275.25 C 154.863281 275.378906 156.019531 275.25 156.984375 275.121094 C 157.5625 275.054688 157.5625 274.027344 156.984375 273.960938 C 155.957031 273.832031 154.863281 273.703125 153.832031 273.832031 C 152.867188 273.898438 152.867188 275.183594 153.832031 275.25 Z M 217.695312 264.691406 C 218.59375 264.691406 219.558594 264.5625 220.394531 264.371094 C 221.167969 264.175781 222.195312 263.984375 222.710938 263.40625 C 222.96875 263.082031 222.902344 262.503906 222.453125 262.4375 C 221.617188 262.3125 220.910156 262.695312 220.136719 262.953125 C 219.238281 263.210938 218.402344 263.40625 217.5 263.726562 C 216.988281 263.792969 217.050781 264.691406 217.695312 264.691406 Z M 231.585938 328.996094 C 226.117188 329.058594 220.910156 329.382812 215.441406 328.671875 C 210.105469 327.964844 204.894531 326.550781 199.816406 324.746094 C 199.367188 324.554688 198.980469 325.390625 199.492188 325.582031 C 209.140625 330.023438 221.230469 332.664062 231.84375 330.734375 C 232.808594 330.539062 232.550781 328.996094 231.585938 328.996094 Z M 232.613281 323.394531 C 226.761719 324.230469 221.167969 325.261719 215.25 324.488281 C 210.105469 323.78125 205.152344 322.171875 200.972656 319.082031 C 200.394531 318.632812 199.816406 319.597656 200.394531 320.046875 C 209.589844 326.871094 222.195312 328.351562 233.066406 325.003906 C 234.09375 324.683594 233.644531 323.265625 232.613281 323.394531 Z M 167.980469 332.085938 C 166.308594 333.4375 163.15625 333.886719 161.101562 334.402344 C 158.269531 335.109375 155.375 335.496094 152.480469 335.5625 C 146.886719 335.625 142.257812 334.144531 137.175781 332.085938 C 136.339844 331.761719 135.890625 333.050781 136.597656 333.5 C 141.550781 336.71875 148.300781 337.554688 154.027344 337.105469 C 156.855469 336.914062 159.75 336.332031 162.449219 335.496094 C 164.25 334.917969 167.339844 334.210938 168.238281 332.34375 C 168.433594 332.085938 168.175781 331.957031 167.980469 332.085938 Z M 136.855469 330.089844 C 146.757812 330.410156 157.046875 332.984375 166.695312 329.253906 C 167.144531 329.058594 167.144531 328.222656 166.566406 328.289062 C 160.972656 328.996094 155.699219 329.703125 150.039062 329.445312 C 147.207031 329.316406 144.445312 329.058594 141.613281 328.800781 C 140.007812 328.609375 137.371094 327.644531 136.019531 328.671875 C 135.632812 328.929688 135.503906 329.511719 135.890625 329.832031 L 136.019531 329.960938 C 136.210938 330.21875 136.597656 330.28125 136.855469 330.089844 Z M 196.085938 186.035156 C 192.804688 186.742188 189.65625 187.773438 186.308594 188.160156 C 182.773438 188.609375 179.171875 188.675781 175.570312 188.738281 C 169.203125 188.867188 162.835938 188.480469 157.371094 184.875 C 156.40625 184.234375 155.570312 185.777344 156.46875 186.421875 C 161.679688 190.15625 168.175781 190.667969 174.414062 190.539062 C 174.925781 192.019531 174.605469 195.238281 174.667969 196.527344 C 174.734375 198.523438 174.667969 200.519531 174.605469 202.511719 C 174.414062 206.824219 173.769531 211.074219 172.867188 215.257812 C 172.160156 215.066406 171.453125 214.808594 170.746094 214.679688 C 170.296875 214.613281 170.105469 215.128906 170.425781 215.386719 C 171.324219 216.09375 172.546875 216.351562 173.640625 216.675781 C 174.605469 216.996094 175.828125 217.445312 176.792969 217.058594 C 177.179688 216.929688 177.304688 216.417969 176.921875 216.160156 C 176.214844 215.707031 175.378906 215.707031 174.542969 215.578125 C 175.570312 210.496094 176.148438 205.28125 176.214844 200.066406 C 176.214844 197.300781 176.085938 194.46875 175.699219 191.765625 C 175.632812 191.3125 175.632812 190.863281 175.507812 190.539062 C 182.453125 190.347656 190.234375 190.21875 196.277344 186.484375 C 196.535156 186.292969 196.40625 185.972656 196.085938 186.035156 Z M 177.371094 184.039062 C 177.757812 183.78125 177.820312 183.265625 177.628906 182.945312 C 177.628906 182.945312 177.628906 182.882812 177.5625 182.882812 C 177.433594 182.625 177.050781 182.429688 176.792969 182.558594 L 176.726562 182.558594 C 176.277344 182.753906 176.085938 183.140625 176.214844 183.523438 L 176.214844 183.652344 C 176.148438 184.425781 177.050781 184.554688 177.371094 184.039062 Z M 197.113281 161.769531 C 191.328125 161.0625 185.089844 161.960938 179.234375 161.960938 C 173.191406 161.960938 166.886719 162.15625 160.972656 160.738281 C 159.878906 160.480469 159.492188 162.027344 160.519531 162.414062 C 166.050781 164.472656 172.871094 163.765625 178.65625 163.699219 C 184.703125 163.636719 191.390625 164.023438 197.242188 162.347656 C 197.566406 162.285156 197.4375 161.832031 197.113281 161.769531 Z M 142.835938 130.871094 C 145.472656 131.835938 148.046875 132.480469 150.617188 133.769531 C 152.867188 134.863281 154.925781 136.34375 156.984375 137.695312 C 157.113281 137.757812 157.242188 137.757812 157.304688 137.757812 C 157.242188 138.210938 157.242188 138.726562 157.175781 139.175781 C 156.855469 142.585938 156.984375 145.933594 158.269531 149.152344 C 158.59375 149.925781 159.878906 149.601562 159.558594 148.765625 C 156.984375 142.523438 158.078125 134.992188 159.8125 128.621094 C 159.941406 128.167969 159.300781 128.039062 159.171875 128.425781 C 158.65625 129.714844 158.269531 131.128906 157.949219 132.546875 C 157.949219 132.480469 157.949219 132.480469 157.882812 132.417969 C 156.46875 130.550781 154.796875 129.003906 152.738281 127.847656 C 150.875 126.816406 148.300781 125.402344 146.179688 125.722656 C 145.730469 125.789062 145.34375 126.496094 145.921875 126.753906 C 147.851562 127.589844 149.972656 127.652344 151.902344 128.683594 C 153.960938 129.777344 155.699219 131.257812 157.242188 132.996094 C 157.433594 133.253906 157.757812 133.125 157.949219 132.933594 C 157.691406 134.21875 157.5625 135.507812 157.433594 136.730469 C 153.703125 133.445312 148.171875 130.421875 143.15625 129.648438 C 142.386719 129.519531 142.0625 130.550781 142.835938 130.871094 Z M 196.601562 163.25 C 190.875 164.988281 185.28125 164.214844 179.429688 164.277344 C 176.597656 164.277344 173.769531 164.601562 170.875 164.921875 C 168.046875 165.179688 163.351562 166.402344 161.292969 163.957031 C 160.714844 163.3125 159.8125 164.023438 159.941406 164.730469 C 160.328125 166.660156 162.066406 167.238281 163.867188 167.367188 C 167.980469 167.691406 172.355469 166.660156 176.46875 166.402344 C 183.222656 165.953125 190.683594 167.367188 196.921875 164.023438 C 197.308594 163.765625 196.984375 163.121094 196.601562 163.25 Z M 206.441406 143.039062 C 207.148438 143.425781 207.855469 142.523438 207.277344 141.945312 C 206.441406 141.105469 205.667969 140.269531 204.832031 139.496094 C 206.3125 138.917969 207.40625 138.144531 208.433594 136.859375 C 209.269531 135.828125 210.492188 134.027344 210.167969 132.546875 C 210.042969 132.03125 209.398438 132.09375 209.140625 132.417969 C 208.753906 132.867188 208.691406 133.382812 208.496094 133.960938 C 208.242188 134.671875 207.789062 135.378906 207.339844 136.023438 C 206.503906 137.117188 205.347656 138.082031 204.125 138.789062 C 202.644531 137.308594 201.292969 135.765625 200.074219 133.960938 C 198.785156 132.09375 197.695312 130.230469 196.601562 128.234375 C 196.792969 128.234375 196.921875 128.105469 196.921875 127.847656 L 196.921875 127.589844 C 197.050781 127.589844 197.113281 127.398438 197.050781 127.332031 C 196.984375 127.269531 196.984375 127.269531 196.921875 127.269531 C 196.855469 126.109375 197.050781 124.949219 197.628906 123.855469 C 197.949219 123.277344 198.335938 122.761719 198.851562 122.375 C 199.367188 121.925781 199.945312 121.796875 200.394531 121.28125 C 200.714844 120.894531 200.523438 120.1875 199.945312 120.1875 C 198.464844 120.316406 197.242188 122.054688 196.664062 123.277344 C 196.085938 124.4375 195.828125 125.660156 196.019531 126.945312 C 195.699219 126.367188 195.378906 125.722656 195.054688 125.144531 C 194.800781 124.691406 194.15625 125.078125 194.347656 125.53125 C 197.179688 131.582031 200.007812 139.691406 206.441406 143.039062 Z M 174.089844 140.464844 C 175.054688 144.390625 175.441406 148.832031 176.921875 152.628906 C 177.050781 152.949219 177.371094 153.078125 177.691406 153.015625 C 177.886719 153.59375 178.722656 153.914062 179.105469 153.207031 C 183.351562 144.453125 188.175781 135.3125 189.074219 125.53125 C 189.140625 125.144531 188.496094 125.078125 188.433594 125.464844 C 185.988281 134.671875 182.386719 143.230469 178.144531 151.726562 C 177.820312 147.867188 176.535156 143.746094 175.570312 140.078125 C 174.347656 135.441406 172.871094 130.871094 170.875 126.558594 C 170.683594 126.171875 170.039062 126.429688 170.167969 126.882812 C 171.453125 131.324219 172.933594 135.828125 174.089844 140.464844 Z M 132.351562 60.777344 C 129.84375 65.796875 128.171875 71.332031 126.113281 76.546875 C 123.734375 82.46875 121.226562 88.390625 118.65625 94.246094 C 118.332031 94.957031 119.363281 95.535156 119.683594 94.828125 C 122.128906 89.484375 124.441406 84.078125 126.566406 78.605469 C 128.816406 72.878906 131.515625 67.019531 132.933594 61.03125 C 132.996094 60.710938 132.546875 60.453125 132.351562 60.777344 Z M 116.46875 96.242188 C 109.457031 106.992188 101.996094 117.546875 95.4375 128.554688 C 95.886719 125.789062 96.46875 123.019531 97.625 120.445312 C 97.6875 120.25 97.433594 120.058594 97.304688 120.25 C 95.4375 123.597656 94.601562 127.269531 93.832031 131 C 92.996094 135.183594 91.515625 139.753906 91.644531 143.9375 C 91.644531 144.390625 92.222656 144.453125 92.414062 144.066406 C 94.28125 139.496094 94.601562 134.476562 95.308594 129.585938 C 95.4375 129.648438 95.632812 129.585938 95.695312 129.457031 C 103.15625 118.707031 109.910156 107.507812 117.367188 96.757812 C 117.753906 96.242188 116.855469 95.726562 116.46875 96.242188 Z M 127.59375 59.617188 C 131.003906 59.683594 133.769531 60.199219 136.40625 62.511719 C 136.789062 62.902344 137.304688 62.320312 136.984375 61.933594 C 134.859375 59.167969 130.9375 57.300781 127.402344 58.203125 C 126.628906 58.457031 126.820312 59.617188 127.59375 59.617188 Z M 40.582031 178.695312 C 40.769531 178.054688 39.9375 177.796875 39.550781 178.246094 C 39.355469 178.566406 39.164062 178.824219 38.972656 179.148438 C 37.75 177.152344 36.269531 175.222656 34.726562 173.484375 C 32.542969 171.101562 27.78125 168.589844 28.8125 164.988281 C 29.582031 162.410156 31.253906 159.902344 32.28125 157.328125 C 33.3125 154.6875 34.210938 152.046875 34.921875 149.34375 L 35.304688 150.503906 C 36.65625 154.429688 37.621094 158.613281 39.292969 162.347656 C 39.484375 162.796875 40.257812 162.605469 40.195312 162.089844 C 39.742188 158.035156 37.941406 153.980469 36.527344 150.117188 C 34.855469 145.613281 32.992188 141.234375 31.191406 136.792969 C 31.0625 136.472656 30.480469 136.601562 30.613281 136.921875 C 31.898438 140.65625 33.183594 144.390625 34.472656 148.058594 C 33.183594 151.726562 31.765625 155.394531 30.160156 158.9375 C 29.453125 160.546875 28.683594 162.15625 27.847656 163.699219 C 27.398438 164.535156 26.621094 165.628906 26.621094 166.660156 C 26.621094 168.914062 29.132812 170.007812 30.613281 171.359375 C 33.507812 173.996094 35.820312 177.023438 38.007812 180.304688 C 38.007812 180.371094 38.070312 180.371094 38.136719 180.433594 C 36.914062 182.6875 36.011719 185.070312 34.339844 187 C 33.632812 187.835938 34.726562 188.929688 35.5625 188.222656 C 36.914062 187.128906 37.554688 185.328125 38.265625 183.78125 C 39.101562 182.109375 40.066406 180.433594 40.582031 178.695312 Z M 110.9375 271.386719 C 111.835938 271.191406 111.453125 269.839844 110.550781 270.035156 C 108.171875 270.613281 105.792969 270.933594 103.347656 271.128906 C 102.511719 271.191406 102.511719 272.480469 103.347656 272.414062 C 105.921875 272.351562 108.429688 271.964844 110.9375 271.386719 Z M 29.710938 266.878906 C 28.425781 267.007812 27.203125 267.007812 25.917969 266.945312 C 24.886719 266.878906 23.925781 266.492188 22.960938 266.945312 C 22.703125 267.074219 22.636719 267.523438 22.898438 267.652344 C 23.667969 268.359375 24.695312 268.230469 25.726562 268.296875 C 27.078125 268.359375 28.425781 268.296875 29.710938 268.167969 C 30.546875 268.101562 30.546875 266.816406 29.710938 266.878906 Z M 125.535156 317.988281 C 118.589844 318.566406 111.710938 319.339844 104.761719 319.789062 C 103.734375 319.855469 103.734375 321.464844 104.761719 321.398438 C 111.773438 320.949219 118.785156 320.113281 125.601562 318.566406 C 125.921875 318.503906 125.859375 317.988281 125.535156 317.988281 Z M 105.085938 314.253906 L 105.019531 314.191406 C 111 312.582031 116.984375 311.035156 122.835938 309.039062 C 123.347656 308.847656 123.15625 308.203125 122.640625 308.269531 C 116.273438 309.554688 110.035156 311.359375 103.796875 313.03125 C 103.21875 313.160156 103.089844 314.0625 103.605469 314.382812 C 103.925781 314.511719 104.25 314.707031 104.507812 314.832031 C 104.890625 315.027344 105.277344 314.640625 105.085938 314.253906 Z M 26.945312 308.847656 C 20.324219 308.71875 13.441406 309.8125 6.882812 311.101562 C 5.984375 311.292969 6.367188 312.644531 7.269531 312.453125 C 13.828125 311.292969 20.453125 310.648438 27.078125 309.75 C 27.589844 309.683594 27.460938 308.847656 26.945312 308.847656 Z M 25.53125 317.472656 C 18.074219 317.601562 10.484375 318.4375 3.152344 319.46875 C 2.378906 319.597656 2.574219 320.949219 3.34375 320.820312 C 10.742188 320.113281 18.203125 319.53125 25.53125 318.695312 C 26.304688 318.632812 26.367188 317.472656 25.53125 317.472656 Z M 45.789062 199.488281 C 44.503906 201.03125 43.15625 202.449219 41.480469 203.542969 C 40.644531 204.058594 39.746094 204.574219 38.84375 204.957031 C 38.074219 205.28125 37.496094 205.28125 36.980469 205.925781 C 36.785156 206.183594 36.851562 206.503906 37.175781 206.566406 C 38.78125 207.082031 41.09375 205.28125 42.320312 204.378906 C 43.925781 203.15625 45.339844 201.613281 46.371094 199.875 C 46.5 199.550781 46.050781 199.164062 45.789062 199.488281 Z M 65.339844 181.59375 C 64.058594 181.722656 62.769531 181.785156 61.484375 181.851562 C 63.414062 191.378906 63.476562 201.613281 63.21875 211.332031 C 65.597656 201.546875 66.113281 191.761719 65.339844 181.59375 Z M 90.164062 198.070312 C 90.421875 198.328125 90.101562 198.78125 89.78125 198.585938 C 82.511719 194.917969 75.117188 188.609375 73.445312 180.242188 C 71 180.820312 68.492188 181.269531 65.984375 181.527344 C 67.722656 191.890625 67.078125 202.707031 64.503906 212.875 C 65.726562 212.296875 66.886719 211.589844 68.105469 210.945312 C 68.492188 210.75 68.816406 211.203125 68.558594 211.523438 C 67.398438 212.746094 65.855469 213.777344 64.121094 214.550781 L 64.121094 214.679688 C 63.925781 215.320312 63.28125 215.320312 62.832031 215.0625 C 60.386719 215.773438 57.816406 215.773438 55.824219 214.355469 C 55.242188 213.90625 55.566406 212.875 56.339844 213.132812 C 58.269531 213.710938 59.683594 214.164062 61.546875 213.90625 C 61.742188 208.628906 61.804688 203.285156 61.613281 198.007812 C 61.484375 192.664062 60.839844 187.320312 60.777344 181.980469 L 56.917969 181.980469 C 56.984375 182.042969 56.984375 182.109375 56.984375 182.238281 C 55.628906 185.90625 53.957031 189.574219 52.027344 192.921875 C 51.644531 193.566406 50.742188 192.988281 51.0625 192.34375 C 52.671875 188.867188 55.054688 185.648438 56.46875 182.109375 C 56.46875 182.042969 56.53125 182.042969 56.53125 181.980469 C 52.289062 181.785156 48.042969 181.144531 43.859375 180.046875 C 42.835938 179.792969 43.285156 178.183594 44.3125 178.4375 C 57.625 181.980469 71.644531 181.078125 84.3125 175.542969 C 84.957031 175.222656 85.535156 176.25 84.890625 176.507812 C 81.417969 178.054688 77.816406 179.277344 74.152344 180.175781 C 75.503906 184.230469 77.433594 187.644531 80.648438 190.605469 C 83.605469 193.242188 87.273438 195.175781 90.164062 198.070312 Z M 73.378906 113.429688 C 75.632812 114.84375 77.945312 116.132812 80.070312 117.675781 C 82.128906 119.15625 83.863281 121.089844 85.921875 122.566406 C 84.441406 122.890625 83.027344 123.46875 81.675781 124.046875 C 80.328125 124.628906 78.652344 125.144531 77.5625 126.171875 C 77.238281 126.496094 77.5625 126.882812 77.945312 126.816406 L 78.011719 126.816406 C 78.011719 126.882812 78.011719 126.945312 78.074219 126.945312 C 79.941406 128.941406 81.226562 131.195312 82 133.769531 C 77.367188 133.511719 71.195312 135.183594 67.914062 138.402344 C 67.527344 138.789062 67.914062 139.625 68.492188 139.367188 C 70.871094 138.46875 72.929688 137.050781 75.375 136.214844 C 77.816406 135.378906 80.261719 135.054688 82.769531 134.476562 C 82.964844 134.410156 83.027344 134.347656 83.027344 134.21875 C 83.21875 134.089844 83.285156 133.898438 83.21875 133.640625 C 82.578125 130.871094 80.90625 128.363281 78.589844 126.625 C 79.8125 126.238281 81.035156 125.464844 82.191406 124.949219 C 83.734375 124.242188 85.34375 123.664062 86.820312 122.824219 C 87.015625 122.695312 86.949219 122.503906 86.820312 122.441406 C 86.886719 122.3125 86.886719 122.183594 86.820312 122.054688 C 85.40625 119.992188 83.089844 118.320312 81.097656 116.839844 C 78.847656 115.167969 76.402344 113.621094 73.765625 112.589844 C 73.253906 112.527344 72.996094 113.171875 73.378906 113.429688 Z M 38.714844 127.332031 C 38.714844 127.460938 38.78125 127.589844 38.910156 127.589844 C 41.226562 128.234375 43.476562 129.003906 45.789062 129.648438 C 47.527344 130.164062 49.394531 130.871094 51.195312 130.9375 C 50.164062 132.289062 49.328125 133.640625 48.683594 135.183594 C 48.492188 135.636719 49.007812 136.019531 49.394531 135.890625 C 55.503906 134.410156 60.777344 136.664062 65.984375 139.496094 C 66.050781 139.496094 66.113281 139.5625 66.179688 139.5625 C 66.5 142.136719 66.820312 144.644531 67.015625 147.222656 C 67.207031 149.859375 66.949219 152.691406 67.65625 155.203125 C 67.785156 155.71875 68.621094 155.71875 68.75 155.203125 C 70.101562 150.183594 68.171875 143.039062 66.820312 138.144531 L 66.820312 138.082031 C 66.820312 138.015625 66.886719 137.953125 66.886719 137.886719 C 67.207031 135.828125 68.558594 134.347656 69.394531 132.546875 C 70.292969 130.613281 70.808594 128.425781 71.453125 126.367188 C 72.671875 122.246094 73.507812 118.191406 73.378906 113.878906 C 73.378906 113.492188 72.800781 113.492188 72.800781 113.878906 C 72.738281 118.707031 71.453125 123.277344 69.90625 127.847656 C 69.199219 129.96875 68.492188 132.03125 67.269531 133.898438 C 66.5625 135.054688 66.050781 135.890625 65.792969 137.050781 C 60.261719 131 57.433594 124.175781 55.886719 116.132812 C 55.824219 115.746094 55.179688 115.808594 55.179688 116.195312 C 55.566406 123.339844 58.78125 130.421875 63.15625 136.085938 C 59.234375 134.21875 54.539062 133.960938 50.230469 134.539062 C 50.742188 133.316406 51.324219 132.09375 52.09375 130.9375 C 52.09375 130.871094 52.160156 130.808594 52.160156 130.808594 C 52.414062 130.679688 52.480469 130.292969 52.222656 130.097656 C 50.484375 129.003906 48.234375 128.746094 46.238281 128.363281 C 43.988281 127.910156 41.738281 127.460938 39.554688 127.007812 C 44.375 123.210938 48.945312 117.226562 55.117188 115.746094 C 55.4375 115.679688 55.375 115.101562 55.054688 115.101562 C 51.898438 115.488281 48.945312 117.933594 46.433594 119.671875 C 43.667969 121.667969 40.644531 123.792969 38.589844 126.558594 C 38.332031 126.882812 38.523438 127.203125 38.714844 127.332031 Z M 60.066406 109.824219 C 63.15625 111.820312 67.59375 112.847656 70.101562 109.4375 C 70.292969 109.179688 69.90625 108.792969 69.652344 108.988281 C 68.105469 110.015625 67.207031 110.980469 65.214844 110.851562 C 63.476562 110.726562 61.867188 109.953125 60.324219 109.308594 C 60.003906 109.246094 59.875 109.695312 60.066406 109.824219 Z M 76.144531 99.589844 C 76.53125 99.332031 76.851562 99.011719 77.238281 98.6875 C 77.433594 98.558594 77.625 98.367188 77.753906 98.171875 C 77.625 99.011719 77.367188 99.910156 77.304688 100.167969 C 77.304688 100.492188 77.753906 100.554688 77.882812 100.296875 C 78.332031 99.460938 78.460938 97.785156 78.332031 96.886719 C 78.203125 96.304688 77.816406 95.726562 77.238281 96.175781 C 76.980469 96.371094 77.238281 96.691406 77.496094 96.691406 C 77.753906 96.628906 77.816406 96.949219 77.816406 97.402344 C 77.433594 97.59375 77.175781 97.851562 76.851562 98.171875 C 76.46875 98.558594 76.144531 98.882812 75.824219 99.265625 C 75.824219 99.460938 75.953125 99.71875 76.144531 99.589844 Z M 51.707031 99.265625 C 51.707031 98.429688 52.414062 98.042969 53.25 98.109375 C 53.574219 98.171875 53.574219 98.558594 53.25 98.558594 C 53.058594 98.558594 52.863281 98.558594 52.671875 98.6875 C 53.574219 99.203125 54.472656 99.847656 55.054688 100.683594 C 55.117188 100.8125 54.988281 100.941406 54.859375 100.875 C 54.089844 100.363281 53.378906 99.847656 52.480469 99.523438 C 52.480469 99.589844 52.542969 99.652344 52.542969 99.71875 C 52.738281 100.105469 53.058594 100.363281 53.3125 100.617188 C 53.765625 101.003906 53.1875 101.777344 52.671875 101.457031 C 52.027344 101.003906 51.707031 100.105469 51.707031 99.265625 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/svg><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/span>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-eef3bdb e-con-full e-flex e-con e-child\" data-id=\"eef3bdb\" data-element_type=\"container\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-48671bc elementor-widget elementor-widget-heading\" data-id=\"48671bc\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"heading.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t<style>\/*! elementor - v3.23.0 - 25-07-2024 *\/\n.elementor-heading-title{padding:0;margin:0;line-height:1}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title[class*=elementor-size-]>a{color:inherit;font-size:inherit;line-height:inherit}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-small{font-size:15px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-medium{font-size:19px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-large{font-size:29px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xl{font-size:39px}.elementor-widget-heading .elementor-heading-title.elementor-size-xxl{font-size:59px}<\/style><h1 class=\"elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default\">Dabble & Discover (D&D)<\/h1>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-9b94f07 elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor\" data-id=\"9b94f07\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"text-editor.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>In the vibrant tapestry of student life, opportunities to discover abound as you engage in different co-curricular activities. NUSOne\u2019s <strong>Dabble & Discover (D&D)<\/strong> seeks to expand the range of out-of-the-classroom opportunities available to students and encourage them to try something new during their NUS journey.\u00a0<\/p><p>Explore the diverse range of offerings available below, and sign up for an activity today!<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-b87950d elementor-widget elementor-widget-eael-event-calendar\" data-id=\"b87950d\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"eael-event-calendar.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t<div class=\"eael-event-calendar-wrapper layout-calendar\"><div id=\"eael-event-calendar-b87950d\" class=\"eael-event-calendar-cls\"\n data-cal_id = \"b87950d\"\n data-locale = \"en\"\n data-translate = \"{"today":"Today","tomorrow":"Tomorrow"}\"\n data-defaultview = \"listMonth\"\n data-defaultdate = \"2025-03-06\"\n data-time_format = \"\"\n data-event_limit = \"3\"\n data-popup_date_formate = \"MMM Do\"\n data-multidays_event_day_count= \"0\"\n data-monthColumnHeaderFormat = \"\"\n data-weekColumnHeaderFormat = \"\"\n data-hideDetailsLink= \"yes\"\n data-detailsButtonText = \"\"\n data-events=\"[{"id":1,"title":"Do Something New Today - Fireside Chat","description":"A fireside chat featuring NUS Overseas Colleges' (NOC) alumni from various professions. They embody the spirit of the NUS Enterprise Academy.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\n<b>WHEN:\\u00a0<\\\/b>14 August 2024, 2pm - 3pm\\r\\n<br>\\r\\n<b>WHERE:\\u00a0<\\\/b>UTown, Dance Atelier 2\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nRegister <span style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/forms.office.com\\\/r\\\/pFuQDzYXWF\\">here<\\\/a> <\\\/span>today!","start":"2024-08-14 14:00","end":"2024-08-14 15:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":2,"title":"What\\u2019s the Point of University?","description":"Have you wondered how you will spend your time here at NUS? Some believe university is about achieving good grades to secure a job after graduation. Others say that your field of study will determine your job prospects and that your grades will affect your salary. But what is university really about? What should you be doing with your time at NUS? And does university life have to be stressful? Is stress really necessary?\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nIn this workshop, we will take a step back to explore various historical and modern perspectives on what university education is meant to be. We will also discuss the opportunities and resources available to help you decide how you want your university education to be, allowing you to make the most of your time and chart your path in your educational journey.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nRegister <span style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu\\\/nusone-ws1\\">here<\\\/a><\\\/span>!","start":"2024-08-14 15:00","end":"2024-08-14 16:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":3,"title":"K-pop Cardio","description":"<img class=\\"alignnone size-medium wp-image-1483\\" src=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu.sg\\\/nusone\\\/wp-content\\\/uploads\\\/2024\\\/08\\\/FitNUS-Kpop-cardio-01-300x300.png\\" alt=\\"\\" width=\\"300\\" height=\\"300\\" \\\/>\\r\\n<div>Get Ready for the Ultimate Fitness Event -\\u00a0<strong>K-Pop Cardio<\\\/strong>\\u00a0at Utown Green!<\\\/div>\\r\\n<div><\\\/div>\\r\\n<div>Event Details:<\\\/div>\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n \\t<li><strong>Date<\\\/strong>: 14 August 2024<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li><strong>Time<\\\/strong>: 4:30 PM to 6.00 PM\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n \\t<li style=\\"list-style-type: none;\\">\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n \\t<li>Registration starts 4.30pm<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li>Programme will start 5.00pm<\\\/li>\\r\\n<\\\/ul>\\r\\n<\\\/li>\\r\\n<\\\/ul>\\r\\n<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li><strong>Location<\\\/strong>: Utown Green<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li><strong>Attire:<\\\/strong>\\u00a0Sportswear (with covered shoes)<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li><strong>Cost:<\\\/strong> $5<\\\/li>\\r\\n<\\\/ul>\\r\\nDon\\u2019t miss out!\\u00a0<a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu\\\/nusone-fit1\\"><span style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\">Sign up now<\\\/span><\\\/a>\\u00a0and be part of an incredible fitness journey at Utown Green. Bring your friends, and all your energy for a day filled with fun, fitness, and unforgettable memories!\\r\\n\\r\\nGoodie bags will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis.","start":"2024-08-14 16:30","end":"2024-08-14 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":4,"title":"Mindfulness Nature Walk","description":"Watch this space!","start":"2024-08-21 15:00","end":"2024-08-21 17:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":5,"title":"Open Choreography","description":"Date: 21st Aug (Wed)\\r\\n<br>\\r\\nVenue: UTown DA2\\r\\n<br>\\r\\nTime: 3.30pm-5pm\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\n<span style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/submitter\\\/form\\\/start\\\/645859\\">Sign up<\\\/a><\\\/span> now!","start":"2024-08-21 15:30","end":"2024-08-21 17:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":6,"title":"Electronic Music Demo","description":"Learn about the NUS Electronic Music Lab by trying your hand at instruments and equipment such as launchpads and synthesizer keyboards!\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nRegister <span style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/submitter\\\/form\\\/start\\\/645845\\">here<\\\/a><\\\/span>.","start":"2024-08-21 16:00","end":"2024-08-21 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":7,"title":"Learn-to-Play Tennis","description":"Watch this space!","start":"2024-08-28 14:00","end":"2024-08-28 16:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":8,"title":"Learn-to-Swim","description":"Watch this space!","start":"2024-08-28 14:30","end":"2024-08-28 15:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":9,"title":"Learn-to-Pickleball","description":"In collaboration with the NUS One, OSA Sports has developed a range of Learn-to programs for NUS students. Seize this opportunity to acquire a new sport or skill! Our inaugural program includes a 8-week learn-to-pickleball session scheduled every Wednesday.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n<strong>Details<\\\/strong>\\r\\nDate: 28 August to 30 October (every Wednesday, except 25 Sept &amp; 2 Oct)\\r\\nTime: 2.30 to 3.30 PM\\r\\nLocation: University Sports Centre, Tennis court 1 and 2\\r\\nPrice: $18 per pax (inc. GST)\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nNote: Paddles and balls will be provided, just bring along a towel and water. And please be in sportswear + covered shoes.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nFind out more <span style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10234507\\">here<\\\/a><\\\/span>.\\r\\n\\r\\n&nbsp;","start":"2024-08-28 14:30","end":"2024-08-28 15:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":10,"title":"Contemporary Dance for Beginners","description":"Watch this space!","start":"2024-08-28 15:00","end":"2024-08-28 16:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":11,"title":"Omamori Craft Workshop","description":"<strong>Join Our Resin Craft Workshop and Create Your Own Good-Luck Charm!<\\\/strong>\\r\\n\\r\\nUnleash your creativity in our fun and interactive NUSOne workshop! Craft your very own good-luck charm (omamori) using UV-resin. Choose a blessing for studies, health, happiness, or any other wish, and personalize your charm to reflect your aspirations.\\r\\n\\r\\n<strong>Why attend?<\\\/strong>\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n \\t<li><strong>Creative Expression:<\\\/strong>\\u00a0Design a unique charm.<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li><strong>Personalized Blessings:<\\\/strong>\\u00a0Select a meaningful blessing.<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li><strong>Fun and Relaxing:<\\\/strong>\\u00a0Enjoy a creative break.<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li><strong>Meet New People:<\\\/strong>\\u00a0Connect with fellow students.<\\\/li>\\r\\n<\\\/ul>\\r\\nNo experience needed \\u2013 all materials provided. Our friendly instructors will guide you every step of the way.\\r\\n\\r\\nDate: Wednesday, 28 August 2024\\r\\nTime: 3pm to 4:30pm\\r\\nLocation:\\u00a0ERC seminar room 8\\r\\n<a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10242443\\"><strong>Sign up now and secure your spot!<\\\/strong><\\\/a>","start":"2024-08-28 15:00","end":"2024-08-28 16:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":12,"title":"Beginners Latin Dance Workshop","description":"<img class=\\"size-medium wp-image-2325 aligncenter\\" src=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu.sg\\\/nusone\\\/wp-content\\\/uploads\\\/2024\\\/08\\\/viva-300x300.png\\" alt=\\"\\" width=\\"300\\" height=\\"300\\" \\\/>\\r\\n\\r\\nInterested to pick up Latin Dance in a safe space for learning? VivaLatiNUS welcomes anyone to try out Cha Cha Cha and Jive this Semester in introductory dance classes. Catering to dancers of all levels (from total beginners to experienced dancers), everyone is welcome to join the Viva family!\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nSign up <span style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10213991\\">here.<\\\/a><\\\/span>","start":"2024-08-28 16:00","end":"2024-08-28 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":13,"title":"Street Jazz for Beginners","description":"Watch this space!","start":"2024-08-28 16:30","end":"2024-08-28 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":14,"title":"Learn-to-Pickleball","description":"In collaboration with the NUS One, OSA Sports has developed a range of Learn-to programs for NUS students. Seize this opportunity to acquire a new sport or skill! Our inaugural program includes a 8-week learn-to-pickleball session scheduled every Wednesday.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\n<strong>Details<\\\/strong><br>\\r\\nDate: 28 August to 30 October (every Wednesday, except 25 Sept &amp; 2 Oct) <br>\\r\\nTime: 2.30 to 3.30 PM <br>\\r\\nLocation: University Sports Centre, Tennis court 1 and 2 <br>\\r\\nPrice: $10 per pax (inc. GST)\\r\\n <br> <br>\\r\\nNote: Paddles and balls will be provided, just bring along a towel and water. And please be in sportswear + covered shoes.\\r\\n <br> <br>\\r\\nFind out more <span style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10234507\\">here<\\\/a><\\\/span>.","start":"2024-09-04 14:30","end":"2024-09-04 15:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":15,"title":"Learn-to-Swim","description":"Watch this space!","start":"2024-09-04 14:30","end":"2024-09-04 15:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":16,"title":"third space: Mixed media art immersion workshop","description":"Watch this space!","start":"2024-09-04 16:00","end":"2024-09-04 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":17,"title":"third space: Craft workshop","description":"Watch this space!","start":"2024-09-11 13:00","end":"2024-09-11 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":18,"title":"Learn-to-Pickleball","description":"In collaboration with the\\u00a0<strong>NUS One<\\\/strong>, OSA Sports has developed a range of Learn-to programs for NUS students. Seize this opportunity to acquire a new sport or skill! Our inaugural program includes an <strong>8-week learn-to-pickleball<\\\/strong>\\u00a0session scheduled every Wednesday.","start":"2024-09-11 14:30","end":"2024-09-11 15:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":19,"title":"Learn-to-Swim","description":"Watch this space!","start":"2024-09-11 14:30","end":"2024-09-11 15:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":20,"title":"Leopard Cats in Singapore: The Last Wild Cat But Are They Here to Stay?","description":"Join us to explore their fascinating world and participate in a fun and interactive quiz on leopard cats, deepening your understanding of these rare creatures!","start":"2024-09-11 15:00","end":"2024-09-11 16:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":21,"title":"Beginners Latin Dance Workshop","description":"Interested to pick up Latin Dance in a safe space for learning! VivaLatiNUS welcomes anyone to try out Cha Cha Cha and Jive this Semester in introductory dance classes. Catering to dancers of all levels (from total beginners to experienced dancers), everyone is welcome to join the Viva family!\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nFind out <span style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10213993\\">more<\\\/a><\\\/span>.","start":"2024-09-11 16:00","end":"2024-09-11 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":22,"title":"Leap of Learning \\u2013 Wild Animals on Campus","description":"Watch this space!","start":"2024-09-18","end":"2024-09-19","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"yes","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":23,"title":"Learn-to-Pickleball","description":"","start":"2024-09-18 14:30","end":"2024-09-18 15:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":24,"title":"Learn-to-Swim","description":"Watch this space!","start":"2024-09-18 14:30","end":"2024-09-18 15:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":25,"title":"The Gimbap Roll-volution - Its History & Nutrition","description":"What's the difference between gimbap and popiah? And why should we never say gimbap is \\u201cKorean sushi\\u201d?\\r\\n\\r\\n<i>Roll up<\\\/i>\\u00a0and join our gimbap Roll-volution, where you\\u2019ll discover the answer to these questions and more. Learn to make your own yummy gimbap in a hands-on workshop with a healthy\\u00a0<i>twist!<\\\/i>","start":"2024-09-18 15:00","end":"2024-09-18 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":26,"title":"Do Something New Today","description":"<span data-teams=\\"true\\"><span class=\\"ui-provider a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ab ac ae af ag ah ai aj ak\\" dir=\\"ltr\\">Embark on a self-discovery journey through dragon boating. Don\\u2019t miss this exciting experience!<\\\/span><\\\/span>\\r\\n\\r\\nLimited seats. Register <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/forms.office.com\\\/r\\\/qv0XVGhgtD\\">here<\\\/a>.","start":"2024-09-18 15:00","end":"2024-09-18 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":27,"title":"third space: Mixed media art immersion","description":"","start":"2024-09-18 16:00","end":"2024-09-18 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":28,"title":"Beginners Latin Dance Workshop","description":"Interested to pick up Latin Dance in a safe space for learning! VivaLatiNUS welcomes anyone to try out Cha Cha Cha and Jive this Semester in introductory dance classes. Catering to dancers of all levels (from total beginners to experienced dancers), everyone is welcome to join the Viva family!\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nFind out more <span style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #3366ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10213994\\">here<\\\/a><\\\/span>.","start":"2024-09-18 16:00","end":"2024-09-18 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":29,"title":"Fireside Chat - Leading with Purpose: Shattering Barriers and Inspiring Change","description":"Join conductor and author Alice Farnham for an inspiring talk on leadership and breaking barriers in conducting. Drawing from her book In Good Hands and insights from renowned conductors, she shares how to lead with purpose and inspire change. Includes an interactive Q&amp;A on leadership and confidence.","start":"2024-10-01 15:00","end":"2024-10-01 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":30,"title":"Beginners Latin Dance Workshop","description":"Interested to pick up Latin Dance in a safe space for learning! VivaLatiNUS welcomes anyone to try out Cha Cha Cha and Jive this Semester in introductory dance classes. Catering to dancers of all levels (from total beginners to experienced dancers), everyone is welcome to join the Viva family!","start":"2024-10-02 16:00","end":"2024-10-02 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":31,"title":"Learn-to-box Women\\u2019s Edition","description":"Join us for invigorating Women's Boxing sessions hosted by yours truly! \\ud83d\\udca5 We\\u2019re thrilled to announce that Team Singapore's very own female boxing representative, Miss Wann Chee, will be joining us for several of these sessions throughout the semester! \\u2728\\r\\n\\r\\nWhether you\\u2019re a seasoned boxer or just curious to try, this is your chance to step into the (metaphorical) ring, learn from the best, and connect with an amazing community of women! \\ud83e\\udd4a\\ud83d\\udcaa\\r\\n\\r\\n\\ud83d\\udcc5 Sessions: every Wednesday from 9 October for 6 sessions\\r\\n\\ud83d\\udd52 Time: 2pm-3pm for Beginner \\\/\\\/ 3pm-4pm for Intermediate\\r\\n\\ud83d\\udccd Location: Aerobics Studio (UTown)\\r\\n\\ud83d\\udcb8 Sign Up Fee: $30 for Beginner \\\/\\\/ $45 for Intermediate\\r\\n\\r\\nSpots are limited, so don't hesitate and register now! \\ud83d\\ude80","start":"2024-10-09","end":"2024-10-10","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"yes","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":32,"title":"Learn-to-box Women\\u2019s Edition","description":"Join us for invigorating Women's Boxing sessions. We\\u2019re thrilled Team Singapore's very own female boxing representative, Miss Wann Chee, will be joining us for several of these sessions throughout the semester!\\r\\n\\r\\nWhether you\\u2019re a seasoned boxer or just curious to try, this is your chance to step into the (metaphorical) ring, learn from the best, and connect with an amazing community of women!\\r\\n\\r\\n<strong>Sessions<\\\/strong>: every Wednesday from 9 October for 6 sessions\\r\\n<strong>Time<\\\/strong>: 2pm-3pm for Beginner \\\/\\\/ 3pm-4pm for Intermediate","start":"2024-10-09 14:00","end":"2024-10-09 16:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":33,"title":"third space: The Art of Soap Making Workshop","description":"<strong>If you\\u2019ve ever wanted to explore the art of decorative soap making, now is your chance!<\\\/strong>\\r\\n\\r\\n<strong>Who is this for:<\\\/strong>\\r\\nPerfect for beginners, as well as anyone who has dabbled in a bit of crafting before. Whether you\\u2019ve tried soap making or are completely new to the craft, this workshop will guide you through the process step-by-step!\\r\\n\\r\\n<strong>What to Expect:<\\\/strong>\\r\\n\\u2728 Learn the essentials of soap making, including how to safely melt and pour soap bases, mix in various additives, and create stunning designs\\r\\n\\u2728 Discover how to incorporate dried flowers, coffee grounds, oats, dyes, and essential oils to customize your soaps with unique textures, colors, and scents\\r\\n\\u2728 Understand how to work with natural ingredients like beeswax to enhance the quality and aesthetic of your soaps\\r\\n\\u2728 Get hands-on experience creating your very own decorative soaps, perfect for gifts, home decor, or personal use\\r\\n\\r\\nAll materials will be provided, so just bring your creativity and get ready to have fun crafting beautiful, unique soaps!\\r\\n\\r\\nCome join us and dive into the soothing world of soap making! \\ud83d\\udec1\\ud83c\\udf3f","start":"2024-10-09 16:00","end":"2024-10-09 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":34,"title":"WellNUS Festival Opening - Couch Concerts @Utown","description":"<span data-contrast=\\"auto\\">Get ready to mark your calendars, because the WellNUS Festival 2024 is on the horizon, and it promises to be bigger, better, and even more exciting! We're bringing back some of your favourite workshops while introducing new and exhilarating activities that will inspire, rejuvenate, and uplift you.<\\\/span><span data-ccp-props=\\"{}\\">\\u00a0<\\\/span>\\r\\n\\r\\n<span data-contrast=\\"auto\\">Imagine diving into the world of sustainable living with eco-friendly crafts, exploring new dance forms that make your heart sing, or indulging in the art of gourmet coffee-making. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a creative soul, or someone looking to unwind and de-stress, we've got something special planned just for you.<\\\/span><span data-ccp-props=\\"{}\\">\\u00a0<\\\/span>\\r\\n\\r\\n<span data-contrast=\\"auto\\">Stay tuned for the official workshop calendar and remember to keep an eye on your email for sign-up details. Trust us; you won't want to miss out on this!<\\\/span><span data-ccp-props=\\"{}\\">\\u00a0<\\\/span>\\r\\n\\r\\n<span data-contrast=\\"auto\\">So, NUS Fam, are you excited? Because we sure are! Let's make WellNUS Festival 2024 a celebration of well-being, creativity, and community like never before. Get ready to embrace the 7 PitStop Principles and embark on a journey to enhance your well-being!<\\\/span><span data-ccp-props=\\"{}\\">\\u00a0<\\\/span>","start":"2024-10-09 17:00","end":"2024-10-09 19:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":35,"title":"Jumpstart Minis: 3D Printing & 3D Scanning by NUS Library","description":"This workshop introduces participants to 3D printing and scanning technologies. It covers the fundamentals, types of 3D printers, the complete printing process (preparation, printing, post-processing), safety tips, and pricing. Additionally, participants will learn about 3D scanning, its types and limitations, and gain hands-on experience performing a 3D scan.\\r\\n<h3>Learning Objectives<\\\/h3>\\r\\nParticipants will be able to:\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n \\t<li>List the types of 3D printers and 3D scanners<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li>Understand the complete printing process (preparation, printing, post-processing)<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li>Learn about safety tips and pricing<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li>Gain hands-on experience performing a 3D scan<\\\/li>\\r\\n<\\\/ul>","start":"2024-10-16 15:00","end":"2024-10-16 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":36,"title":"How to Prepare for Life after Graduation","description":"Transitioning from university to the professional world can be exciting and daunting. Beyond the thrill of starting a new career, we will soon have to deal with many other aspects of life \\u2013 from adult responsibilities, finances, health, relationships and families, and even personal fulfilment and happiness. Such a life journey comes with many uncertainties and questions about what lies ahead. What can we do now to prepare for life after graduation?\\r\\n\\r\\nThis workshop aims to go beyond typical job search advice. Together, we will explore strategies and ideas for managing the complexities of post-graduation life, including how to:\\r\\n\\u2022 Gain clarity on your values to avoid feeling overwhelmed as you navigate career and life choices\\r\\n\\u2022 Build confidence and tackle imposter syndrome\\r\\n\\u2022 How to plan well to minimise anxieties about uncertainties and risks of failure\\r\\n\\u2022 How to develop ourselves meaningfully that will also make us employable\\r\\n\\r\\nThis is not just about securing your first job \\u2013 it\\u2019s also about learning how to grow into the person you wish to become. Join us as we explore these critical life skills and strategies that will empower you to enter the next stage of your life with confidence, clarity, and purpose.","start":"2024-10-16 15:00","end":"2024-10-16 16:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":37,"title":"Leading with Purpose: Shattering Barriers and Inspiring Change","description":"Join conductor and author Alice Farnham for an inspiring talk on leadership and breaking barriers in conducting. Drawing from her book In Good Hands and insights from renowned conductors, she shares how to lead with purpose and inspire change. Includes an interactive Q&amp;A on leadership and confidence.","start":"2024-10-16 15:00","end":"2024-10-16 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":38,"title":"WellNUS Festival Closing Event - Chillax Lofi Tunes with PitStop@Town","description":"Wrap up the WellNUS Festival 2024 with ChillOut@PitStop! For one night only, we\\u2019re transforming PitStop into a relaxing haven of chill vibes, featuring a blend of smooth electronic beats and soulful a cappella voices. Unwind and take a moment to recharge as you soak in the ambient music and calming atmosphere. Whether you\\u2019re reflecting on the festival or just looking for a space to relax, ChillOut@PitStop is the perfect way to close out this journey of mindfulness and well-being.","start":"2024-10-23 13:00","end":"2024-10-23 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":39,"title":"Leap of Learning \\u2013 Web Tour Maker","description":"Want to give people a tour to places you have been without bringing them there? Come for this session to learn how you can make one online using 360 images!","start":"2024-10-23 15:00","end":"2024-10-23 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":40,"title":"third space: Mixed media art immersion workshop","description":"","start":"2024-10-23 16:00","end":"2024-10-23 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":41,"title":"Paper Quilling","description":"You will learn basic quill shapes, and create simple designs with paper strips by rolling, coiling, crimping and glueing together to form shapes for designing cards and decorative art pieces. The art of quilling provides the participant with a creative outlet for self-expression, a sense of achievement and fun with papers.","start":"2024-10-30 15:00","end":"2024-10-30 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":42,"title":"Leap of Learning \\u2013 Design Custom Graphics in PowerPoint (Part 1)","description":"Turn plain powerpoint slides into your canvas! Create graphics that can be applied in your work and personal projects (Part 1)!","start":"2024-11-06 15:00","end":"2024-11-06 16:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":43,"title":"Terrarium Workshop","description":"","start":"2024-11-06 15:00","end":"2024-11-06 16:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":44,"title":"Do Something New Today \\u2013 Let Shamir Chat with You","description":"Limited seats. Register <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/forms.office.com\\\/pages\\\/responsepage.aspx?id=Xu-lWwkxd06Fvc_rDTR-goQSGNQeocVMreust608hchUMUREQUlGM1kyTERCQVlYR0JYWkdJMjVOTy4u&amp;route=shorturl\\">here<\\\/a>.","start":"2024-11-06 16:00","end":"2024-11-06 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":45,"title":"Leap of Learning \\u2013 Design Custom Graphics in PowerPoint (Part 2)","description":"Turn plain powerpoint slides into your canvas! Create graphics that can be applied in your work and personal projects (Part 2)!","start":"2024-11-13 15:00","end":"2024-11-13 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":46,"title":"Take a Paws","description":"<img class=\\"size-medium wp-image-2849 aligncenter\\" src=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu.sg\\\/nusone\\\/wp-content\\\/uploads\\\/2024\\\/11\\\/NUSOne-Dabble-Discover_OSA-Instagram-300x300.png\\" alt=\\"\\" width=\\"300\\" height=\\"300\\" \\\/>\\r\\n\\r\\n&nbsp;\\r\\n\\r\\nTake a break from your studies and enjoy some quality time with man's best friend! This NUSOne session is a perfect chance to relax and experience the joy that our furry companions bring.","start":"2024-11-14 11:00","end":"2024-11-14 12:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":47,"title":"Discovering Yourself with MBTI and RIASEC","description":"This engaging session is designed to help students uncover their unique strengths, preferences, and career possibilities using two widely recognised assessment tools: the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the RIASEC Holland Codes.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nExplore the four dimensions of personality and discover how your MBTI type shapes your communication style, decision-making process, and ideal work environment. Learn how to harness your strengths and address potential blind spots to thrive in academic and professional settings.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nDive into the six Holland Codes and uncover how your interests align with potential career paths. Find out how those orientations guide job preferences and satisfaction.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nBy the end of this session, you will gain a deeper understanding of yourself and actionable strategies for navigating your journey with confidence.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nPlease note that this workshop is offered both in an in-person and Zoom format. Please register using the appropriate buttons based on the format you would like to attend.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nFind out more about the event <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu.sg\\\/cfg\\\/events\\\/details\\\/4129\\"><span style=\\"color: #0000ff;\\">here<\\\/span><\\\/a>.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nThis is a pre-event workshop for <span style=\\"color: #0000ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #0000ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu.sg\\\/cfg\\\/nuscareerfest\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener\\">NUS Career Fest 2025<\\\/a><\\\/span>\\u00a0and is also part of the NUSOne | Dabble and Discover series.\\r\\n\\r\\n&nbsp;","start":"2025-01-22 15:00","end":"2025-01-22 16:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":48,"title":"Learn-to-Pickleball","description":"In collaboration with the\\u00a0<strong>NUS One<\\\/strong>, OSA Sports has developed a range of Learn-to programs for NUS students. Seize this opportunity to acquire a new sport or skill! Our program includes a\\u00a0<strong>6-week learn-to-pickleball<\\\/strong> session scheduled every Wednesday. Sign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10887540\\">here<\\\/a>!\\r\\n\\r\\nDetails\\r\\nDate: 5 Feb, 12 Feb, 19 Feb, 12 Mar, 19 Mar &amp; 26 Mar\\r\\nTime: 2 to 3 PM OR 3.30 to 4.30 PM\\r\\nLocation: University Sports Centre, exact location TBA\\r\\nPrice:$30 per pax (inc. GST)\\r\\n\\r\\nEmail\\u00a0<a dir=\\"auto\\" href=\\"mailto:sports@nus.edu.sg\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener noreferrer\\">sports@nus.edu.sg<\\\/a>\\u00a0for any enquiries.\\r\\n\\r\\n<em>Note:\\u00a0Paddles and balls will be provided, just bring along a towel and water. And please be in sportswear + covered shoes<\\\/em>","start":"2025-02-05 02:00","end":"2025-02-05 15:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":49,"title":"Learn-to-Squash","description":"In collaboration with the\\u00a0<strong>NUS One<\\\/strong>, OSA Sports has developed a range of Learn-to programs for NUS students. Seize this opportunity to acquire a new sport or skill! Our program includes a\\u00a0<strong>6-week learn-to-squash<\\\/strong> session scheduled every Wednesday. Sign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10887575\\">here<\\\/a>!\\r\\n\\r\\nDetails\\r\\nDate: 5 Feb, 12 Feb, 19 Feb, 12 Mar, 19 Mar &amp; 26 Mar\\r\\nTime: 2 to 3.30 PM OR 4 to 5.30 PM\\r\\nLocation: University Sports Centre, Squash courts\\r\\nPrice:$30 per pax (inc. GST)\\r\\n\\r\\nEmail\\u00a0<a dir=\\"auto\\" href=\\"mailto:sports@nus.edu.sg\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener noreferrer\\">sports@nus.edu.sg<\\\/a>\\u00a0for any enquiries.\\r\\n\\r\\n<em>Note: Rackets and balls will be provided, bring along a towel and water. And please be in sportswear + covered shoes<\\\/em>","start":"2025-02-05 14:00","end":"2025-02-05 15:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":50,"title":"mOSAic Tea Ceremony","description":"Interested in experiencing the art of mindfulness and appreciating beauty in simplicity through the Japanese tea ceremony? Join us for a live demonstration and delve into the rich history and cultural significance of this timeless tradition.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\n3 sessions - 3pm to 4pm, 4pm to 5pm and 5pm to 6pm.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nFind out more about the event, and other mOSAic Fringe Events <span style=\\"color: #000080;\\"><a style=\\"color: #000080;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/osa.nus.edu.sg\\\/event\\\/mosaic-fringe-events\\\/\\">here<\\\/a><\\\/span>!","start":"2025-02-05 15:00","end":"2025-02-05 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":51,"title":"DIY Fragrance Wax Bar workshop","description":"Unwind and relax as you create your own scented aroma wax diffuser using raw beeswax and preserved flowers. Walk away with a customised diffuser that you can hang near your desk, bedside, or wardrobe to enhance relaxation, boost focus, or simply add a cozy touch to your space.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nNo experience needed \\u2013 all materials will be provided.\\u00a0<span style=\\"color: #0000ff;\\"><strong><a style=\\"color: #0000ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10866338\\">Sign up now and secure your spot!<\\\/a>*<\\\/strong><\\\/span>\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nPlease note that the event will begin promptly, so we kindly ask you to arrive at the venue at least 5 minutes beforehand.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\n<em>*Do note that there are limited slots so please sign up only if you are sure you can attend the workshop. If you can no longer make it, please update your RSVP as soon as possible and email Thiri at\\u00a0<span style=\\"color: #0000ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #0000ff;\\" href=\\"mailto:thiri.y@nus.edu.sg\\">thiri.y@nus.edu.sg<\\\/a><\\\/span>\\u00a0so that the slot can be released to another student on the waitlist.<\\\/em>","start":"2025-02-05 15:00","end":"2025-02-05 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":52,"title":"Discover the Niibori Guitar","description":"<div>\\r\\n<div class=\\"DescriptionText\\">\\r\\n\\r\\nJoin us for an introduction to the Niibori guitar ensemble, a unique style developed in Japan that utilises a family of guitars with varying sizes and pitches to create rich, harmonious sounds. You will have the opportunity to play the Niibori guitar, collaborate with fellow music enthusiasts and experience performing as part of an ensemble. We welcome participants of all skill levels, whether you are a beginner or an experienced guitarist. If you're new to guitar, you'll learn the basics of guitar and some chords where you can strum along as we play together as an ensemble! Don\\u2019t worry as our members will be there to guide and support you every step of the way!\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\n<strong>About Us<\\\/strong>\\r\\n<br>\\r\\nNUS Guitar Ensemble (GENUS) is a student-led group founded in 1981 by Singapore Cultural Medallion recipient Mr. Alex Abisheganaden. Initially a classical prime guitar ensemble, we became the region's first Niibori guitar ensemble.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\n<strong>Workshop Details:<\\\/strong>\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\n<strong>1) Workshop Timing<\\\/strong>\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\n12 February (Wednesday) 3 - 5 PM\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\n<strong>2) Workshop Fees<\\\/strong>\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nThe workshop is\\u00a0<strong>FREE!\\u00a0<\\\/strong>Click <strong><span style=\\"color: #0000ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #0000ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10821053\\">HERE<\\\/a><\\\/span>\\u00a0<\\\/strong>to register.\\r\\n<br><br>\\r\\nThe event is open to ALL current NUS undergraduates and graduates!\\r\\n\\r\\n<\\\/div>\\r\\n<\\\/div>","start":"2025-02-12 15:00","end":"2025-02-12 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":53,"title":"Valentine's Day : Floral Bouquet Workshop","description":"<strong>Luther Burbank<\\\/strong>\\r\\n\\r\\n\\"Flowers always make people better, happier, and more hopeful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul\\".\\r\\n\\r\\nFloral arrangements can be a part of wellness because they can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and promote a sense of connection to nature. Join us for this workshop and get tips on how to prep the flowers and wrap it in Spiral style. Unlock your creativity with this floral bouquet workshop!\\r\\n\\r\\nNo experience needed \\u2013 all materials will be provided. Limited slots available, so\\u00a0<span style=\\"color: #0000ff;\\"><a style=\\"color: #0000ff;\\" href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10866348\\">sign up now and secure your spot<\\\/a><\\\/span>!\\r\\n\\r\\nPlease note that the event will begin promptly, so we kindly ask you to arrive at the venue at least 5 minutes beforehand.\\r\\n\\r\\n<em>*Do note that there are limited slots so please sign up only if you are sure you can attend the workshop. If you can no longer make it, please update your RSVP as soon as possible and email Thiri at\\u00a0<a href=\\"mailto:thiri.y@nus.edu.sg\\">thiri.y@nus.edu.sg<\\\/a>\\u00a0so that the slot can be released to another student on the waitlist.<\\\/em>","start":"2025-02-12 15:00","end":"2025-02-12 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":54,"title":"Beginner's Latin Dance Workshop","description":"Viva LatiNUS takes pride in our strong family spirit and the belief that it is never too late to start dancing \\u2013 everyone is welcome! Above all, Viva LatiNUS continuously strives to inspire our members and audience with the enthralling and passionate art of Latin dance.\\r\\n\\r\\nIf you have heard about us and are interested in picking up Latin dance with us, this is your chance! In AY24\\\/25 Semester 2, we will focus on the techniques and choreographies of the genres of Samba and Rumba. We cater to dancers of all levels (from total beginners to experienced dancers), so everyone is welcome to join the Viva family!\\r\\n\\r\\n<strong>Class Details:<\\\/strong>\\r\\n<strong>1) Practice timing<\\\/strong>\\r\\nWednesday 4-6 PM\\r\\n\\r\\n<strong>2) Workshop fees<\\\/strong>\\r\\nClasses are\\u00a0<strong>FREE<\\\/strong>!\\r\\n\\r\\nThe event is open to all current NUS undergraduates and graduates. Sign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10797087\\">here<\\\/a>!","start":"2025-02-12 16:00","end":"2025-02-12 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":55,"title":"The Heartland Market \\u2013 Go Vocal for Local","description":"Did you know Singapore is cultivating a thriving urban farming scene despite its size? In this\\u00a0<b>hands-on workshop<\\\/b>, dive into the world of microgreens \\u2014 their nutritional benefits and culinary potential. Learn step-by-step how to grow and maintain your own microgreens, stemming of Brazilian Spinach, and get inspired to experiment with different methods using simple, accessible materials \\u2014 anytime, anywhere.\\r\\n\\r\\nHear first-hand stories from local producers, regulators, and consumers about Singapore's journey to sustainable agriculture. Plus, don\\u2019t miss our\\u00a0<b>pop-up farmers\\u2019 market<\\\/b>\\u00a0featuring mushroom and microgreen growing kit, low GI dessert premixes, cookies, and more. Join us and grow your connection to local produce!\\r\\n\\r\\nSign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu.sg\\\/nuslibraries\\\/researcher-unbound\\\/current-workshops\\\/the-heartland-market-go-vocal-for-local\\">here<\\\/a>!","start":"2025-02-19 10:00","end":"2025-02-19 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":56,"title":"Wednesday Paddle Club","description":"\\ud83c\\udf0a\\u00a0<strong>Midweek blues? Paddle them away with Wednesday Paddle Club!<\\\/strong>\\u00a0\\ud83d\\udea3\\u200d\\u2640\\ufe0f\\r\\n\\r\\nHosted by\\u00a0<strong>NUS Kayaking<\\\/strong>, it\\u2019s your perfect escape to rent a kayak, soak up the sun, and enjoy a relaxing 2-hour paddling session. Whether you\\u2019re looking to unwind or make waves with friends, this midweek adventure is just what you need! \\ud83c\\udf34\\u2728\\r\\n\\r\\n\\ud83d\\udcc5\\u00a0<strong>Dates<\\\/strong>:\\r\\n12 Feb | 19 Feb | 12 Mar | 19 Mar 2025\\r\\n\\r\\n\\u23f0\\u00a0<strong>Time Slots<\\\/strong>:\\r\\n2 PM \\u2013 4 PM\\r\\n4 PM \\u2013 6 PM\\r\\n\\r\\n\\ud83d\\udccd\\u00a0<strong>Venue<\\\/strong>:\\r\\nKallang Water Sports Centre\\r\\n10 Stadium Ln, Singapore 397774\\r\\n\\r\\nBook your slots via\\u00a0https:\\\/\\\/cal.com\\\/nus-kayaking\\\/nus-kayaking-wednesday-paddle-club\\r\\n\\r\\n\\ud83c\\udf93\\u00a0<em>One-Star Certification required<\\\/em>\\r\\n\\r\\n\\u2705 Book your slots via\\u00a0https:\\\/\\\/cal.com\\\/nus-kayaking\\\/nus-kayaking-wednesday-paddle-club\\r\\n\\r\\n\\u2705 Slots are only confirmed upon payment.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\ud83d\\udcb8\\u00a0<strong>Fees<\\\/strong>:\\r\\n$6\\\/pax\\\/slot \\u2013\\u00a0<em>NUS Kayak Pass Members<\\\/em>\\r\\n$8\\\/pax\\\/slot \\u2013\\u00a0<em>NUS Staff &amp; Students<\\\/em>\\r\\n$10\\\/pax\\\/slot \\u2013\\u00a0<em>NUS Alumni<\\\/em>\\r\\n\\r\\nReady to paddle your way to midweek bliss? \\ud83c\\udf0a\\u2728 Grab your <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/11012460\\">slots<\\\/a> before they\\u2019re gone! \\ud83d\\udef6","start":"2025-02-19 14:00","end":"2025-02-19 18:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":57,"title":"Learn-to-Play Tennis","description":"<div>\\r\\n<div class=\\"DescriptionText\\">\\r\\n\\r\\nIn collaboration with NUSOne, TeamNUS Tennis has arranged a series of recreational learn-to-tennis training sessions open to all NUS students! \\ud83d\\ude4c\\ud83c\\udffb\\r\\n\\r\\nTeamNUS Tennis has also partnered up with Star Tennis, a local tennis academy, who with their entourage of experienced coaches, will offer you top-notch and detailed tennis coaching.\\r\\nThese training sessions are targeted towards beginner-level players (Players with zero to little experience), allowing you all to venture into a new sport!\\r\\n\\r\\nDate: 19 February 2025 - 9 April 2025 (Every Wednesday, except 5 March)\\r\\n\\r\\nLocation: NUS University Sports Centre Tennis Courts\\r\\n\\r\\nTime: Every Wednesday 2-3 PM or 3-4 PM or 4-5 PM (Please ensure you\\u2019re available for these timings)\\r\\n7 lessons in total (1 hr per lesson)\\r\\nProgram Registration Fee: $50 per pax for all 7 lessons (not inclusive of GST)\\r\\n\\r\\nDue to court capacity restrictions, we will cap the number of participants at a maximum of 40, so waste no time and sign up now! Hope to see you there \\ud83c\\udfc3\\ud83c\\udffb\\u200d\\u2640\\ufe0f\\ud83d\\udca8\\u231b\\ufe0f\\r\\n\\r\\nNote: Racquets and balls will be provided and please be in sportswear + covered shoes.\\r\\n\\r\\nAll participants to ensure they can make it for all 7 lessons. There will be no refunds for any missed lessons.\\r\\n\\r\\nIn the event of rain on designated training dates, the session will be postponed to 16,23 April (Wed) accordingly.\\r\\n\\r\\n<\\\/div>\\r\\n<\\\/div>\\r\\n<div>Sign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10991426\\">here<\\\/a>!<\\\/div>\\r\\n<div><\\\/div>","start":"2025-02-19 14:00","end":"2025-02-19 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":58,"title":"NUS Career Fest 2025 Industry Panel Forum","description":"<img class=\\"size-medium wp-image-3055 aligncenter\\" src=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu.sg\\\/nusone\\\/wp-content\\\/uploads\\\/2025\\\/02\\\/Thriving-in-the-University-and-Beyond-through-Inside-and-Outside-Classroom-Experiences-300x300.png\\" alt=\\"\\" width=\\"300\\" height=\\"300\\" \\\/>\\r\\n\\r\\n<strong>Panel - Thriving in the University and Beyond through Inside and Outside Classroom Experience<\\\/strong>\\r\\n\\r\\nStruggling to juggle academics, internships, global experience, and extracurriculars without burning out?\\r\\n<p style=\\"font-weight: 400;\\">Join our panel to hear from industry leaders on managing it all \\u2013 boost your skills and enhance your personal growth. Learn to prioritise, plan and thrive in every aspect of your student life for success beyond graduation!<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p style=\\"font-weight: 400;\\">Date: Wednesday, 19 February 2025\\r\\nTime: 3.30pm \\u2013 4.30pm\\r\\nVenue: UTown Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p style=\\"font-weight: 400;\\">Register <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus-csm.symplicity.com\\\/students\\\/?s=event&amp;ss=ws&amp;mode=form&amp;id=f6e269be1de0d6f6a07a1a77638d322d\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener\\" data-outlook-id=\\"cc9d210c-bf3a-4259-978a-097d5aebf101\\">here<\\\/a>!<\\\/p>\\r\\n<strong>Panel - Seizing endless opportunities in the private and public sectors today<\\\/strong>\\r\\n<p style=\\"font-weight: 400;\\">Ever wondered what skills are valued in today\\u2019s job economy? How to equip yourselves with transferable skillsets to adapt to the ever-changing industrial demands?<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p style=\\"font-weight: 400;\\">Hear from our esteemed panelists on how you can prepare yourself for the changing industry landscapes in different sectors and thrive in your careers!<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p style=\\"font-weight: 400;\\">Date: Wednesday, 19 February 2025\\r\\nTime: 4.30pm \\u2013 5.30pm\\r\\nVenue: UTown Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p style=\\"font-weight: 400;\\">Register <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus-csm.symplicity.com\\\/students\\\/?s=event&amp;ss=ws&amp;mode=form&amp;id=835f331b707e76d457857a6820696996\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener\\" data-outlook-id=\\"ec99f272-2900-4387-b019-c904888a4d9b\\">here<\\\/a>!<\\\/p>","start":"2025-02-19 15:00","end":"2025-02-19 17:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":59,"title":"Sea Glass Workshop","description":"<div>\\r\\n<div class=\\"DescriptionText\\">\\r\\n\\r\\nJoin us for a calming workshop where you can create your own unique framed art piece using natural sea glass. Relax, get creative, and leave with a meaningful piece of art to brighten your space and uplift your mood.\\r\\n\\r\\nNo experience needed \\u2013 all materials will be provided.\\u00a0<strong><a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.campuslabs.com\\\/engage\\\/event\\\/10866347\\">Sign up now and secure your spot!<\\\/a>*<\\\/strong>\\r\\n\\r\\n<\\\/div>\\r\\n<\\\/div>\\r\\n<div><\\\/div>","start":"2025-02-19 15:30","end":"2025-02-19 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":60,"title":"Re-Worlding Through Cinema: Act 1 - Situating Identities @ NUS Baba House","description":"Drawing inspiration from the thematic threads in the exhibitions \\u201cContinuity, Persistence, Line\\u201d: Thinking Through Clay - A Selection of Works by Delia Prva\\u010dki, the hull and the rig, and Unfettered Brush: The Art and Writings of Tan Joo Jong at NUS Museum, Re-Worlding Through Cinema presents a series of short film screenings that invite audiences to reconsider the contours of identity, cultural belonging, and human connection. Comprised of three acts, the series embarks on a journey of re-worlding, situating us within fragmented, contested, and evolving narratives of the self and the collective. The screening of Re-Worlding Through Cinema at both the NUS Baba House and NUS Museum offers an opportunity to view the films through two distinct yet complementary contexts. The two venues frame the films through different but interrelated perspectives - this dual-site approach invites audiences to reflect on how spatial and ideological contexts shape meaning.\\r\\n\\r\\nIn Act 1 - Situating Identities, the screening will examine the construction and negotiation of identities within overlapping personal, cultural, and geographical landscapes. Through intimate portrayals, the films explore how histories, relationships, and the fluidity of belonging shape identities.\\r\\n\\r\\nScreening at NUS Museum on 12 Feb, Wed (including Q&amp;A with Polen Ly) and at NUS Baba House on 19 Feb, Wed. Get your tickets via <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/www.eventbrite.sg\\\/e\\\/film-club-re-worlding-through-cinema-act-1-at-nus-baba-house-tickets-1232650754589?aff=oddtdtcreator\\">link<\\\/a>.","start":"2025-02-19 19:00","end":"2025-02-19 20:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":61,"title":"Jumpstart Minis: 360 Video Editor","description":"Part of the Jumpstart Minis sessions.\\r\\n\\r\\nWish to create immersive 360 videos but don't know how to? Learn how 360 videos can be edited using a free software.\\r\\n\\r\\nParticipants will be able to:\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n \\t<li>Differentiate the various modes of viewing 360 videos<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li>Execute 360 video shoots using the available equipment<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li>Plan and manage a 360 tour project<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li>Edit 360 videos using DaVinci Resolve<\\\/li>\\r\\n<\\\/ul>\\r\\nSign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.libcal.com\\\/event\\\/5750605\\">here<\\\/a>!","start":"2025-03-05 15:00","end":"2025-03-05 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":62,"title":"Feeline Good: Cat Interaction Event","description":"<p class=\\"p1\\"><b>Stressed from studies or work?<\\\/b><b><\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p class=\\"p3\\">Join us on <span class=\\"s1\\"><b>10 March 2025<\\\/b><\\\/span> to interact with SPCA cats, de-stress, and learn about cat adoption in Singapore!<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p class=\\"p1\\"><span class=\\"s2\\">\\ud83d\\udcc5 <\\\/span><b>Event Details:<\\\/b><b><\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p class=\\"p3\\">\\ud83d\\udc3e Two sessions: <span class=\\"s1\\"><b>11:00\\u201311:40<\\\/b><\\\/span> &amp; <span class=\\"s1\\"><b>11:40\\u201312:20<\\\/b><\\\/span> (25 min interaction + 15 min reflection)<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p class=\\"p3\\">\\ud83d\\udc65 <span class=\\"s1\\"><b>Max 12 participants per session<\\\/b><\\\/span> \\u2013 first come, first served!<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p class=\\"p3\\">\\u23f3 Arrive <span class=\\"s1\\"><b>5 min early<\\\/b><\\\/span> for a briefing.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p class=\\"p3\\">Sign-ups will be confirmed via group chat with further details.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p class=\\"p1\\"><span class=\\"s2\\">Organized by <\\\/span><b>SPCA, NUS PSS &amp; NUS CatCafe.<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\nSign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu\\\/nusone-feeline\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener\\">here<\\\/a>!","start":"2025-03-10 11:00","end":"2025-03-10 12:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":63,"title":"3 Money Decisions That Shape Your Financial Future","description":"Embarking on the journey of career advancement and family life presents both excitement and challenges. In this talk, we will explore three critical money decisions crucial for progressing in your career and building your family. From understanding the importance of budgeting and saving early to decisions that will set the foundations for your financial well-being.\\r\\n\\r\\nJoin us as we dive into actionable insights and practical advice aimed at helping you strike the right balance between career success, a fulfilling family life, and a secure financial future.\\r\\n\\r\\nSign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/forms.office.com\\\/Pages\\\/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Xu-lWwkxd06Fvc_rDTR-gj3IS3rwSZ9Cth4tB8N0rbdUNkk2N1RDTEVCMENQS05ETjJONlA2M1o4TiQlQCN0PWcu\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener\\">here<\\\/a>!","start":"2025-03-12 15:00","end":"2025-03-12 16:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":64,"title":"DIY Shrink Plastic Charms Workshop","description":"<p class=\\"p1\\">Feeling the Week 9 grind? Take a creative break with our shrink-plastic charms workshop! Unleash your inner artist and craft custom earrings, pins, magnets, or keychains. Relax, have fun, and bring home one-of-a-kind accessories you\\u2019ll love! \\ud83c\\udfa8\\u2728<\\\/p>\\r\\nSign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu\\\/nusone-charms\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener\\">here<\\\/a>!","start":"2025-03-19 15:30","end":"2025-03-19 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":65,"title":"Unlock the Power of Branding","description":"<p class=\\"p1\\">Ready to elevate your creative or business ideas? \\ud83c\\udfaf Learn how to craft a compelling story that captivates, connects, and attracts your audience. <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/forms.office.com\\\/r\\\/6zvrNhEGjQ\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener\\">Join us now<\\\/a>! \\ud83d\\ude80<\\\/p>","start":"2025-03-19 16:00","end":"2025-03-19 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":66,"title":"From Research to Reality: Mastering Communication for Broader Impact","description":"<p class=\\"p1\\">\\ud83d\\udce2 Master the art of clear, impactful research communication!<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p class=\\"p1\\">In today\\u2019s world, explaining complex ideas to non-specialists is essential. Join our lunchtime talk and gain key academic communication and presentation skills to elevate your research, boost your professional profile, and make a real impact. Don\\u2019t miss this chance to refine your storytelling and grow as a confident communicator! \\ud83c\\udfa4\\ud83d\\udcda\\u2728<\\\/p>\\r\\nSign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu.sg\\\/nuslibraries\\\/researcher-unbound\\\/current-workshops\\\/from-research-to-reality-mastering-communication-for-broader-impact\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener\\">here<\\\/a>!","start":"2025-03-26 11:30","end":"2025-03-26 12:30:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":67,"title":"Aromatherapy Workshop","description":"<p class=\\"p1\\">\\ud83c\\udf3f Discover the power of essential oils! From stress relief to mood-boosting benefits, learn aromatherapy basics from expert aromatherapists. Create your custom blend in a mini roll-on and take home wellness in a bottle! \\u2728\\ud83d\\udc86\\u200d\\u2640\\ufe0f<\\\/p>\\r\\nSign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.edu\\\/nusone-aromatherapy\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener\\">here<\\\/a>!","start":"2025-03-26 15:30","end":"2025-03-26 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"},{"id":68,"title":"Jumpstart Minis: Experience Augmented Reality","description":"For the augmented reality (AR) newbie. Learn how AR works and use a free tool to create AR experiences.\\r\\n\\r\\nParticipants will be able to:\\r\\n<ul>\\r\\n \\t<li>List basic concepts\\u00a0of augmented reality technology<\\\/li>\\r\\n \\t<li>Gain hands-on experience making a simple AR experience<\\\/li>\\r\\n<\\\/ul>\\r\\nSign up <a href=\\"https:\\\/\\\/nus.libcal.com\\\/event\\\/5750639\\">here<\\\/a>!","start":"2025-04-02 15:00","end":"2025-04-02 17:00:01","borderColor":"#10ecab","textColor":"#ffffff","color":"#5725ff","url":"","allDay":"","external":"on","nofollow":"on"}]\"\n data-first_day=\"0\"><\/div>\n <div id=\"eaelecModal\" class=\"eaelec-modal eael-zoom-in\">\n <div class=\"eael-ec-modal-bg\"><\/div>\n <div class=\"eaelec-modal-content\">\n <div class=\"eaelec-modal-header\">\n <div class=\"eaelec-modal-close\"><span><i class=\"fas fa-times\"><\/i><\/span><\/div>\n <h2 class=\"eael-ec-modal-title\"><\/h2>\n <span class=\"eaelec-event-date-start eaelec-event-popup-date\"><\/span>\n <span class=\"eaelec-event-date-end eaelec-event-popup-date\"><\/span>\n <\/div>\n <div class=\"eaelec-modal-body\">\n <p><\/p>\n <\/div>\n <div class=\"eaelec-modal-footer\">\n <a class=\"eaelec-event-details-link\">Event Details<\/a>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div><\/div>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-581ecac e-flex e-con-boxed e-con e-parent\" data-id=\"581ecac\" data-element_type=\"container\" data-settings=\"{"background_background":"classic"}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"e-con-inner\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-c45cb93 elementor-widget-divider--view-line_icon elementor-view-default elementor-widget-divider--element-align-center elementor-widget elementor-widget-divider\" data-id=\"c45cb93\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"divider.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-divider\">\n\t\t\t<span class=\"elementor-divider-separator\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-icon elementor-divider__element\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<svg xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/1999\/xlink\" width=\"500\" viewBox=\"0 0 375 374.999991\" height=\"500\" preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"><defs><clipPath id=\"4aec1cb1f0\"><path d=\"M 1.285156 79.019531 L 344 79.019531 L 344 348.046875 L 1.285156 348.046875 Z M 1.285156 79.019531 \" clip-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/clipPath><clipPath id=\"3b17824dda\"><path d=\"M 35.371094 26.238281 L 374.992188 26.238281 L 374.992188 208 L 35.371094 208 Z M 35.371094 26.238281 \" clip-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/clipPath><\/defs><g clip-path=\"url(#4aec1cb1f0)\"><path fill=\"#3b5672\" d=\"M 122.707031 325.261719 L 126.5 333.371094 L 126.5 344.316406 L 114.152344 347.019531 L 108.945312 345.925781 L 111.835938 333.566406 L 108.945312 327.128906 Z M 19.550781 329.058594 L 19.746094 333.695312 L 22.445312 342.511719 L 13.828125 348.046875 L 1.800781 343.734375 L 5.402344 328.996094 L 19.550781 328.996094 Z M 341.238281 305.886719 C 341.238281 308.203125 335.125 324.746094 335.125 324.746094 C 341.945312 334.59375 344.644531 340.195312 343.164062 341.613281 C 341.363281 343.347656 333.199219 338.523438 318.597656 327.0625 L 328.246094 305.242188 Z M 253.066406 316.316406 C 252.9375 321.398438 252.808594 326.484375 252.742188 331.632812 C 240.589844 342.964844 240.523438 345.667969 241.105469 346.503906 C 242.453125 348.5 251.265625 345.34375 256.667969 342.578125 C 260.527344 340.582031 263.355469 338.457031 265.285156 336.847656 C 264.640625 329.445312 264 321.980469 263.355469 314.578125 Z M 165.410156 91.351562 C 166.117188 88.710938 165.085938 87.746094 165.792969 85.625 C 166.886719 82.144531 171.195312 80.152344 174.027344 79.507812 C 182.386719 77.707031 189.589844 85.363281 190.875 86.652344 C 194.15625 90.0625 195.699219 93.730469 196.40625 95.984375 C 201.9375 98.238281 205.410156 103 205.023438 107.121094 C 204.445312 112.527344 196.855469 118.0625 187.789062 115.554688 C 182.515625 115.230469 177.308594 114.972656 172.03125 114.652344 C 170.746094 115.425781 168.6875 116.453125 166.117188 116.453125 C 157.433594 116.390625 150.230469 104.480469 152.484375 100.683594 C 153.640625 98.753906 156.339844 100.234375 160.714844 97.078125 C 162.066406 96.179688 164.574219 94.375 165.410156 91.351562 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/g><path fill=\"#ee4a46\" d=\"M 281.878906 114.457031 L 281.878906 117.546875 C 277.632812 117.546875 269.914062 118.128906 261.875 122.570312 C 254.671875 126.558594 250.941406 131.515625 245.925781 138.144531 C 239.109375 147.222656 233.835938 154.300781 235.445312 162.21875 C 236.152344 165.628906 237.953125 167.882812 241.617188 172.453125 C 246.957031 179.148438 252.550781 183.589844 256.472656 186.292969 C 256.988281 184.683594 258.082031 182.109375 260.398438 179.792969 C 261.296875 178.890625 262.199219 178.183594 263.035156 177.667969 C 261.234375 176.316406 257.375 173.03125 254.996094 167.367188 C 253.128906 162.796875 253.066406 158.742188 253.195312 156.492188 C 256.152344 153.464844 259.109375 150.375 262.070312 147.351562 C 263.933594 149.089844 269.65625 154.753906 271.136719 164.148438 C 272.167969 170.910156 270.492188 176.316406 269.464844 178.890625 C 275.703125 181.335938 285.09375 184.167969 296.734375 184.621094 C 305.15625 184.941406 312.359375 183.976562 317.828125 182.753906 C 316.992188 179.277344 316.285156 174.898438 316.285156 169.878906 C 316.285156 167.109375 316.476562 164.601562 316.734375 162.347656 C 318.085938 160.222656 319.5625 157.261719 320.59375 153.53125 C 322.457031 146.769531 321.75 140.914062 321.105469 137.632812 C 327.472656 125.660156 333.777344 113.6875 340.144531 101.648438 L 357.894531 61.292969 C 356.929688 61.226562 355.578125 61.097656 354.097656 60.390625 C 350.820312 58.84375 349.46875 55.882812 349.082031 54.984375 C 341.171875 68.371094 333.328125 81.761719 325.414062 95.148438 L 310.175781 110.726562 L 302.714844 111.242188 L 297.890625 105.703125 C 296.796875 107.25 294.289062 110.273438 290.042969 112.335938 C 286.765625 114.074219 283.679688 114.394531 281.878906 114.457031 Z M 175.957031 189.511719 C 185.539062 190.027344 193 187.707031 197.113281 186.101562 C 198.785156 193.953125 200.457031 201.742188 202.128906 209.59375 C 209.65625 225.75 217.179688 241.90625 224.703125 258 C 225.863281 261.730469 227.46875 267.265625 228.628906 274.15625 C 230.492188 284.902344 230.363281 292.820312 230.429688 298.550781 C 230.554688 307.304688 231.199219 319.789062 233.644531 335.496094 C 228.5625 335.496094 222.324219 335.109375 215.378906 333.695312 C 209.207031 332.472656 203.929688 330.734375 199.621094 329.058594 L 204.640625 261.988281 L 174.414062 217.511719 L 162.386719 275.636719 C 164.121094 295.589844 165.792969 315.542969 167.53125 335.5625 C 165.023438 336.976562 160.070312 339.230469 153.445312 339.488281 C 145.40625 339.808594 139.425781 336.976562 136.855469 335.5625 C 134.796875 320.757812 136.46875 309.683594 138.398438 302.21875 C 140.132812 295.394531 142 292.175781 144.507812 283.550781 C 147.980469 271.644531 149.203125 261.539062 149.71875 254.84375 C 148.816406 247.636719 148.238281 239.394531 148.429688 230.449219 C 148.882812 211.847656 152.480469 196.140625 156.339844 184.363281 C 160.136719 186.226562 167.015625 188.996094 175.957031 189.511719 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><path fill=\"#f6b33e\" d=\"M 269.464844 178.890625 C 266.054688 189.769531 262.777344 201.417969 259.816406 213.84375 C 254.996094 234.375 251.90625 253.558594 249.980469 271.066406 L 250.363281 316.25 L 265.800781 314.125 L 271.007812 271.773438 L 288.953125 218.347656 L 328.761719 255.679688 L 327.34375 305.179688 L 344.902344 306.082031 C 346.574219 299.066406 348.890625 288.636719 350.820312 275.761719 C 353.199219 259.863281 352.683594 256.066406 352.234375 253.878906 C 351.011719 247.507812 348.183594 242.550781 333.777344 225.363281 C 328.503906 219.054688 321.558594 211.074219 313.195312 201.871094 C 314.804688 195.496094 316.414062 189.1875 318.019531 182.816406 C 312.230469 184.039062 304.128906 185.199219 294.546875 184.554688 C 283.804688 183.78125 275.316406 181.207031 269.464844 178.890625 Z M 56.335938 121.21875 C 57.171875 125.015625 58.648438 127.589844 60.195312 130.359375 C 62.058594 133.769531 64.117188 136.40625 65.855469 138.46875 C 67.011719 136.792969 68.167969 134.925781 69.328125 132.738281 C 71.898438 127.652344 73.121094 122.890625 73.699219 119.15625 L 73.570312 112.914062 L 81.675781 115.230469 L 100.644531 98.816406 L 128.492188 57.816406 C 131.324219 59.234375 134.152344 60.582031 136.980469 62 C 134.472656 71.140625 131.578125 78.605469 129.199219 84.140625 C 126.050781 91.414062 123.539062 97.207031 118.71875 104.09375 C 114.34375 110.402344 112.351562 111.5625 105.535156 120.1875 C 100.773438 126.238281 97.238281 131.453125 95.050781 134.734375 C 92.734375 142.074219 90.613281 150.054688 88.75 158.679688 C 87.460938 164.535156 86.496094 170.136719 85.660156 175.480469 C 81.996094 177.601562 76.53125 180.179688 69.519531 181.660156 C 64.308594 182.753906 59.742188 182.882812 56.207031 182.753906 L 43.664062 178.761719 L 36.976562 155.074219 L 31.898438 165.566406 L 40.902344 177.796875 C 38.972656 181.273438 37.042969 184.683594 35.113281 188.160156 C 26.367188 184.683594 21.285156 179.855469 18.714844 177.023438 C 15.238281 173.160156 14.46875 170.714844 14.148438 169.234375 C 13.117188 164.40625 15.113281 160.289062 16.269531 157.777344 C 19.871094 150.246094 23.859375 141.492188 28.617188 131.257812 C 31.578125 127.910156 36.398438 123.339844 43.410156 119.671875 C 47.976562 117.289062 52.21875 115.875 55.628906 115.101562 C 55.628906 116.648438 55.757812 118.707031 56.335938 121.21875 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><path fill=\"#456eb8\" d=\"M 161.101562 338.136719 C 160.90625 338.777344 158.976562 344.058594 153.960938 345.539062 C 152.289062 345.988281 150.746094 345.925781 149.652344 345.730469 C 148.753906 345.730469 146.757812 345.539062 144.828125 344.121094 C 141.613281 341.804688 141.226562 338.070312 141.164062 337.492188 C 143.285156 338.265625 146.371094 339.164062 150.039062 339.421875 C 154.734375 339.679688 158.59375 338.90625 161.101562 338.136719 Z M 229.71875 335.433594 C 230.105469 336.847656 230.8125 338.652344 231.90625 340.515625 C 233.386719 343.09375 235.058594 344.894531 236.410156 346.054688 C 235.894531 346.246094 227.40625 349.011719 220.84375 343.542969 C 216.535156 339.9375 215.636719 335.046875 215.441406 333.695312 C 217.886719 334.210938 220.589844 334.59375 223.480469 334.917969 C 225.667969 335.175781 227.726562 335.304688 229.71875 335.433594 Z M 174.027344 139.820312 C 175.3125 144.777344 176.726562 149.410156 178.144531 153.660156 C 180.136719 149.925781 182.128906 145.675781 183.996094 140.914062 C 186.179688 135.3125 187.726562 130.101562 188.882812 125.464844 L 193.382812 124.757812 C 192.871094 122.632812 193.640625 120.378906 195.378906 119.09375 C 197.308594 117.613281 200.007812 117.613281 202.003906 119.09375 C 201.101562 124.371094 203.222656 128.878906 206.503906 130.101562 C 207.082031 130.359375 208.691406 130.808594 211.003906 129.972656 C 211.585938 130.613281 212.484375 131.902344 212.933594 133.703125 C 213.0625 134.285156 213.707031 136.792969 212.550781 139.238281 C 211.328125 141.878906 208.367188 143.554688 205.089844 143.746094 C 202.582031 150.632812 200.074219 157.519531 197.5 164.34375 C 191.582031 165.117188 185.023438 165.695312 177.949219 165.953125 C 171.648438 166.144531 165.792969 166.082031 160.394531 165.757812 C 159.429688 159.257812 158.464844 152.757812 157.5 146.191406 C 155.054688 145.417969 151.390625 143.9375 147.660156 140.976562 C 144.636719 138.597656 142.644531 136.085938 141.355469 134.15625 C 141.292969 133.511719 141.164062 129.132812 144.378906 126.367188 C 146.628906 124.4375 149.203125 124.371094 150.683594 124.308594 C 154.992188 124.113281 158.207031 126.238281 159.492188 127.203125 L 170.941406 125.59375 C 171.710938 130.035156 172.742188 134.796875 174.027344 139.820312 Z M 62.445312 181.53125 C 71.640625 181.273438 78.714844 178.699219 82.894531 176.765625 L 113.25 258.707031 L 126.5 324.683594 L 105.339844 327.578125 L 91.707031 273.769531 L 64.761719 213.84375 L 60.515625 214.9375 L 37.941406 267.332031 L 24.691406 329.058594 L 0 329.058594 L 21.863281 259.480469 L 43.664062 178.761719 C 47.78125 180.179688 54.34375 181.785156 62.445312 181.53125 Z M 51.640625 95.339844 L 48.683594 83.753906 C 49.003906 82.53125 50.609375 77.316406 55.949219 74.226562 C 62.769531 70.238281 69.839844 73.070312 70.613281 73.394531 C 76.785156 72.621094 81.675781 74.871094 82.703125 78.15625 C 82.894531 78.800781 83.152344 80.085938 82.445312 81.953125 C 83.730469 83.5 84.117188 85.558594 83.410156 87.234375 C 82.894531 88.453125 81.996094 89.097656 81.546875 89.355469 C 81.996094 88.066406 81.675781 86.589844 80.710938 85.75 C 79.550781 84.65625 78.074219 84.914062 77.878906 84.914062 C 77.6875 88.324219 77.492188 91.800781 77.300781 95.210938 C 73.699219 98.558594 70.164062 101.90625 66.5625 105.253906 L 51.898438 97.273438 Z M 297.953125 105.832031 C 298.46875 109.117188 299.949219 111.433594 301.554688 111.625 C 301.878906 111.625 302.261719 111.625 302.714844 111.367188 C 305.222656 105.511719 307.664062 99.652344 310.171875 93.859375 C 307.40625 90.257812 299.691406 81.117188 286.378906 77.707031 C 280.65625 76.222656 275.574219 76.289062 271.84375 76.613281 C 269.980469 77.707031 265.285156 80.730469 262.582031 86.71875 C 261.039062 90.191406 260.71875 93.347656 260.71875 95.339844 C 262.132812 97.015625 263.613281 98.753906 265.027344 100.425781 C 276.023438 102.292969 287.019531 104.03125 297.953125 105.832031 Z M 208.304688 331.957031 L 205.410156 336.203125 L 201.488281 334.082031 L 202.644531 330.152344 L 208.304688 331.957031 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><g clip-path=\"url(#3b17824dda)\"><path fill=\"#efbf9e\" d=\"M 259.496094 180.820312 C 258.144531 182.429688 257.308594 184.039062 256.859375 185.261719 C 258.402344 187.128906 260.78125 189.703125 264.191406 192.019531 C 271.394531 196.976562 280.078125 198.910156 280.847656 197.429688 C 281.425781 196.335938 277.503906 194.144531 272.039062 186.484375 C 270.945312 184.941406 270.109375 183.652344 269.527344 182.6875 C 273.515625 182.753906 275.574219 182.558594 275.640625 182.171875 C 275.703125 181.53125 271.203125 180.242188 262.070312 178.375 C 261.296875 178.953125 260.398438 179.726562 259.496094 180.820312 Z M 267.984375 95.339844 C 273.453125 95.921875 277.695312 93.089844 279.113281 91.996094 C 280.332031 90.769531 282.261719 90.578125 283.679688 91.609375 C 285.09375 92.636719 285.542969 94.503906 284.769531 96.050781 C 285.222656 96.949219 286.25 98.816406 288.566406 100.234375 C 291.84375 102.230469 295.191406 101.585938 295.960938 101.457031 C 296.605469 102.9375 297.3125 104.417969 297.953125 105.898438 C 296.925781 107.378906 295.125 109.503906 292.296875 111.304688 C 288.050781 114.007812 283.804688 114.457031 281.8125 114.523438 C 281.621094 113.816406 281.363281 113.105469 281.167969 112.398438 C 279.046875 113.75 277.375 113.878906 276.476562 113.878906 C 270.558594 113.6875 266.441406 105.574219 265.027344 100.554688 C 264.320312 97.980469 264.191406 95.792969 264.191406 94.503906 C 265.285156 94.828125 266.570312 95.210938 267.984375 95.339844 Z M 175.121094 92.960938 C 177.371094 91.285156 178.722656 89.355469 179.429688 88.199219 C 180.84375 89.675781 182.453125 91.15625 184.058594 92.636719 C 186.632812 94.957031 189.140625 97.078125 191.582031 98.945312 C 192.097656 100.363281 193.964844 106.285156 190.875 111.882812 C 189.976562 113.558594 188.820312 114.78125 187.855469 115.683594 C 187.597656 116.90625 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54.921875 96.691406 55.050781 97.59375 C 54.792969 97.464844 51.964844 96.179688 50.933594 97.207031 C 49.839844 98.238281 51.253906 101.199219 52.347656 102.679688 C 53.3125 104.03125 54.46875 104.867188 55.242188 105.320312 C 55.5625 106.347656 55.949219 107.957031 56.015625 109.886719 C 56.078125 111.753906 55.824219 112.527344 55.695312 115.101562 C 55.5625 116.90625 55.433594 118.964844 55.695312 121.089844 C 56.015625 123.921875 56.980469 125.980469 57.878906 127.78125 C 60.066406 132.351562 63.152344 135.828125 65.917969 138.339844 C 68.167969 135.121094 70.675781 130.679688 72.351562 125.015625 C 72.992188 122.890625 73.378906 120.894531 73.699219 119.027344 L 73.441406 108.472656 C 74.214844 106.734375 74.921875 104.996094 75.695312 103.324219 C 76.722656 102.613281 78.394531 101.199219 79.039062 98.945312 C 79.488281 97.335938 79.425781 94.957031 78.523438 94.632812 C 77.75 94.375 76.59375 95.664062 76.335938 96.050781 C 75.695312 94.761719 75.050781 93.21875 74.601562 91.351562 C 73.894531 88.648438 73.765625 86.265625 73.765625 84.464844 C 73.058594 84.207031 70.742188 83.5 68.234375 84.464844 C 67.269531 84.847656 66.5625 85.363281 66.113281 85.816406 C 65.339844 85.300781 63.988281 84.335938 61.933594 83.949219 Z M 145.535156 139.238281 C 144.445312 141.878906 142.898438 145.546875 141.164062 150.054688 C 136.855469 161.382812 136.726562 163.699219 136.789062 165.117188 C 136.855469 169.234375 138.332031 172.453125 141.355469 178.761719 C 143.992188 184.296875 146.695312 188.546875 148.6875 191.507812 C 149.910156 193.757812 151.582031 196.847656 153.703125 200.453125 C 156.726562 205.472656 157.628906 206.441406 158.914062 207.082031 C 163.414062 209.402344 169.976562 206.761719 170.039062 204.960938 C 170.105469 203.738281 167.339844 203.609375 164.507812 201.03125 C 161.484375 198.328125 160.265625 194.660156 159.683594 191.699219 C 163.738281 191.828125 165.859375 191.636719 165.988281 190.992188 C 166.179688 190.089844 162.644531 188.480469 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49.898438 362.84375 51.378906 C 360.914062 54.726562 358.988281 58.007812 357.121094 61.355469 C 356.222656 61.226562 354.421875 60.90625 352.621094 59.554688 C 350.882812 58.394531 350.046875 56.980469 349.660156 56.207031 Z M 202.003906 119.09375 L 213.257812 90.644531 C 214.929688 85.558594 217.4375 79.445312 221.167969 72.878906 C 225.089844 65.992188 229.335938 60.519531 233 56.398438 C 234.414062 53.375 236.792969 48.996094 240.910156 44.75 C 244.320312 41.210938 249.65625 36.960938 250.75 37.925781 C 251.457031 38.503906 250.816406 41.210938 244.640625 50.867188 C 246.828125 50.992188 250.558594 51.316406 250.75 52.476562 C 250.878906 53.308594 249.335938 54.210938 245.542969 56.269531 C 241.941406 58.203125 238.722656 59.8125 236.023438 61.097656 C 230.8125 75.003906 225.605469 88.96875 220.460938 102.875 L 211.003906 130.035156 C 210.425781 130.164062 207.277344 130.871094 204.640625 129.007812 C 201.746094 126.945312 200.585938 122.890625 202.003906 119.09375 Z M 135.183594 61.097656 L 145.40625 53.246094 C 149.910156 48.867188 150.683594 47.132812 150.230469 46.550781 C 149.84375 45.972656 148.625 46.421875 146.308594 45.714844 C 145.214844 45.394531 144.378906 45.007812 143.800781 44.621094 C 148.816406 36.640625 149.074219 34.773438 148.625 34.386719 C 147.53125 33.488281 142.644531 37.089844 139.683594 39.921875 C 136.277344 43.203125 134.21875 46.488281 132.609375 49.191406 C 130.617188 52.539062 129.265625 55.5 128.367188 57.6875 C 130.617188 58.847656 132.933594 59.941406 135.183594 61.097656 Z M 179.042969 165.953125 C 185.21875 165.695312 191.070312 165.179688 196.472656 164.539062 C 195.699219 167.113281 194.734375 171.101562 194.992188 176.058594 C 195.25 180.308594 196.277344 183.78125 197.113281 186.101562 C 193 187.710938 185.539062 190.027344 175.957031 189.511719 C 166.953125 188.996094 160.136719 186.230469 156.210938 184.296875 C 157.5 182.175781 158.847656 179.40625 160.007812 176.058594 C 161.292969 172.195312 161.808594 168.785156 162 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184.554688 C 273.582031 204.574219 267.601562 226.070312 265.089844 247.636719 C 263.804688 258.835938 263.484375 270.097656 263.097656 281.363281 C 262.648438 292.886719 261.425781 304.601562 261.875 316.121094 C 261.875 316.957031 263.097656 316.957031 263.164062 316.121094 C 264.449219 304.859375 264.128906 293.335938 264.511719 282.007812 C 264.898438 270.9375 265.21875 259.863281 266.441406 248.921875 C 268.886719 226.78125 275.960938 205.859375 282.648438 184.746094 C 282.777344 184.296875 282.199219 184.167969 282.003906 184.554688 Z M 273.710938 182.238281 C 273.839844 181.785156 273.128906 181.59375 273.003906 182.042969 C 266.25 203.480469 260.976562 225.6875 258.015625 247.957031 C 256.539062 259.285156 255.960938 270.679688 255.832031 282.070312 C 255.765625 293.851562 255.636719 305.953125 256.859375 317.667969 C 256.925781 318.503906 258.144531 318.503906 258.144531 317.667969 C 258.144531 306.210938 257.179688 294.816406 257.246094 283.359375 C 257.308594 271.964844 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353.261719 61.292969 356.476562 63.03125 C 356.929688 63.285156 357.570312 62.964844 357.507812 62.453125 C 357.3125 60.582031 355.449219 60.328125 354.097656 59.617188 Z M 257.890625 186.808594 C 258.402344 183.265625 260.140625 180.304688 262.519531 177.667969 C 262.839844 177.34375 262.453125 176.765625 262.003906 177.023438 C 258.660156 178.953125 256.667969 182.558594 256.089844 186.355469 C 255.894531 187.644531 257.632812 187.835938 257.890625 186.808594 Z M 283.164062 157.390625 C 282.519531 157.390625 282.457031 158.292969 283.035156 158.421875 C 285.09375 159.066406 287.535156 158.808594 289.660156 158.613281 C 290.238281 158.550781 290.238281 157.714844 289.660156 157.714844 C 287.472656 157.84375 285.351562 157.390625 283.164062 157.390625 Z M 305.609375 158.292969 C 307.664062 158.613281 310.6875 158.355469 312.167969 156.683594 C 312.425781 156.425781 312.167969 155.847656 311.78125 155.976562 C 310.816406 156.296875 310.046875 156.941406 309.015625 157.199219 C 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115.167969 Z M 286.1875 108.730469 C 287.023438 107.765625 287.792969 106.925781 288.5 105.832031 C 289.078125 104.867188 289.851562 103.839844 289.980469 102.742188 C 290.042969 102.292969 289.402344 102.101562 289.144531 102.359375 C 288.371094 103.128906 287.988281 104.289062 287.472656 105.253906 C 286.894531 106.285156 286.316406 107.378906 285.671875 108.34375 C 285.476562 108.601562 285.929688 108.988281 286.1875 108.730469 Z M 279.113281 93.730469 C 279.304688 93.089844 279.949219 92.636719 280.589844 92.574219 C 280.203125 93.605469 280.011719 94.699219 280.140625 95.792969 C 280.203125 96.113281 280.589844 96.113281 280.589844 95.792969 C 280.71875 94.699219 280.914062 93.730469 281.296875 92.703125 C 281.363281 92.703125 281.425781 92.765625 281.425781 92.765625 C 282.328125 93.28125 282.328125 94.3125 282.261719 95.210938 C 282.261719 95.535156 282.714844 95.664062 282.839844 95.339844 C 283.484375 94.117188 282.648438 92.378906 281.425781 91.929688 C 280.203125 91.480469 278.660156 92.25 278.53125 93.605469 C 278.53125 93.988281 279.046875 93.988281 279.113281 93.730469 Z M 184.1875 116.96875 C 184.574219 116.648438 184.125 116.003906 183.671875 116.132812 C 182.582031 116.390625 181.679688 116.90625 180.457031 116.90625 C 179.171875 116.90625 178.078125 116.519531 176.984375 116.003906 C 176.664062 115.875 176.214844 116.261719 176.535156 116.582031 C 178.464844 118.257812 182.128906 118.640625 184.1875 116.96875 Z M 153.832031 275.25 C 154.863281 275.378906 156.019531 275.25 156.984375 275.121094 C 157.5625 275.054688 157.5625 274.027344 156.984375 273.960938 C 155.957031 273.832031 154.863281 273.703125 153.832031 273.832031 C 152.867188 273.898438 152.867188 275.183594 153.832031 275.25 Z M 217.695312 264.691406 C 218.59375 264.691406 219.558594 264.5625 220.394531 264.371094 C 221.167969 264.175781 222.195312 263.984375 222.710938 263.40625 C 222.96875 263.082031 222.902344 262.503906 222.453125 262.4375 C 221.617188 262.3125 220.910156 262.695312 220.136719 262.953125 C 219.238281 263.210938 218.402344 263.40625 217.5 263.726562 C 216.988281 263.792969 217.050781 264.691406 217.695312 264.691406 Z M 231.585938 328.996094 C 226.117188 329.058594 220.910156 329.382812 215.441406 328.671875 C 210.105469 327.964844 204.894531 326.550781 199.816406 324.746094 C 199.367188 324.554688 198.980469 325.390625 199.492188 325.582031 C 209.140625 330.023438 221.230469 332.664062 231.84375 330.734375 C 232.808594 330.539062 232.550781 328.996094 231.585938 328.996094 Z M 232.613281 323.394531 C 226.761719 324.230469 221.167969 325.261719 215.25 324.488281 C 210.105469 323.78125 205.152344 322.171875 200.972656 319.082031 C 200.394531 318.632812 199.816406 319.597656 200.394531 320.046875 C 209.589844 326.871094 222.195312 328.351562 233.066406 325.003906 C 234.09375 324.683594 233.644531 323.265625 232.613281 323.394531 Z M 167.980469 332.085938 C 166.308594 333.4375 163.15625 333.886719 161.101562 334.402344 C 158.269531 335.109375 155.375 335.496094 152.480469 335.5625 C 146.886719 335.625 142.257812 334.144531 137.175781 332.085938 C 136.339844 331.761719 135.890625 333.050781 136.597656 333.5 C 141.550781 336.71875 148.300781 337.554688 154.027344 337.105469 C 156.855469 336.914062 159.75 336.332031 162.449219 335.496094 C 164.25 334.917969 167.339844 334.210938 168.238281 332.34375 C 168.433594 332.085938 168.175781 331.957031 167.980469 332.085938 Z M 136.855469 330.089844 C 146.757812 330.410156 157.046875 332.984375 166.695312 329.253906 C 167.144531 329.058594 167.144531 328.222656 166.566406 328.289062 C 160.972656 328.996094 155.699219 329.703125 150.039062 329.445312 C 147.207031 329.316406 144.445312 329.058594 141.613281 328.800781 C 140.007812 328.609375 137.371094 327.644531 136.019531 328.671875 C 135.632812 328.929688 135.503906 329.511719 135.890625 329.832031 L 136.019531 329.960938 C 136.210938 330.21875 136.597656 330.28125 136.855469 330.089844 Z M 196.085938 186.035156 C 192.804688 186.742188 189.65625 187.773438 186.308594 188.160156 C 182.773438 188.609375 179.171875 188.675781 175.570312 188.738281 C 169.203125 188.867188 162.835938 188.480469 157.371094 184.875 C 156.40625 184.234375 155.570312 185.777344 156.46875 186.421875 C 161.679688 190.15625 168.175781 190.667969 174.414062 190.539062 C 174.925781 192.019531 174.605469 195.238281 174.667969 196.527344 C 174.734375 198.523438 174.667969 200.519531 174.605469 202.511719 C 174.414062 206.824219 173.769531 211.074219 172.867188 215.257812 C 172.160156 215.066406 171.453125 214.808594 170.746094 214.679688 C 170.296875 214.613281 170.105469 215.128906 170.425781 215.386719 C 171.324219 216.09375 172.546875 216.351562 173.640625 216.675781 C 174.605469 216.996094 175.828125 217.445312 176.792969 217.058594 C 177.179688 216.929688 177.304688 216.417969 176.921875 216.160156 C 176.214844 215.707031 175.378906 215.707031 174.542969 215.578125 C 175.570312 210.496094 176.148438 205.28125 176.214844 200.066406 C 176.214844 197.300781 176.085938 194.46875 175.699219 191.765625 C 175.632812 191.3125 175.632812 190.863281 175.507812 190.539062 C 182.453125 190.347656 190.234375 190.21875 196.277344 186.484375 C 196.535156 186.292969 196.40625 185.972656 196.085938 186.035156 Z M 177.371094 184.039062 C 177.757812 183.78125 177.820312 183.265625 177.628906 182.945312 C 177.628906 182.945312 177.628906 182.882812 177.5625 182.882812 C 177.433594 182.625 177.050781 182.429688 176.792969 182.558594 L 176.726562 182.558594 C 176.277344 182.753906 176.085938 183.140625 176.214844 183.523438 L 176.214844 183.652344 C 176.148438 184.425781 177.050781 184.554688 177.371094 184.039062 Z M 197.113281 161.769531 C 191.328125 161.0625 185.089844 161.960938 179.234375 161.960938 C 173.191406 161.960938 166.886719 162.15625 160.972656 160.738281 C 159.878906 160.480469 159.492188 162.027344 160.519531 162.414062 C 166.050781 164.472656 172.871094 163.765625 178.65625 163.699219 C 184.703125 163.636719 191.390625 164.023438 197.242188 162.347656 C 197.566406 162.285156 197.4375 161.832031 197.113281 161.769531 Z M 142.835938 130.871094 C 145.472656 131.835938 148.046875 132.480469 150.617188 133.769531 C 152.867188 134.863281 154.925781 136.34375 156.984375 137.695312 C 157.113281 137.757812 157.242188 137.757812 157.304688 137.757812 C 157.242188 138.210938 157.242188 138.726562 157.175781 139.175781 C 156.855469 142.585938 156.984375 145.933594 158.269531 149.152344 C 158.59375 149.925781 159.878906 149.601562 159.558594 148.765625 C 156.984375 142.523438 158.078125 134.992188 159.8125 128.621094 C 159.941406 128.167969 159.300781 128.039062 159.171875 128.425781 C 158.65625 129.714844 158.269531 131.128906 157.949219 132.546875 C 157.949219 132.480469 157.949219 132.480469 157.882812 132.417969 C 156.46875 130.550781 154.796875 129.003906 152.738281 127.847656 C 150.875 126.816406 148.300781 125.402344 146.179688 125.722656 C 145.730469 125.789062 145.34375 126.496094 145.921875 126.753906 C 147.851562 127.589844 149.972656 127.652344 151.902344 128.683594 C 153.960938 129.777344 155.699219 131.257812 157.242188 132.996094 C 157.433594 133.253906 157.757812 133.125 157.949219 132.933594 C 157.691406 134.21875 157.5625 135.507812 157.433594 136.730469 C 153.703125 133.445312 148.171875 130.421875 143.15625 129.648438 C 142.386719 129.519531 142.0625 130.550781 142.835938 130.871094 Z M 196.601562 163.25 C 190.875 164.988281 185.28125 164.214844 179.429688 164.277344 C 176.597656 164.277344 173.769531 164.601562 170.875 164.921875 C 168.046875 165.179688 163.351562 166.402344 161.292969 163.957031 C 160.714844 163.3125 159.8125 164.023438 159.941406 164.730469 C 160.328125 166.660156 162.066406 167.238281 163.867188 167.367188 C 167.980469 167.691406 172.355469 166.660156 176.46875 166.402344 C 183.222656 165.953125 190.683594 167.367188 196.921875 164.023438 C 197.308594 163.765625 196.984375 163.121094 196.601562 163.25 Z M 206.441406 143.039062 C 207.148438 143.425781 207.855469 142.523438 207.277344 141.945312 C 206.441406 141.105469 205.667969 140.269531 204.832031 139.496094 C 206.3125 138.917969 207.40625 138.144531 208.433594 136.859375 C 209.269531 135.828125 210.492188 134.027344 210.167969 132.546875 C 210.042969 132.03125 209.398438 132.09375 209.140625 132.417969 C 208.753906 132.867188 208.691406 133.382812 208.496094 133.960938 C 208.242188 134.671875 207.789062 135.378906 207.339844 136.023438 C 206.503906 137.117188 205.347656 138.082031 204.125 138.789062 C 202.644531 137.308594 201.292969 135.765625 200.074219 133.960938 C 198.785156 132.09375 197.695312 130.230469 196.601562 128.234375 C 196.792969 128.234375 196.921875 128.105469 196.921875 127.847656 L 196.921875 127.589844 C 197.050781 127.589844 197.113281 127.398438 197.050781 127.332031 C 196.984375 127.269531 196.984375 127.269531 196.921875 127.269531 C 196.855469 126.109375 197.050781 124.949219 197.628906 123.855469 C 197.949219 123.277344 198.335938 122.761719 198.851562 122.375 C 199.367188 121.925781 199.945312 121.796875 200.394531 121.28125 C 200.714844 120.894531 200.523438 120.1875 199.945312 120.1875 C 198.464844 120.316406 197.242188 122.054688 196.664062 123.277344 C 196.085938 124.4375 195.828125 125.660156 196.019531 126.945312 C 195.699219 126.367188 195.378906 125.722656 195.054688 125.144531 C 194.800781 124.691406 194.15625 125.078125 194.347656 125.53125 C 197.179688 131.582031 200.007812 139.691406 206.441406 143.039062 Z M 174.089844 140.464844 C 175.054688 144.390625 175.441406 148.832031 176.921875 152.628906 C 177.050781 152.949219 177.371094 153.078125 177.691406 153.015625 C 177.886719 153.59375 178.722656 153.914062 179.105469 153.207031 C 183.351562 144.453125 188.175781 135.3125 189.074219 125.53125 C 189.140625 125.144531 188.496094 125.078125 188.433594 125.464844 C 185.988281 134.671875 182.386719 143.230469 178.144531 151.726562 C 177.820312 147.867188 176.535156 143.746094 175.570312 140.078125 C 174.347656 135.441406 172.871094 130.871094 170.875 126.558594 C 170.683594 126.171875 170.039062 126.429688 170.167969 126.882812 C 171.453125 131.324219 172.933594 135.828125 174.089844 140.464844 Z M 132.351562 60.777344 C 129.84375 65.796875 128.171875 71.332031 126.113281 76.546875 C 123.734375 82.46875 121.226562 88.390625 118.65625 94.246094 C 118.332031 94.957031 119.363281 95.535156 119.683594 94.828125 C 122.128906 89.484375 124.441406 84.078125 126.566406 78.605469 C 128.816406 72.878906 131.515625 67.019531 132.933594 61.03125 C 132.996094 60.710938 132.546875 60.453125 132.351562 60.777344 Z M 116.46875 96.242188 C 109.457031 106.992188 101.996094 117.546875 95.4375 128.554688 C 95.886719 125.789062 96.46875 123.019531 97.625 120.445312 C 97.6875 120.25 97.433594 120.058594 97.304688 120.25 C 95.4375 123.597656 94.601562 127.269531 93.832031 131 C 92.996094 135.183594 91.515625 139.753906 91.644531 143.9375 C 91.644531 144.390625 92.222656 144.453125 92.414062 144.066406 C 94.28125 139.496094 94.601562 134.476562 95.308594 129.585938 C 95.4375 129.648438 95.632812 129.585938 95.695312 129.457031 C 103.15625 118.707031 109.910156 107.507812 117.367188 96.757812 C 117.753906 96.242188 116.855469 95.726562 116.46875 96.242188 Z M 127.59375 59.617188 C 131.003906 59.683594 133.769531 60.199219 136.40625 62.511719 C 136.789062 62.902344 137.304688 62.320312 136.984375 61.933594 C 134.859375 59.167969 130.9375 57.300781 127.402344 58.203125 C 126.628906 58.457031 126.820312 59.617188 127.59375 59.617188 Z M 40.582031 178.695312 C 40.769531 178.054688 39.9375 177.796875 39.550781 178.246094 C 39.355469 178.566406 39.164062 178.824219 38.972656 179.148438 C 37.75 177.152344 36.269531 175.222656 34.726562 173.484375 C 32.542969 171.101562 27.78125 168.589844 28.8125 164.988281 C 29.582031 162.410156 31.253906 159.902344 32.28125 157.328125 C 33.3125 154.6875 34.210938 152.046875 34.921875 149.34375 L 35.304688 150.503906 C 36.65625 154.429688 37.621094 158.613281 39.292969 162.347656 C 39.484375 162.796875 40.257812 162.605469 40.195312 162.089844 C 39.742188 158.035156 37.941406 153.980469 36.527344 150.117188 C 34.855469 145.613281 32.992188 141.234375 31.191406 136.792969 C 31.0625 136.472656 30.480469 136.601562 30.613281 136.921875 C 31.898438 140.65625 33.183594 144.390625 34.472656 148.058594 C 33.183594 151.726562 31.765625 155.394531 30.160156 158.9375 C 29.453125 160.546875 28.683594 162.15625 27.847656 163.699219 C 27.398438 164.535156 26.621094 165.628906 26.621094 166.660156 C 26.621094 168.914062 29.132812 170.007812 30.613281 171.359375 C 33.507812 173.996094 35.820312 177.023438 38.007812 180.304688 C 38.007812 180.371094 38.070312 180.371094 38.136719 180.433594 C 36.914062 182.6875 36.011719 185.070312 34.339844 187 C 33.632812 187.835938 34.726562 188.929688 35.5625 188.222656 C 36.914062 187.128906 37.554688 185.328125 38.265625 183.78125 C 39.101562 182.109375 40.066406 180.433594 40.582031 178.695312 Z M 110.9375 271.386719 C 111.835938 271.191406 111.453125 269.839844 110.550781 270.035156 C 108.171875 270.613281 105.792969 270.933594 103.347656 271.128906 C 102.511719 271.191406 102.511719 272.480469 103.347656 272.414062 C 105.921875 272.351562 108.429688 271.964844 110.9375 271.386719 Z M 29.710938 266.878906 C 28.425781 267.007812 27.203125 267.007812 25.917969 266.945312 C 24.886719 266.878906 23.925781 266.492188 22.960938 266.945312 C 22.703125 267.074219 22.636719 267.523438 22.898438 267.652344 C 23.667969 268.359375 24.695312 268.230469 25.726562 268.296875 C 27.078125 268.359375 28.425781 268.296875 29.710938 268.167969 C 30.546875 268.101562 30.546875 266.816406 29.710938 266.878906 Z M 125.535156 317.988281 C 118.589844 318.566406 111.710938 319.339844 104.761719 319.789062 C 103.734375 319.855469 103.734375 321.464844 104.761719 321.398438 C 111.773438 320.949219 118.785156 320.113281 125.601562 318.566406 C 125.921875 318.503906 125.859375 317.988281 125.535156 317.988281 Z M 105.085938 314.253906 L 105.019531 314.191406 C 111 312.582031 116.984375 311.035156 122.835938 309.039062 C 123.347656 308.847656 123.15625 308.203125 122.640625 308.269531 C 116.273438 309.554688 110.035156 311.359375 103.796875 313.03125 C 103.21875 313.160156 103.089844 314.0625 103.605469 314.382812 C 103.925781 314.511719 104.25 314.707031 104.507812 314.832031 C 104.890625 315.027344 105.277344 314.640625 105.085938 314.253906 Z M 26.945312 308.847656 C 20.324219 308.71875 13.441406 309.8125 6.882812 311.101562 C 5.984375 311.292969 6.367188 312.644531 7.269531 312.453125 C 13.828125 311.292969 20.453125 310.648438 27.078125 309.75 C 27.589844 309.683594 27.460938 308.847656 26.945312 308.847656 Z M 25.53125 317.472656 C 18.074219 317.601562 10.484375 318.4375 3.152344 319.46875 C 2.378906 319.597656 2.574219 320.949219 3.34375 320.820312 C 10.742188 320.113281 18.203125 319.53125 25.53125 318.695312 C 26.304688 318.632812 26.367188 317.472656 25.53125 317.472656 Z M 45.789062 199.488281 C 44.503906 201.03125 43.15625 202.449219 41.480469 203.542969 C 40.644531 204.058594 39.746094 204.574219 38.84375 204.957031 C 38.074219 205.28125 37.496094 205.28125 36.980469 205.925781 C 36.785156 206.183594 36.851562 206.503906 37.175781 206.566406 C 38.78125 207.082031 41.09375 205.28125 42.320312 204.378906 C 43.925781 203.15625 45.339844 201.613281 46.371094 199.875 C 46.5 199.550781 46.050781 199.164062 45.789062 199.488281 Z M 65.339844 181.59375 C 64.058594 181.722656 62.769531 181.785156 61.484375 181.851562 C 63.414062 191.378906 63.476562 201.613281 63.21875 211.332031 C 65.597656 201.546875 66.113281 191.761719 65.339844 181.59375 Z M 90.164062 198.070312 C 90.421875 198.328125 90.101562 198.78125 89.78125 198.585938 C 82.511719 194.917969 75.117188 188.609375 73.445312 180.242188 C 71 180.820312 68.492188 181.269531 65.984375 181.527344 C 67.722656 191.890625 67.078125 202.707031 64.503906 212.875 C 65.726562 212.296875 66.886719 211.589844 68.105469 210.945312 C 68.492188 210.75 68.816406 211.203125 68.558594 211.523438 C 67.398438 212.746094 65.855469 213.777344 64.121094 214.550781 L 64.121094 214.679688 C 63.925781 215.320312 63.28125 215.320312 62.832031 215.0625 C 60.386719 215.773438 57.816406 215.773438 55.824219 214.355469 C 55.242188 213.90625 55.566406 212.875 56.339844 213.132812 C 58.269531 213.710938 59.683594 214.164062 61.546875 213.90625 C 61.742188 208.628906 61.804688 203.285156 61.613281 198.007812 C 61.484375 192.664062 60.839844 187.320312 60.777344 181.980469 L 56.917969 181.980469 C 56.984375 182.042969 56.984375 182.109375 56.984375 182.238281 C 55.628906 185.90625 53.957031 189.574219 52.027344 192.921875 C 51.644531 193.566406 50.742188 192.988281 51.0625 192.34375 C 52.671875 188.867188 55.054688 185.648438 56.46875 182.109375 C 56.46875 182.042969 56.53125 182.042969 56.53125 181.980469 C 52.289062 181.785156 48.042969 181.144531 43.859375 180.046875 C 42.835938 179.792969 43.285156 178.183594 44.3125 178.4375 C 57.625 181.980469 71.644531 181.078125 84.3125 175.542969 C 84.957031 175.222656 85.535156 176.25 84.890625 176.507812 C 81.417969 178.054688 77.816406 179.277344 74.152344 180.175781 C 75.503906 184.230469 77.433594 187.644531 80.648438 190.605469 C 83.605469 193.242188 87.273438 195.175781 90.164062 198.070312 Z M 73.378906 113.429688 C 75.632812 114.84375 77.945312 116.132812 80.070312 117.675781 C 82.128906 119.15625 83.863281 121.089844 85.921875 122.566406 C 84.441406 122.890625 83.027344 123.46875 81.675781 124.046875 C 80.328125 124.628906 78.652344 125.144531 77.5625 126.171875 C 77.238281 126.496094 77.5625 126.882812 77.945312 126.816406 L 78.011719 126.816406 C 78.011719 126.882812 78.011719 126.945312 78.074219 126.945312 C 79.941406 128.941406 81.226562 131.195312 82 133.769531 C 77.367188 133.511719 71.195312 135.183594 67.914062 138.402344 C 67.527344 138.789062 67.914062 139.625 68.492188 139.367188 C 70.871094 138.46875 72.929688 137.050781 75.375 136.214844 C 77.816406 135.378906 80.261719 135.054688 82.769531 134.476562 C 82.964844 134.410156 83.027344 134.347656 83.027344 134.21875 C 83.21875 134.089844 83.285156 133.898438 83.21875 133.640625 C 82.578125 130.871094 80.90625 128.363281 78.589844 126.625 C 79.8125 126.238281 81.035156 125.464844 82.191406 124.949219 C 83.734375 124.242188 85.34375 123.664062 86.820312 122.824219 C 87.015625 122.695312 86.949219 122.503906 86.820312 122.441406 C 86.886719 122.3125 86.886719 122.183594 86.820312 122.054688 C 85.40625 119.992188 83.089844 118.320312 81.097656 116.839844 C 78.847656 115.167969 76.402344 113.621094 73.765625 112.589844 C 73.253906 112.527344 72.996094 113.171875 73.378906 113.429688 Z M 38.714844 127.332031 C 38.714844 127.460938 38.78125 127.589844 38.910156 127.589844 C 41.226562 128.234375 43.476562 129.003906 45.789062 129.648438 C 47.527344 130.164062 49.394531 130.871094 51.195312 130.9375 C 50.164062 132.289062 49.328125 133.640625 48.683594 135.183594 C 48.492188 135.636719 49.007812 136.019531 49.394531 135.890625 C 55.503906 134.410156 60.777344 136.664062 65.984375 139.496094 C 66.050781 139.496094 66.113281 139.5625 66.179688 139.5625 C 66.5 142.136719 66.820312 144.644531 67.015625 147.222656 C 67.207031 149.859375 66.949219 152.691406 67.65625 155.203125 C 67.785156 155.71875 68.621094 155.71875 68.75 155.203125 C 70.101562 150.183594 68.171875 143.039062 66.820312 138.144531 L 66.820312 138.082031 C 66.820312 138.015625 66.886719 137.953125 66.886719 137.886719 C 67.207031 135.828125 68.558594 134.347656 69.394531 132.546875 C 70.292969 130.613281 70.808594 128.425781 71.453125 126.367188 C 72.671875 122.246094 73.507812 118.191406 73.378906 113.878906 C 73.378906 113.492188 72.800781 113.492188 72.800781 113.878906 C 72.738281 118.707031 71.453125 123.277344 69.90625 127.847656 C 69.199219 129.96875 68.492188 132.03125 67.269531 133.898438 C 66.5625 135.054688 66.050781 135.890625 65.792969 137.050781 C 60.261719 131 57.433594 124.175781 55.886719 116.132812 C 55.824219 115.746094 55.179688 115.808594 55.179688 116.195312 C 55.566406 123.339844 58.78125 130.421875 63.15625 136.085938 C 59.234375 134.21875 54.539062 133.960938 50.230469 134.539062 C 50.742188 133.316406 51.324219 132.09375 52.09375 130.9375 C 52.09375 130.871094 52.160156 130.808594 52.160156 130.808594 C 52.414062 130.679688 52.480469 130.292969 52.222656 130.097656 C 50.484375 129.003906 48.234375 128.746094 46.238281 128.363281 C 43.988281 127.910156 41.738281 127.460938 39.554688 127.007812 C 44.375 123.210938 48.945312 117.226562 55.117188 115.746094 C 55.4375 115.679688 55.375 115.101562 55.054688 115.101562 C 51.898438 115.488281 48.945312 117.933594 46.433594 119.671875 C 43.667969 121.667969 40.644531 123.792969 38.589844 126.558594 C 38.332031 126.882812 38.523438 127.203125 38.714844 127.332031 Z M 60.066406 109.824219 C 63.15625 111.820312 67.59375 112.847656 70.101562 109.4375 C 70.292969 109.179688 69.90625 108.792969 69.652344 108.988281 C 68.105469 110.015625 67.207031 110.980469 65.214844 110.851562 C 63.476562 110.726562 61.867188 109.953125 60.324219 109.308594 C 60.003906 109.246094 59.875 109.695312 60.066406 109.824219 Z M 76.144531 99.589844 C 76.53125 99.332031 76.851562 99.011719 77.238281 98.6875 C 77.433594 98.558594 77.625 98.367188 77.753906 98.171875 C 77.625 99.011719 77.367188 99.910156 77.304688 100.167969 C 77.304688 100.492188 77.753906 100.554688 77.882812 100.296875 C 78.332031 99.460938 78.460938 97.785156 78.332031 96.886719 C 78.203125 96.304688 77.816406 95.726562 77.238281 96.175781 C 76.980469 96.371094 77.238281 96.691406 77.496094 96.691406 C 77.753906 96.628906 77.816406 96.949219 77.816406 97.402344 C 77.433594 97.59375 77.175781 97.851562 76.851562 98.171875 C 76.46875 98.558594 76.144531 98.882812 75.824219 99.265625 C 75.824219 99.460938 75.953125 99.71875 76.144531 99.589844 Z M 51.707031 99.265625 C 51.707031 98.429688 52.414062 98.042969 53.25 98.109375 C 53.574219 98.171875 53.574219 98.558594 53.25 98.558594 C 53.058594 98.558594 52.863281 98.558594 52.671875 98.6875 C 53.574219 99.203125 54.472656 99.847656 55.054688 100.683594 C 55.117188 100.8125 54.988281 100.941406 54.859375 100.875 C 54.089844 100.363281 53.378906 99.847656 52.480469 99.523438 C 52.480469 99.589844 52.542969 99.652344 52.542969 99.71875 C 52.738281 100.105469 53.058594 100.363281 53.3125 100.617188 C 53.765625 101.003906 53.1875 101.777344 52.671875 101.457031 C 52.027344 101.003906 51.707031 100.105469 51.707031 99.265625 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/svg><\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/span>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-a4c89a4 e-con-full e-flex e-con e-child\" data-id=\"a4c89a4\" data-element_type=\"container\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-1d87cdc elementor-widget elementor-widget-heading\" data-id=\"1d87cdc\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"heading.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t<h1 class=\"elementor-heading-title elementor-size-default\">NUS Communities<\/h1>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-c24100f elementor-widget elementor-widget-text-editor\" data-id=\"c24100f\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"text-editor.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"fl-col fl-node-on5ezp3jabmx fl-col-small hero-section-col-left\" data-node=\"on5ezp3jabmx\"><div class=\"fl-col-content fl-node-content\"><div class=\"fl-module fl-module-rich-text fl-node-i5bu9pzak8dq w-363\" data-node=\"i5bu9pzak8dq\"><div class=\"fl-module-content fl-node-content\"><div class=\"fl-rich-text\"><p>Do you have a heart to serve? Or, do you fancy learning a new dance? Maybe you have always wanted to try out boxing? Explore what student life in NUS has to offer at the\u00a0<a href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/\">Office of Student Affairs webpage<\/a>.<\/p><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div><\/div>\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-232113f e-con-full e-flex e-con e-child\" data-id=\"232113f\" data-element_type=\"container\" data-settings=\"{"background_background":"classic"}\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-81ced6c elementor-position-left elementor-vertical-align-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-image-box\" data-id=\"81ced6c\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"image-box.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t<style>\/*! elementor - v3.23.0 - 25-07-2024 *\/\n.elementor-widget-image-box .elementor-image-box-content{width:100%}@media (min-width:768px){.elementor-widget-image-box.elementor-position-left .elementor-image-box-wrapper,.elementor-widget-image-box.elementor-position-right .elementor-image-box-wrapper{display:flex}.elementor-widget-image-box.elementor-position-right .elementor-image-box-wrapper{text-align:end;flex-direction:row-reverse}.elementor-widget-image-box.elementor-position-left .elementor-image-box-wrapper{text-align:start;flex-direction:row}.elementor-widget-image-box.elementor-position-top .elementor-image-box-img{margin:auto}.elementor-widget-image-box.elementor-vertical-align-top .elementor-image-box-wrapper{align-items:flex-start}.elementor-widget-image-box.elementor-vertical-align-middle .elementor-image-box-wrapper{align-items:center}.elementor-widget-image-box.elementor-vertical-align-bottom .elementor-image-box-wrapper{align-items:flex-end}}@media (max-width:767px){.elementor-widget-image-box .elementor-image-box-img{margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-bottom:15px}}.elementor-widget-image-box .elementor-image-box-img{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image-box .elementor-image-box-title a{color:inherit}.elementor-widget-image-box .elementor-image-box-wrapper{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image-box .elementor-image-box-description{margin:0}<\/style><div class=\"elementor-image-box-wrapper\"><figure class=\"elementor-image-box-img\"><a href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/sports\/\" tabindex=\"-1\"><img decoding=\"async\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" src=\"https:\/\/nus.edu.sg\/nusone\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/2024.07.06-SunNUS-1251-150x150.jpg\" class=\"attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-image-2750\" alt=\"\" \/><\/a><\/figure><div class=\"elementor-image-box-content\"><h4 class=\"elementor-image-box-title\"><a href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/sports\/\">Sports<\/a><\/h4><p class=\"elementor-image-box-description\">Pick up a racket, kick a ball, or have a splash in the pool. Join a varsity sport team or the many Learn-to-Play programmes available today!<\/p><\/div><\/div>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-251099d elementor-align-right elementor-widget elementor-widget-button\" data-id=\"251099d\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"button.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-button-wrapper\">\n\t\t\t<a class=\"elementor-button elementor-button-link elementor-size-sm elementor-animation-grow\" href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/sports\/\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"elementor-button-content-wrapper\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"elementor-button-text\">Find Out More<\/span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/a>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-530629f e-con-full e-flex e-con e-child\" data-id=\"530629f\" data-element_type=\"container\" data-settings=\"{"background_background":"classic"}\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-ef8d6b0 elementor-position-left elementor-vertical-align-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-image-box\" data-id=\"ef8d6b0\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"image-box.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-image-box-wrapper\"><figure class=\"elementor-image-box-img\"><a href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/performing-arts\/\" tabindex=\"-1\"><img decoding=\"async\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" src=\"https:\/\/nus.edu.sg\/nusone\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/DSC09914-150x150.jpg\" class=\"attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-image-2754\" alt=\"\" \/><\/a><\/figure><div class=\"elementor-image-box-content\"><h4 class=\"elementor-image-box-title\"><a href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/performing-arts\/\">Performing Arts<\/a><\/h4><p class=\"elementor-image-box-description\">Always wanted to dance, sing, shoot a film, or play an instrument? Learn the basics, or push your skills to the next level with one of NUS\u2019 many student arts groups!<\/p><\/div><\/div>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-9d299a4 elementor-align-right elementor-widget elementor-widget-button\" data-id=\"9d299a4\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"button.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-button-wrapper\">\n\t\t\t<a class=\"elementor-button elementor-button-link elementor-size-sm elementor-animation-grow\" href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/performing-arts\/\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"elementor-button-content-wrapper\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"elementor-button-text\">Find Out More<\/span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/a>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-94a845f e-con-full e-flex e-con e-child\" data-id=\"94a845f\" data-element_type=\"container\" data-settings=\"{"background_background":"classic"}\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-6e98241 elementor-position-left elementor-vertical-align-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-image-box\" data-id=\"6e98241\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"image-box.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-image-box-wrapper\"><figure class=\"elementor-image-box-img\"><a href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/clubs-and-groups-nusync\/\" tabindex=\"-1\"><img decoding=\"async\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" src=\"https:\/\/nus.edu.sg\/nusone\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/600-150x150.jpg\" class=\"attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-image-2759\" alt=\"\" \/><\/a><\/figure><div class=\"elementor-image-box-content\"><h4 class=\"elementor-image-box-title\"><a href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/clubs-and-groups-nusync\/\">Clubs & Groups <\/a><\/h4><p class=\"elementor-image-box-description\">Whether you're into representing students, motoring, Korean culture, or animation, there's an interest group for you. Browse available student organisations and discover amazing student life!<\/p><\/div><\/div>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-1575dbd elementor-align-right elementor-widget elementor-widget-button\" data-id=\"1575dbd\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"button.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-button-wrapper\">\n\t\t\t<a class=\"elementor-button elementor-button-link elementor-size-sm elementor-animation-grow\" href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/clubs-and-groups-nusync\/\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"elementor-button-content-wrapper\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"elementor-button-text\">Find Out More<\/span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/a>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-8db90b7 e-con-full e-flex e-con e-child\" data-id=\"8db90b7\" data-element_type=\"container\" data-settings=\"{"background_background":"classic"}\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-155b537 elementor-position-left elementor-vertical-align-top elementor-widget elementor-widget-image-box\" data-id=\"155b537\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"image-box.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-image-box-wrapper\"><figure class=\"elementor-image-box-img\"><a href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/community-involvement\/\" tabindex=\"-1\"><img loading=\"lazy\" decoding=\"async\" width=\"150\" height=\"150\" src=\"https:\/\/nus.edu.sg\/nusone\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/1500-150x150.jpg\" class=\"attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-image-2761\" alt=\"\" \/><\/a><\/figure><div class=\"elementor-image-box-content\"><h4 class=\"elementor-image-box-title\"><a href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/community-involvement\/\">Community Involvement<\/a><\/h4><p class=\"elementor-image-box-description\">Want to put a smile on someone's face or plant a tree for future generations? Join one of the many community service student organisations, get involved, and make the world a better place!<\/p><\/div><\/div>\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-601ee7f elementor-align-right elementor-widget elementor-widget-button\" data-id=\"601ee7f\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"button.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-button-wrapper\">\n\t\t\t<a class=\"elementor-button elementor-button-link elementor-size-sm elementor-animation-grow\" href=\"https:\/\/osa.nus.edu.sg\/experience-communities\/community-involvement\/\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"elementor-button-content-wrapper\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"elementor-button-text\">Find Out More<\/span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/span>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/a>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-a53a11f e-flex e-con-boxed e-con e-parent\" data-id=\"a53a11f\" data-element_type=\"container\" data-settings=\"{"background_background":"classic"}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"e-con-inner\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-element elementor-element-a81344d elementor-widget-divider--view-line_icon elementor-view-default elementor-widget-divider--element-align-center elementor-widget elementor-widget-divider\" data-id=\"a81344d\" data-element_type=\"widget\" data-widget_type=\"divider.default\">\n\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-widget-container\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-divider\">\n\t\t\t<span class=\"elementor-divider-separator\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"elementor-icon elementor-divider__element\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<svg xmlns=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/2000\/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"http:\/\/www.w3.org\/1999\/xlink\" width=\"500\" viewBox=\"0 0 375 374.999991\" height=\"500\" preserveAspectRatio=\"xMidYMid meet\"><defs><clipPath id=\"4aec1cb1f0\"><path d=\"M 1.285156 79.019531 L 344 79.019531 L 344 348.046875 L 1.285156 348.046875 Z M 1.285156 79.019531 \" clip-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/clipPath><clipPath id=\"3b17824dda\"><path d=\"M 35.371094 26.238281 L 374.992188 26.238281 L 374.992188 208 L 35.371094 208 Z M 35.371094 26.238281 \" clip-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/clipPath><\/defs><g clip-path=\"url(#4aec1cb1f0)\"><path fill=\"#3b5672\" d=\"M 122.707031 325.261719 L 126.5 333.371094 L 126.5 344.316406 L 114.152344 347.019531 L 108.945312 345.925781 L 111.835938 333.566406 L 108.945312 327.128906 Z M 19.550781 329.058594 L 19.746094 333.695312 L 22.445312 342.511719 L 13.828125 348.046875 L 1.800781 343.734375 L 5.402344 328.996094 L 19.550781 328.996094 Z M 341.238281 305.886719 C 341.238281 308.203125 335.125 324.746094 335.125 324.746094 C 341.945312 334.59375 344.644531 340.195312 343.164062 341.613281 C 341.363281 343.347656 333.199219 338.523438 318.597656 327.0625 L 328.246094 305.242188 Z M 253.066406 316.316406 C 252.9375 321.398438 252.808594 326.484375 252.742188 331.632812 C 240.589844 342.964844 240.523438 345.667969 241.105469 346.503906 C 242.453125 348.5 251.265625 345.34375 256.667969 342.578125 C 260.527344 340.582031 263.355469 338.457031 265.285156 336.847656 C 264.640625 329.445312 264 321.980469 263.355469 314.578125 Z M 165.410156 91.351562 C 166.117188 88.710938 165.085938 87.746094 165.792969 85.625 C 166.886719 82.144531 171.195312 80.152344 174.027344 79.507812 C 182.386719 77.707031 189.589844 85.363281 190.875 86.652344 C 194.15625 90.0625 195.699219 93.730469 196.40625 95.984375 C 201.9375 98.238281 205.410156 103 205.023438 107.121094 C 204.445312 112.527344 196.855469 118.0625 187.789062 115.554688 C 182.515625 115.230469 177.308594 114.972656 172.03125 114.652344 C 170.746094 115.425781 168.6875 116.453125 166.117188 116.453125 C 157.433594 116.390625 150.230469 104.480469 152.484375 100.683594 C 153.640625 98.753906 156.339844 100.234375 160.714844 97.078125 C 162.066406 96.179688 164.574219 94.375 165.410156 91.351562 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/g><path fill=\"#ee4a46\" d=\"M 281.878906 114.457031 L 281.878906 117.546875 C 277.632812 117.546875 269.914062 118.128906 261.875 122.570312 C 254.671875 126.558594 250.941406 131.515625 245.925781 138.144531 C 239.109375 147.222656 233.835938 154.300781 235.445312 162.21875 C 236.152344 165.628906 237.953125 167.882812 241.617188 172.453125 C 246.957031 179.148438 252.550781 183.589844 256.472656 186.292969 C 256.988281 184.683594 258.082031 182.109375 260.398438 179.792969 C 261.296875 178.890625 262.199219 178.183594 263.035156 177.667969 C 261.234375 176.316406 257.375 173.03125 254.996094 167.367188 C 253.128906 162.796875 253.066406 158.742188 253.195312 156.492188 C 256.152344 153.464844 259.109375 150.375 262.070312 147.351562 C 263.933594 149.089844 269.65625 154.753906 271.136719 164.148438 C 272.167969 170.910156 270.492188 176.316406 269.464844 178.890625 C 275.703125 181.335938 285.09375 184.167969 296.734375 184.621094 C 305.15625 184.941406 312.359375 183.976562 317.828125 182.753906 C 316.992188 179.277344 316.285156 174.898438 316.285156 169.878906 C 316.285156 167.109375 316.476562 164.601562 316.734375 162.347656 C 318.085938 160.222656 319.5625 157.261719 320.59375 153.53125 C 322.457031 146.769531 321.75 140.914062 321.105469 137.632812 C 327.472656 125.660156 333.777344 113.6875 340.144531 101.648438 L 357.894531 61.292969 C 356.929688 61.226562 355.578125 61.097656 354.097656 60.390625 C 350.820312 58.84375 349.46875 55.882812 349.082031 54.984375 C 341.171875 68.371094 333.328125 81.761719 325.414062 95.148438 L 310.175781 110.726562 L 302.714844 111.242188 L 297.890625 105.703125 C 296.796875 107.25 294.289062 110.273438 290.042969 112.335938 C 286.765625 114.074219 283.679688 114.394531 281.878906 114.457031 Z M 175.957031 189.511719 C 185.539062 190.027344 193 187.707031 197.113281 186.101562 C 198.785156 193.953125 200.457031 201.742188 202.128906 209.59375 C 209.65625 225.75 217.179688 241.90625 224.703125 258 C 225.863281 261.730469 227.46875 267.265625 228.628906 274.15625 C 230.492188 284.902344 230.363281 292.820312 230.429688 298.550781 C 230.554688 307.304688 231.199219 319.789062 233.644531 335.496094 C 228.5625 335.496094 222.324219 335.109375 215.378906 333.695312 C 209.207031 332.472656 203.929688 330.734375 199.621094 329.058594 L 204.640625 261.988281 L 174.414062 217.511719 L 162.386719 275.636719 C 164.121094 295.589844 165.792969 315.542969 167.53125 335.5625 C 165.023438 336.976562 160.070312 339.230469 153.445312 339.488281 C 145.40625 339.808594 139.425781 336.976562 136.855469 335.5625 C 134.796875 320.757812 136.46875 309.683594 138.398438 302.21875 C 140.132812 295.394531 142 292.175781 144.507812 283.550781 C 147.980469 271.644531 149.203125 261.539062 149.71875 254.84375 C 148.816406 247.636719 148.238281 239.394531 148.429688 230.449219 C 148.882812 211.847656 152.480469 196.140625 156.339844 184.363281 C 160.136719 186.226562 167.015625 188.996094 175.957031 189.511719 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><path fill=\"#f6b33e\" d=\"M 269.464844 178.890625 C 266.054688 189.769531 262.777344 201.417969 259.816406 213.84375 C 254.996094 234.375 251.90625 253.558594 249.980469 271.066406 L 250.363281 316.25 L 265.800781 314.125 L 271.007812 271.773438 L 288.953125 218.347656 L 328.761719 255.679688 L 327.34375 305.179688 L 344.902344 306.082031 C 346.574219 299.066406 348.890625 288.636719 350.820312 275.761719 C 353.199219 259.863281 352.683594 256.066406 352.234375 253.878906 C 351.011719 247.507812 348.183594 242.550781 333.777344 225.363281 C 328.503906 219.054688 321.558594 211.074219 313.195312 201.871094 C 314.804688 195.496094 316.414062 189.1875 318.019531 182.816406 C 312.230469 184.039062 304.128906 185.199219 294.546875 184.554688 C 283.804688 183.78125 275.316406 181.207031 269.464844 178.890625 Z M 56.335938 121.21875 C 57.171875 125.015625 58.648438 127.589844 60.195312 130.359375 C 62.058594 133.769531 64.117188 136.40625 65.855469 138.46875 C 67.011719 136.792969 68.167969 134.925781 69.328125 132.738281 C 71.898438 127.652344 73.121094 122.890625 73.699219 119.15625 L 73.570312 112.914062 L 81.675781 115.230469 L 100.644531 98.816406 L 128.492188 57.816406 C 131.324219 59.234375 134.152344 60.582031 136.980469 62 C 134.472656 71.140625 131.578125 78.605469 129.199219 84.140625 C 126.050781 91.414062 123.539062 97.207031 118.71875 104.09375 C 114.34375 110.402344 112.351562 111.5625 105.535156 120.1875 C 100.773438 126.238281 97.238281 131.453125 95.050781 134.734375 C 92.734375 142.074219 90.613281 150.054688 88.75 158.679688 C 87.460938 164.535156 86.496094 170.136719 85.660156 175.480469 C 81.996094 177.601562 76.53125 180.179688 69.519531 181.660156 C 64.308594 182.753906 59.742188 182.882812 56.207031 182.753906 L 43.664062 178.761719 L 36.976562 155.074219 L 31.898438 165.566406 L 40.902344 177.796875 C 38.972656 181.273438 37.042969 184.683594 35.113281 188.160156 C 26.367188 184.683594 21.285156 179.855469 18.714844 177.023438 C 15.238281 173.160156 14.46875 170.714844 14.148438 169.234375 C 13.117188 164.40625 15.113281 160.289062 16.269531 157.777344 C 19.871094 150.246094 23.859375 141.492188 28.617188 131.257812 C 31.578125 127.910156 36.398438 123.339844 43.410156 119.671875 C 47.976562 117.289062 52.21875 115.875 55.628906 115.101562 C 55.628906 116.648438 55.757812 118.707031 56.335938 121.21875 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><path fill=\"#456eb8\" d=\"M 161.101562 338.136719 C 160.90625 338.777344 158.976562 344.058594 153.960938 345.539062 C 152.289062 345.988281 150.746094 345.925781 149.652344 345.730469 C 148.753906 345.730469 146.757812 345.539062 144.828125 344.121094 C 141.613281 341.804688 141.226562 338.070312 141.164062 337.492188 C 143.285156 338.265625 146.371094 339.164062 150.039062 339.421875 C 154.734375 339.679688 158.59375 338.90625 161.101562 338.136719 Z M 229.71875 335.433594 C 230.105469 336.847656 230.8125 338.652344 231.90625 340.515625 C 233.386719 343.09375 235.058594 344.894531 236.410156 346.054688 C 235.894531 346.246094 227.40625 349.011719 220.84375 343.542969 C 216.535156 339.9375 215.636719 335.046875 215.441406 333.695312 C 217.886719 334.210938 220.589844 334.59375 223.480469 334.917969 C 225.667969 335.175781 227.726562 335.304688 229.71875 335.433594 Z M 174.027344 139.820312 C 175.3125 144.777344 176.726562 149.410156 178.144531 153.660156 C 180.136719 149.925781 182.128906 145.675781 183.996094 140.914062 C 186.179688 135.3125 187.726562 130.101562 188.882812 125.464844 L 193.382812 124.757812 C 192.871094 122.632812 193.640625 120.378906 195.378906 119.09375 C 197.308594 117.613281 200.007812 117.613281 202.003906 119.09375 C 201.101562 124.371094 203.222656 128.878906 206.503906 130.101562 C 207.082031 130.359375 208.691406 130.808594 211.003906 129.972656 C 211.585938 130.613281 212.484375 131.902344 212.933594 133.703125 C 213.0625 134.285156 213.707031 136.792969 212.550781 139.238281 C 211.328125 141.878906 208.367188 143.554688 205.089844 143.746094 C 202.582031 150.632812 200.074219 157.519531 197.5 164.34375 C 191.582031 165.117188 185.023438 165.695312 177.949219 165.953125 C 171.648438 166.144531 165.792969 166.082031 160.394531 165.757812 C 159.429688 159.257812 158.464844 152.757812 157.5 146.191406 C 155.054688 145.417969 151.390625 143.9375 147.660156 140.976562 C 144.636719 138.597656 142.644531 136.085938 141.355469 134.15625 C 141.292969 133.511719 141.164062 129.132812 144.378906 126.367188 C 146.628906 124.4375 149.203125 124.371094 150.683594 124.308594 C 154.992188 124.113281 158.207031 126.238281 159.492188 127.203125 L 170.941406 125.59375 C 171.710938 130.035156 172.742188 134.796875 174.027344 139.820312 Z M 62.445312 181.53125 C 71.640625 181.273438 78.714844 178.699219 82.894531 176.765625 L 113.25 258.707031 L 126.5 324.683594 L 105.339844 327.578125 L 91.707031 273.769531 L 64.761719 213.84375 L 60.515625 214.9375 L 37.941406 267.332031 L 24.691406 329.058594 L 0 329.058594 L 21.863281 259.480469 L 43.664062 178.761719 C 47.78125 180.179688 54.34375 181.785156 62.445312 181.53125 Z M 51.640625 95.339844 L 48.683594 83.753906 C 49.003906 82.53125 50.609375 77.316406 55.949219 74.226562 C 62.769531 70.238281 69.839844 73.070312 70.613281 73.394531 C 76.785156 72.621094 81.675781 74.871094 82.703125 78.15625 C 82.894531 78.800781 83.152344 80.085938 82.445312 81.953125 C 83.730469 83.5 84.117188 85.558594 83.410156 87.234375 C 82.894531 88.453125 81.996094 89.097656 81.546875 89.355469 C 81.996094 88.066406 81.675781 86.589844 80.710938 85.75 C 79.550781 84.65625 78.074219 84.914062 77.878906 84.914062 C 77.6875 88.324219 77.492188 91.800781 77.300781 95.210938 C 73.699219 98.558594 70.164062 101.90625 66.5625 105.253906 L 51.898438 97.273438 Z M 297.953125 105.832031 C 298.46875 109.117188 299.949219 111.433594 301.554688 111.625 C 301.878906 111.625 302.261719 111.625 302.714844 111.367188 C 305.222656 105.511719 307.664062 99.652344 310.171875 93.859375 C 307.40625 90.257812 299.691406 81.117188 286.378906 77.707031 C 280.65625 76.222656 275.574219 76.289062 271.84375 76.613281 C 269.980469 77.707031 265.285156 80.730469 262.582031 86.71875 C 261.039062 90.191406 260.71875 93.347656 260.71875 95.339844 C 262.132812 97.015625 263.613281 98.753906 265.027344 100.425781 C 276.023438 102.292969 287.019531 104.03125 297.953125 105.832031 Z M 208.304688 331.957031 L 205.410156 336.203125 L 201.488281 334.082031 L 202.644531 330.152344 L 208.304688 331.957031 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><g clip-path=\"url(#3b17824dda)\"><path fill=\"#efbf9e\" d=\"M 259.496094 180.820312 C 258.144531 182.429688 257.308594 184.039062 256.859375 185.261719 C 258.402344 187.128906 260.78125 189.703125 264.191406 192.019531 C 271.394531 196.976562 280.078125 198.910156 280.847656 197.429688 C 281.425781 196.335938 277.503906 194.144531 272.039062 186.484375 C 270.945312 184.941406 270.109375 183.652344 269.527344 182.6875 C 273.515625 182.753906 275.574219 182.558594 275.640625 182.171875 C 275.703125 181.53125 271.203125 180.242188 262.070312 178.375 C 261.296875 178.953125 260.398438 179.726562 259.496094 180.820312 Z M 267.984375 95.339844 C 273.453125 95.921875 277.695312 93.089844 279.113281 91.996094 C 280.332031 90.769531 282.261719 90.578125 283.679688 91.609375 C 285.09375 92.636719 285.542969 94.503906 284.769531 96.050781 C 285.222656 96.949219 286.25 98.816406 288.566406 100.234375 C 291.84375 102.230469 295.191406 101.585938 295.960938 101.457031 C 296.605469 102.9375 297.3125 104.417969 297.953125 105.898438 C 296.925781 107.378906 295.125 109.503906 292.296875 111.304688 C 288.050781 114.007812 283.804688 114.457031 281.8125 114.523438 C 281.621094 113.816406 281.363281 113.105469 281.167969 112.398438 C 279.046875 113.75 277.375 113.878906 276.476562 113.878906 C 270.558594 113.6875 266.441406 105.574219 265.027344 100.554688 C 264.320312 97.980469 264.191406 95.792969 264.191406 94.503906 C 265.285156 94.828125 266.570312 95.210938 267.984375 95.339844 Z M 175.121094 92.960938 C 177.371094 91.285156 178.722656 89.355469 179.429688 88.199219 C 180.84375 89.675781 182.453125 91.15625 184.058594 92.636719 C 186.632812 94.957031 189.140625 97.078125 191.582031 98.945312 C 192.097656 100.363281 193.964844 106.285156 190.875 111.882812 C 189.976562 113.558594 188.820312 114.78125 187.855469 115.683594 C 187.597656 116.90625 187.402344 118.835938 187.660156 121.089844 C 187.980469 123.597656 188.820312 125.464844 189.460938 126.625 C 187.726562 131.773438 185.667969 137.246094 183.160156 142.972656 C 181.550781 146.769531 179.816406 150.375 178.144531 153.722656 C 176.726562 149.472656 175.3125 144.90625 174.027344 139.882812 C 172.742188 134.863281 171.777344 130.164062 171.003906 125.722656 C 171.582031 124.949219 172.226562 123.792969 172.613281 122.3125 C 173.578125 118.835938 172.546875 115.875 172.097656 114.78125 C 171.003906 113.558594 169.976562 112.398438 168.882812 111.175781 C 168.367188 109.695312 167.851562 107.765625 167.59375 105.445312 C 167.273438 101.328125 168.109375 97.980469 168.882812 95.921875 C 170.234375 95.535156 172.613281 94.828125 175.121094 92.960938 Z M 61.933594 83.949219 C 59.488281 83.5 57.558594 84.140625 56.847656 84.464844 C 57.109375 87.296875 56.660156 89.355469 56.207031 90.644531 C 55.824219 91.609375 55.371094 92.445312 55.113281 93.859375 C 54.859375 95.40625 54.921875 96.691406 55.050781 97.59375 C 54.792969 97.464844 51.964844 96.179688 50.933594 97.207031 C 49.839844 98.238281 51.253906 101.199219 52.347656 102.679688 C 53.3125 104.03125 54.46875 104.867188 55.242188 105.320312 C 55.5625 106.347656 55.949219 107.957031 56.015625 109.886719 C 56.078125 111.753906 55.824219 112.527344 55.695312 115.101562 C 55.5625 116.90625 55.433594 118.964844 55.695312 121.089844 C 56.015625 123.921875 56.980469 125.980469 57.878906 127.78125 C 60.066406 132.351562 63.152344 135.828125 65.917969 138.339844 C 68.167969 135.121094 70.675781 130.679688 72.351562 125.015625 C 72.992188 122.890625 73.378906 120.894531 73.699219 119.027344 L 73.441406 108.472656 C 74.214844 106.734375 74.921875 104.996094 75.695312 103.324219 C 76.722656 102.613281 78.394531 101.199219 79.039062 98.945312 C 79.488281 97.335938 79.425781 94.957031 78.523438 94.632812 C 77.75 94.375 76.59375 95.664062 76.335938 96.050781 C 75.695312 94.761719 75.050781 93.21875 74.601562 91.351562 C 73.894531 88.648438 73.765625 86.265625 73.765625 84.464844 C 73.058594 84.207031 70.742188 83.5 68.234375 84.464844 C 67.269531 84.847656 66.5625 85.363281 66.113281 85.816406 C 65.339844 85.300781 63.988281 84.335938 61.933594 83.949219 Z M 145.535156 139.238281 C 144.445312 141.878906 142.898438 145.546875 141.164062 150.054688 C 136.855469 161.382812 136.726562 163.699219 136.789062 165.117188 C 136.855469 169.234375 138.332031 172.453125 141.355469 178.761719 C 143.992188 184.296875 146.695312 188.546875 148.6875 191.507812 C 149.910156 193.757812 151.582031 196.847656 153.703125 200.453125 C 156.726562 205.472656 157.628906 206.441406 158.914062 207.082031 C 163.414062 209.402344 169.976562 206.761719 170.039062 204.960938 C 170.105469 203.738281 167.339844 203.609375 164.507812 201.03125 C 161.484375 198.328125 160.265625 194.660156 159.683594 191.699219 C 163.738281 191.828125 165.859375 191.636719 165.988281 190.992188 C 166.179688 190.089844 162.644531 188.480469 155.441406 186.164062 L 152.160156 166.210938 L 157.5625 146.386719 C 155.828125 145.871094 153.574219 144.96875 151.261719 143.617188 C 148.753906 142.074219 146.886719 140.527344 145.535156 139.238281 Z M 40.453125 178.570312 C 49.457031 180.304688 53.957031 181.851562 53.894531 183.203125 C 53.828125 184.167969 51.449219 185.070312 46.628906 185.90625 C 47.914062 187.964844 49.96875 191.183594 52.542969 195.175781 C 56.339844 201.03125 57.558594 202.707031 56.984375 203.351562 C 56.019531 204.574219 50.164062 201.804688 45.984375 198.78125 C 40.582031 194.917969 37.367188 190.285156 35.628906 187.257812 Z M 349.660156 56.207031 C 350.949219 50.929688 353.648438 43.203125 359.886719 36.316406 C 365.351562 30.269531 373.261719 25.054688 374.742188 26.46875 C 375.515625 27.242188 374.871094 30.203125 367.605469 40.628906 C 372.683594 40.246094 373.714844 40.824219 373.90625 41.339844 C 374.164062 42.175781 372.234375 43.269531 369.277344 45.652344 C 366.445312 47.839844 364.324219 49.898438 362.84375 51.378906 C 360.914062 54.726562 358.988281 58.007812 357.121094 61.355469 C 356.222656 61.226562 354.421875 60.90625 352.621094 59.554688 C 350.882812 58.394531 350.046875 56.980469 349.660156 56.207031 Z M 202.003906 119.09375 L 213.257812 90.644531 C 214.929688 85.558594 217.4375 79.445312 221.167969 72.878906 C 225.089844 65.992188 229.335938 60.519531 233 56.398438 C 234.414062 53.375 236.792969 48.996094 240.910156 44.75 C 244.320312 41.210938 249.65625 36.960938 250.75 37.925781 C 251.457031 38.503906 250.816406 41.210938 244.640625 50.867188 C 246.828125 50.992188 250.558594 51.316406 250.75 52.476562 C 250.878906 53.308594 249.335938 54.210938 245.542969 56.269531 C 241.941406 58.203125 238.722656 59.8125 236.023438 61.097656 C 230.8125 75.003906 225.605469 88.96875 220.460938 102.875 L 211.003906 130.035156 C 210.425781 130.164062 207.277344 130.871094 204.640625 129.007812 C 201.746094 126.945312 200.585938 122.890625 202.003906 119.09375 Z M 135.183594 61.097656 L 145.40625 53.246094 C 149.910156 48.867188 150.683594 47.132812 150.230469 46.550781 C 149.84375 45.972656 148.625 46.421875 146.308594 45.714844 C 145.214844 45.394531 144.378906 45.007812 143.800781 44.621094 C 148.816406 36.640625 149.074219 34.773438 148.625 34.386719 C 147.53125 33.488281 142.644531 37.089844 139.683594 39.921875 C 136.277344 43.203125 134.21875 46.488281 132.609375 49.191406 C 130.617188 52.539062 129.265625 55.5 128.367188 57.6875 C 130.617188 58.847656 132.933594 59.941406 135.183594 61.097656 Z M 179.042969 165.953125 C 185.21875 165.695312 191.070312 165.179688 196.472656 164.539062 C 195.699219 167.113281 194.734375 171.101562 194.992188 176.058594 C 195.25 180.308594 196.277344 183.78125 197.113281 186.101562 C 193 187.710938 185.539062 190.027344 175.957031 189.511719 C 166.953125 188.996094 160.136719 186.230469 156.210938 184.296875 C 157.5 182.175781 158.847656 179.40625 160.007812 176.058594 C 161.292969 172.195312 161.808594 168.785156 162 166.144531 C 167.339844 166.273438 172.996094 166.210938 179.042969 165.953125 \" fill-opacity=\"1\" fill-rule=\"nonzero\"><\/path><\/g><path fill=\"#3b5672\" d=\"M 332.039062 245.253906 C 326.1875 236.113281 317.570312 228.453125 309.144531 221.695312 C 307.023438 220.019531 303.226562 218.15625 302.390625 215.515625 C 301.554688 212.617188 301.941406 208.757812 301.8125 205.730469 C 301.621094 199.167969 302.007812 192.535156 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258.253906 C 345.609375 264.5625 344.773438 270.871094 343.746094 277.113281 C 341.75 288.894531 338.214844 300.929688 338.214844 312.902344 C 338.214844 313.742188 339.371094 313.675781 339.5 312.902344 C 340.402344 306.210938 341.171875 299.515625 342.394531 292.886719 C 343.488281 286.964844 344.710938 281.105469 345.609375 275.121094 C 346.574219 269.132812 347.21875 263.148438 347.28125 257.03125 C 347.28125 252.140625 346.832031 247.378906 343.808594 243.386719 C 340.527344 238.882812 336.15625 235.210938 332.363281 231.351562 Z M 282.003906 184.554688 C 273.582031 204.574219 267.601562 226.070312 265.089844 247.636719 C 263.804688 258.835938 263.484375 270.097656 263.097656 281.363281 C 262.648438 292.886719 261.425781 304.601562 261.875 316.121094 C 261.875 316.957031 263.097656 316.957031 263.164062 316.121094 C 264.449219 304.859375 264.128906 293.335938 264.511719 282.007812 C 264.898438 270.9375 265.21875 259.863281 266.441406 248.921875 C 268.886719 226.78125 275.960938 205.859375 282.648438 184.746094 C 282.777344 184.296875 282.199219 184.167969 282.003906 184.554688 Z M 273.710938 182.238281 C 273.839844 181.785156 273.128906 181.59375 273.003906 182.042969 C 266.25 203.480469 260.976562 225.6875 258.015625 247.957031 C 256.539062 259.285156 255.960938 270.679688 255.832031 282.070312 C 255.765625 293.851562 255.636719 305.953125 256.859375 317.667969 C 256.925781 318.503906 258.144531 318.503906 258.144531 317.667969 C 258.144531 306.210938 257.179688 294.816406 257.246094 283.359375 C 257.308594 271.964844 257.890625 260.507812 259.367188 249.242188 C 262.261719 226.394531 268.757812 204.574219 273.710938 182.238281 Z M 334.484375 104.222656 C 335.382812 103.128906 335.707031 101.648438 336.21875 100.363281 C 336.863281 98.6875 337.441406 96.949219 338.085938 95.277344 C 338.277344 94.828125 337.441406 94.441406 337.25 94.957031 C 336.542969 96.628906 335.769531 98.238281 335.0625 99.910156 C 334.484375 101.199219 333.710938 102.488281 333.648438 103.902344 C 333.582031 104.289062 334.226562 104.546875 334.484375 104.222656 Z M 240.523438 151.082031 C 238.59375 153.207031 237.375 156.425781 238.144531 159.324219 C 238.339844 159.964844 239.496094 159.902344 239.367188 159.128906 C 239.046875 156.363281 239.304688 153.980469 241.105469 151.726562 C 241.488281 151.277344 240.910156 150.632812 240.523438 151.082031 Z M 354.097656 59.617188 C 352.296875 58.652344 351.074219 57.109375 350.238281 55.304688 C 349.917969 54.597656 348.890625 55.113281 349.082031 55.820312 C 349.855469 59.746094 353.261719 61.292969 356.476562 63.03125 C 356.929688 63.285156 357.570312 62.964844 357.507812 62.453125 C 357.3125 60.582031 355.449219 60.328125 354.097656 59.617188 Z M 257.890625 186.808594 C 258.402344 183.265625 260.140625 180.304688 262.519531 177.667969 C 262.839844 177.34375 262.453125 176.765625 262.003906 177.023438 C 258.660156 178.953125 256.667969 182.558594 256.089844 186.355469 C 255.894531 187.644531 257.632812 187.835938 257.890625 186.808594 Z M 283.164062 157.390625 C 282.519531 157.390625 282.457031 158.292969 283.035156 158.421875 C 285.09375 159.066406 287.535156 158.808594 289.660156 158.613281 C 290.238281 158.550781 290.238281 157.714844 289.660156 157.714844 C 287.472656 157.84375 285.351562 157.390625 283.164062 157.390625 Z M 305.609375 158.292969 C 307.664062 158.613281 310.6875 158.355469 312.167969 156.683594 C 312.425781 156.425781 312.167969 155.847656 311.78125 155.976562 C 310.816406 156.296875 310.046875 156.941406 309.015625 157.199219 C 307.921875 157.519531 306.828125 157.585938 305.738281 157.519531 C 305.285156 157.457031 305.15625 158.230469 305.609375 158.292969 Z M 262.519531 148.121094 C 263.546875 144.519531 263.613281 140.335938 264 136.601562 C 264.0625 136.085938 263.164062 135.957031 263.097656 136.472656 C 262.453125 140.140625 261.425781 144.195312 261.492188 147.992188 C 261.492188 148.574219 262.328125 148.703125 262.519531 148.121094 Z M 320.464844 139.882812 C 320.59375 140.527344 321.558594 140.335938 321.558594 139.753906 C 321.234375 132.609375 319.433594 124.757812 314.417969 119.414062 C 314.097656 119.09375 313.648438 119.542969 313.902344 119.929688 C 318.792969 125.722656 319.304688 132.738281 320.464844 139.882812 Z M 282.519531 115.167969 C 288.371094 114.714844 294.351562 111.367188 297.570312 106.347656 C 297.828125 105.898438 297.183594 105.445312 296.863281 105.769531 C 292.746094 110.144531 288.242188 112.65625 282.328125 113.75 C 281.554688 113.878906 281.75 115.230469 282.519531 115.167969 Z M 286.1875 108.730469 C 287.023438 107.765625 287.792969 106.925781 288.5 105.832031 C 289.078125 104.867188 289.851562 103.839844 289.980469 102.742188 C 290.042969 102.292969 289.402344 102.101562 289.144531 102.359375 C 288.371094 103.128906 287.988281 104.289062 287.472656 105.253906 C 286.894531 106.285156 286.316406 107.378906 285.671875 108.34375 C 285.476562 108.601562 285.929688 108.988281 286.1875 108.730469 Z M 279.113281 93.730469 C 279.304688 93.089844 279.949219 92.636719 280.589844 92.574219 C 280.203125 93.605469 280.011719 94.699219 280.140625 95.792969 C 280.203125 96.113281 280.589844 96.113281 280.589844 95.792969 C 280.71875 94.699219 280.914062 93.730469 281.296875 92.703125 C 281.363281 92.703125 281.425781 92.765625 281.425781 92.765625 C 282.328125 93.28125 282.328125 94.3125 282.261719 95.210938 C 282.261719 95.535156 282.714844 95.664062 282.839844 95.339844 C 283.484375 94.117188 282.648438 92.378906 281.425781 91.929688 C 280.203125 91.480469 278.660156 92.25 278.53125 93.605469 C 278.53125 93.988281 279.046875 93.988281 279.113281 93.730469 Z M 184.1875 116.96875 C 184.574219 116.648438 184.125 116.003906 183.671875 116.132812 C 182.582031 116.390625 181.679688 116.90625 180.457031 116.90625 C 179.171875 116.90625 178.078125 116.519531 176.984375 116.003906 C 176.664062 115.875 176.214844 116.261719 176.535156 116.582031 C 178.464844 118.257812 182.128906 118.640625 184.1875 116.96875 Z M 153.832031 275.25 C 154.863281 275.378906 156.019531 275.25 156.984375 275.121094 C 157.5625 275.054688 157.5625 274.027344 156.984375 273.960938 C 155.957031 273.832031 154.863281 273.703125 153.832031 273.832031 C 152.867188 273.898438 152.867188 275.183594 153.832031 275.25 Z M 217.695312 264.691406 C 218.59375 264.691406 219.558594 264.5625 220.394531 264.371094 C 221.167969 264.175781 222.195312 263.984375 222.710938 263.40625 C 222.96875 263.082031 222.902344 262.503906 222.453125 262.4375 C 221.617188 262.3125 220.910156 262.695312 220.136719 262.953125 C 219.238281 263.210938 218.402344 263.40625 217.5 263.726562 C 216.988281 263.792969 217.050781 264.691406 217.695312 264.691406 Z M 231.585938 328.996094 C 226.117188 329.058594 220.910156 329.382812 215.441406 328.671875 C 210.105469 327.964844 204.894531 326.550781 199.816406 324.746094 C 199.367188 324.554688 198.980469 325.390625 199.492188 325.582031 C 209.140625 330.023438 221.230469 332.664062 231.84375 330.734375 C 232.808594 330.539062 232.550781 328.996094 231.585938 328.996094 Z M 232.613281 323.394531 C 226.761719 324.230469 221.167969 325.261719 215.25 324.488281 C 210.105469 323.78125 205.152344 322.171875 200.972656 319.082031 C 200.394531 318.632812 199.816406 319.597656 200.394531 320.046875 C 209.589844 326.871094 222.195312 328.351562 233.066406 325.003906 C 234.09375 324.683594 233.644531 323.265625 232.613281 323.394531 Z M 167.980469 332.085938 C 166.308594 333.4375 163.15625 333.886719 161.101562 334.402344 C 158.269531 335.109375 155.375 335.496094 152.480469 335.5625 C 146.886719 335.625 142.257812 334.144531 137.175781 332.085938 C 136.339844 331.761719 135.890625 333.050781 136.597656 333.5 C 141.550781 336.71875 148.300781 337.554688 154.027344 337.105469 C 156.855469 336.914062 159.75 336.332031 162.449219 335.496094 C 164.25 334.917969 167.339844 334.210938 168.238281 332.34375 C 168.433594 332.085938 168.175781 331.957031 167.980469 332.085938 Z M 136.855469 330.089844 C 146.757812 330.410156 157.046875 332.984375 166.695312 329.253906 C 167.144531 329.058594 167.144531 328.222656 166.566406 328.289062 C 160.972656 328.996094 155.699219 329.703125 150.039062 329.445312 C 147.207031 329.316406 144.445312 329.058594 141.613281 328.800781 C 140.007812 328.609375 137.371094 327.644531 136.019531 328.671875 C 135.632812 328.929688 135.503906 329.511719 135.890625 329.832031 L 136.019531 329.960938 C 136.210938 330.21875 136.597656 330.28125 136.855469 330.089844 Z M 196.085938 186.035156 C 192.804688 186.742188 189.65625 187.773438 186.308594 188.160156 C 182.773438 188.609375 179.171875 188.675781 175.570312 188.738281 C 169.203125 188.867188 162.835938 188.480469 157.371094 184.875 C 156.40625 184.234375 155.570312 185.777344 156.46875 186.421875 C 161.679688 190.15625 168.175781 190.667969 174.414062 190.539062 C 174.925781 192.019531 174.605469 195.238281 174.667969 196.527344 C 174.734375 198.523438 174.667969 200.519531 174.605469 202.511719 C 174.414062 206.824219 173.769531 211.074219 172.867188 215.257812 C 172.160156 215.066406 171.453125 214.808594 170.746094 214.679688 C 170.296875 214.613281 170.105469 215.128906 170.425781 215.386719 C 171.324219 216.09375 172.546875 216.351562 173.640625 216.675781 C 174.605469 216.996094 175.828125 217.445312 176.792969 217.058594 C 177.179688 216.929688 177.304688 216.417969 176.921875 216.160156 C 176.214844 215.707031 175.378906 215.707031 174.542969 215.578125 C 175.570312 210.496094 176.148438 205.28125 176.214844 200.066406 C 176.214844 197.300781 176.085938 194.46875 175.699219 191.765625 C 175.632812 191.3125 175.632812 190.863281 175.507812 190.539062 C 182.453125 190.347656 190.234375 190.21875 196.277344 186.484375 C 196.535156 186.292969 196.40625 185.972656 196.085938 186.035156 Z M 177.371094 184.039062 C 177.757812 183.78125 177.820312 183.265625 177.628906 182.945312 C 177.628906 182.945312 177.628906 182.882812 177.5625 182.882812 C 177.433594 182.625 177.050781 182.429688 176.792969 182.558594 L 176.726562 182.558594 C 176.277344 182.753906 176.085938 183.140625 176.214844 183.523438 L 176.214844 183.652344 C 176.148438 184.425781 177.050781 184.554688 177.371094 184.039062 Z M 197.113281 161.769531 C 191.328125 161.0625 185.089844 161.960938 179.234375 161.960938 C 173.191406 161.960938 166.886719 162.15625 160.972656 160.738281 C 159.878906 160.480469 159.492188 162.027344 160.519531 162.414062 C 166.050781 164.472656 172.871094 163.765625 178.65625 163.699219 C 184.703125 163.636719 191.390625 164.023438 197.242188 162.347656 C 197.566406 162.285156 197.4375 161.832031 197.113281 161.769531 Z M 142.835938 130.871094 C 145.472656 131.835938 148.046875 132.480469 150.617188 133.769531 C 152.867188 134.863281 154.925781 136.34375 156.984375 137.695312 C 157.113281 137.757812 157.242188 137.757812 157.304688 137.757812 C 157.242188 138.210938 157.242188 138.726562 157.175781 139.175781 C 156.855469 142.585938 156.984375 145.933594 158.269531 149.152344 C 158.59375 149.925781 159.878906 149.601562 159.558594 148.765625 C 156.984375 142.523438 158.078125 134.992188 159.8125 128.621094 C 159.941406 128.167969 159.300781 128.039062 159.171875 128.425781 C 158.65625 129.714844 158.269531 131.128906 157.949219 132.546875 C 157.949219 132.480469 157.949219 132.480469 157.882812 132.417969 C 156.46875 130.550781 154.796875 129.003906 152.738281 127.847656 C 150.875 126.816406 148.300781 125.402344 146.179688 125.722656 C 145.730469 125.789062 145.34375 126.496094 145.921875 126.753906 C 147.851562 127.589844 149.972656 127.652344 151.902344 128.683594 C 153.960938 129.777344 155.699219 131.257812 157.242188 132.996094 C 157.433594 133.253906 157.757812 133.125 157.949219 132.933594 C 157.691406 134.21875 157.5625 135.507812 157.433594 136.730469 C 153.703125 133.445312 148.171875 130.421875 143.15625 129.648438 C 142.386719 129.519531 142.0625 130.550781 142.835938 130.871094 Z M 196.601562 163.25 C 190.875 164.988281 185.28125 164.214844 179.429688 164.277344 C 176.597656 164.277344 173.769531 164.601562 170.875 164.921875 C 168.046875 165.179688 163.351562 166.402344 161.292969 163.957031 C 160.714844 163.3125 159.8125 164.023438 159.941406 164.730469 C 160.328125 166.660156 162.066406 167.238281 163.867188 167.367188 C 167.980469 167.691406 172.355469 166.660156 176.46875 166.402344 C 183.222656 165.953125 190.683594 167.367188 196.921875 164.023438 C 197.308594 163.765625 196.984375 163.121094 196.601562 163.25 Z M 206.441406 143.039062 C 207.148438 143.425781 207.855469 142.523438 207.277344 141.945312 C 206.441406 141.105469 205.667969 140.269531 204.832031 139.496094 C 206.3125 138.917969 207.40625 138.144531 208.433594 136.859375 C 209.269531 135.828125 210.492188 134.027344 210.167969 132.546875 C 210.042969 132.03125 209.398438 132.09375 209.140625 132.417969 C 208.753906 132.867188 208.691406 133.382812 208.496094 133.960938 C 208.242188 134.671875 207.789062 135.378906 207.339844 136.023438 C 206.503906 137.117188 205.347656 138.082031 204.125 138.789062 C 202.644531 137.308594 201.292969 135.765625 200.074219 133.960938 C 198.785156 132.09375 197.695312 130.230469 196.601562 128.234375 C 196.792969 128.234375 196.921875 128.105469 196.921875 127.847656 L 196.921875 127.589844 C 197.050781 127.589844 197.113281 127.398438 197.050781 127.332031 C 196.984375 127.269531 196.984375 127.269531 196.921875 127.269531 C 196.855469 126.109375 197.050781 124.949219 197.628906 123.855469 C 197.949219 123.277344 198.335938 122.761719 198.851562 122.375 C 199.367188 121.925781 199.945312 121.796875 200.394531 121.28125 C 200.714844 120.894531 200.523438 120.1875 199.945312 120.1875 C 198.464844 120.316406 197.242188 122.054688 196.664062 123.277344 C 196.085938 124.4375 195.828125 125.660156 196.019531 126.945312 C 195.699219 126.367188 195.378906 125.722656 195.054688 125.144531 C 194.800781 124.691406 194.15625 125.078125 194.347656 125.53125 C 197.179688 131.582031 200.007812 139.691406 206.441406 143.039062 Z M 174.089844 140.464844 C 175.054688 144.390625 175.441406 148.832031 176.921875 152.628906 C 177.050781 152.949219 177.371094 153.078125 177.691406 153.015625 C 177.886719 153.59375 178.722656 153.914062 179.105469 153.207031 C 183.351562 144.453125 188.175781 135.3125 189.074219 125.53125 C 189.140625 125.144531 188.496094 125.078125 188.433594 125.464844 C 185.988281 134.671875 182.386719 143.230469 178.144531 151.726562 C 177.820312 147.867188 176.535156 143.746094 175.570312 140.078125 C 174.347656 135.441406 172.871094 130.871094 170.875 126.558594 C 170.683594 126.171875 170.039062 126.429688 170.167969 126.882812 C 171.453125 131.324219 172.933594 135.828125 174.089844 140.464844 Z M 132.351562 60.777344 C 129.84375 65.796875 128.171875 71.332031 126.113281 76.546875 C 123.734375 82.46875 121.226562 88.390625 118.65625 94.246094 C 118.332031 94.957031 119.363281 95.535156 119.683594 94.828125 C 122.128906 89.484375 124.441406 84.078125 126.566406 78.605469 C 128.816406 72.878906 131.515625 67.019531 132.933594 61.03125 C 132.996094 60.710938 132.546875 60.453125 132.351562 60.777344 Z M 116.46875 96.242188 C 109.457031 106.992188 101.996094 117.546875 95.4375 128.554688 C 95.886719 125.789062 96.46875 123.019531 97.625 120.445312 C 97.6875 120.25 97.433594 120.058594 97.304688 120.25 C 95.4375 123.597656 94.601562 127.269531 93.832031 131 C 92.996094 135.183594 91.515625 139.753906 91.644531 143.9375 C 91.644531 144.390625 92.222656 144.453125 92.414062 144.066406 C 94.28125 139.496094 94.601562 134.476562 95.308594 129.585938 C 95.4375 129.648438 95.632812 129.585938 95.695312 129.457031 C 103.15625 118.707031 109.910156 107.507812 117.367188 96.757812 C 117.753906 96.242188 116.855469 95.726562 116.46875 96.242188 Z M 127.59375 59.617188 C 131.003906 59.683594 133.769531 60.199219 136.40625 62.511719 C 136.789062 62.902344 137.304688 62.320312 136.984375 61.933594 C 134.859375 59.167969 130.9375 57.300781 127.402344 58.203125 C 126.628906 58.457031 126.820312 59.617188 127.59375 59.617188 Z M 40.582031 178.695312 C 40.769531 178.054688 39.9375 177.796875 39.550781 178.246094 C 39.355469 178.566406 39.164062 178.824219 38.972656 179.148438 C 37.75 177.152344 36.269531 175.222656 34.726562 173.484375 C 32.542969 171.101562 27.78125 168.589844 28.8125 164.988281 C 29.582031 162.410156 31.253906 159.902344 32.28125 157.328125 C 33.3125 154.6875 34.210938 152.046875 34.921875 149.34375 L 35.304688 150.503906 C 36.65625 154.429688 37.621094 158.613281 39.292969 162.347656 C 39.484375 162.796875 40.257812 162.605469 40.195312 162.089844 C 39.742188 158.035156 37.941406 153.980469 36.527344 150.117188 C 34.855469 145.613281 32.992188 141.234375 31.191406 136.792969 C 31.0625 136.472656 30.480469 136.601562 30.613281 136.921875 C 31.898438 140.65625 33.183594 144.390625 34.472656 148.058594 C 33.183594 151.726562 31.765625 155.394531 30.160156 158.9375 C 29.453125 160.546875 28.683594 162.15625 27.847656 163.699219 C 27.398438 164.535156 26.621094 165.628906 26.621094 166.660156 C 26.621094 168.914062 29.132812 170.007812 30.613281 171.359375 C 33.507812 173.996094 35.820312 177.023438 38.007812 180.304688 C 38.007812 180.371094 38.070312 180.371094 38.136719 180.433594 C 36.914062 182.6875 36.011719 185.070312 34.339844 187 C 33.632812 187.835938 34.726562 188.929688 35.5625 188.222656 C 36.914062 187.128906 37.554688 185.328125 38.265625 183.78125 C 39.101562 182.109375 40.066406 180.433594 40.582031 178.695312 Z M 110.9375 271.386719 C 111.835938 271.191406 111.453125 269.839844 110.550781 270.035156 C 108.171875 270.613281 105.792969 270.933594 103.347656 271.128906 C 102.511719 271.191406 102.511719 272.480469 103.347656 272.414062 C 105.921875 272.351562 108.429688 271.964844 110.9375 271.386719 Z M 29.710938 266.878906 C 28.425781 267.007812 27.203125 267.007812 25.917969 266.945312 C 24.886719 266.878906 23.925781 266.492188 22.960938 266.945312 C 22.703125 267.074219 22.636719 267.523438 22.898438 267.652344 C 23.667969 268.359375 24.695312 268.230469 25.726562 268.296875 C 27.078125 268.359375 28.425781 268.296875 29.710938 268.167969 C 30.546875 268.101562 30.546875 266.816406 29.710938 266.878906 Z M 125.535156 317.988281 C 118.589844 318.566406 111.710938 319.339844 104.761719 319.789062 C 103.734375 319.855469 103.734375 321.464844 104.761719 321.398438 C 111.773438 320.949219 118.785156 320.113281 125.601562 318.566406 C 125.921875 318.503906 125.859375 317.988281 125.535156 317.988281 Z M 105.085938 314.253906 L 105.019531 314.191406 C 111 312.582031 116.984375 311.035156 122.835938 309.039062 C 123.347656 308.847656 123.15625 308.203125 122.640625 308.269531 C 116.273438 309.554688 110.035156 311.359375 103.796875 313.03125 C 103.21875 313.160156 103.089844 314.0625 103.605469 314.382812 C 103.925781 314.511719 104.25 314.707031 104.507812 314.832031 C 104.890625 315.027344 105.277344 314.640625 105.085938 314.253906 Z M 26.945312 308.847656 C 20.324219 308.71875 13.441406 309.8125 6.882812 311.101562 C 5.984375 311.292969 6.367188 312.644531 7.269531 312.453125 C 13.828125 311.292969 20.453125 310.648438 27.078125 309.75 C 27.589844 309.683594 27.460938 308.847656 26.945312 308.847656 Z M 25.53125 317.472656 C 18.074219 317.601562 10.484375 318.4375 3.152344 319.46875 C 2.378906 319.597656 2.574219 320.949219 3.34375 320.820312 C 10.742188 320.113281 18.203125 319.53125 25.53125 318.695312 C 26.304688 318.632812 26.367188 317.472656 25.53125 317.472656 Z M 45.789062 199.488281 C 44.503906 201.03125 43.15625 202.449219 41.480469 203.542969 C 40.644531 204.058594 39.746094 204.574219 38.84375 204.957031 C 38.074219 205.28125 37.496094 205.28125 36.980469 205.925781 C 36.785156 206.183594 36.851562 206.503906 37.175781 206.566406 C 38.78125 207.082031 41.09375 205.28125 42.320312 204.378906 C 43.925781 203.15625 45.339844 201.613281 46.371094 199.875 C 46.5 199.550781 46.050781 199.164062 45.789062 199.488281 Z M 65.339844 181.59375 C 64.058594 181.722656 62.769531 181.785156 61.484375 181.851562 C 63.414062 191.378906 63.476562 201.613281 63.21875 211.332031 C 65.597656 201.546875 66.113281 191.761719 65.339844 181.59375 Z M 90.164062 198.070312 C 90.421875 198.328125 90.101562 198.78125 89.78125 198.585938 C 82.511719 194.917969 75.117188 188.609375 73.445312 180.242188 C 71 180.820312 68.492188 181.269531 65.984375 181.527344 C 67.722656 191.890625 67.078125 202.707031 64.503906 212.875 C 65.726562 212.296875 66.886719 211.589844 68.105469 210.945312 C 68.492188 210.75 68.816406 211.203125 68.558594 211.523438 C 67.398438 212.746094 65.855469 213.777344 64.121094 214.550781 L 64.121094 214.679688 C 63.925781 215.320312 63.28125 215.320312 62.832031 215.0625 C 60.386719 215.773438 57.816406 215.773438 55.824219 214.355469 C 55.242188 213.90625 55.566406 212.875 56.339844 213.132812 C 58.269531 213.710938 59.683594 214.164062 61.546875 213.90625 C 61.742188 208.628906 61.804688 203.285156 61.613281 198.007812 C 61.484375 192.664062 60.839844 187.320312 60.777344 181.980469 L 56.917969 181.980469 C 56.984375 182.042969 56.984375 182.109375 56.984375 182.238281 C 55.628906 185.90625 53.957031 189.574219 52.027344 192.921875 C 51.644531 193.566406 50.742188 192.988281 51.0625 192.34375 C 52.671875 188.867188 55.054688 185.648438 56.46875 182.109375 C 56.46875 182.042969 56.53125 182.042969 56.53125 181.980469 C 52.289062 181.785156 48.042969 181.144531 43.859375 180.046875 C 42.835938 179.792969 43.285156 178.183594 44.3125 178.4375 C 57.625 181.980469 71.644531 181.078125 84.3125 175.542969 C 84.957031 175.222656 85.535156 176.25 84.890625 176.507812 C 81.417969 178.054688 77.816406 179.277344 74.152344 180.175781 C 75.503906 184.230469 77.433594 187.644531 80.648438 190.605469 C 83.605469 193.242188 87.273438 195.175781 90.164062 198.070312 Z M 73.378906 113.429688 C 75.632812 114.84375 77.945312 116.132812 80.070312 117.675781 C 82.128906 119.15625 83.863281 121.089844 85.921875 122.566406 C 84.441406 122.890625 83.027344 123.46875 81.675781 124.046875 C 80.328125 124.628906 78.652344 125.144531 77.5625 126.171875 C 77.238281 126.496094 77.5625 126.882812 77.945312 126.816406 L 78.011719 126.816406 C 78.011719 126.882812 78.011719 126.945312 78.074219 126.945312 C 79.941406 128.941406 81.226562 131.195312 82 133.769531 C 77.367188 133.511719 71.195312 135.183594 67.914062 138.402344 C 67.527344 138.789062 67.914062 139.625 68.492188 139.367188 C 70.871094 138.46875 72.929688 137.050781 75.375 136.214844 C 77.816406 135.378906 80.261719 135.054688 82.769531 134.476562 C 82.964844 134.410156 83.027344 134.347656 83.027344 134.21875 C 83.21875 134.089844 83.285156 133.898438 83.21875 133.640625 C 82.578125 130.871094 80.90625 128.363281 78.589844 126.625 C 79.8125 126.238281 81.035156 125.464844 82.191406 124.949219 C 83.734375 124.242188 85.34375 123.664062 86.820312 122.824219 C 87.015625 122.695312 86.949219 122.503906 86.820312 122.441406 C 86.886719 122.3125 86.886719 122.183594 86.820312 122.054688 C 85.40625 119.992188 83.089844 118.320312 81.097656 116.839844 C 78.847656 115.167969 76.402344 113.621094 73.765625 112.589844 C 73.253906 112.527344 72.996094 113.171875 73.378906 113.429688 Z M 38.714844 127.332031 C 38.714844 127.460938 38.78125 127.589844 38.910156 127.589844 C 41.226562 128.234375 43.476562 129.003906 45.789062 129.648438 C 47.527344 130.164062 49.394531 130.871094 51.195312 130.9375 C 50.164062 132.289062 49.328125 133.640625 48.683594 135.183594 C 48.492188 135.636719 49.007812 136.019531 49.394531 135.890625 C 55.503906 134.410156 60.777344 136.664062 65.984375 139.496094 C 66.050781 139.496094 66.113281 139.5625 66.179688 139.5625 C 66.5 142.136719 66.820312 144.644531 67.015625 147.222656 C 67.207031 149.859375 66.949219 152.691406 67.65625 155.203125 C 67.785156 155.71875 68.621094 155.71875 68.75 155.203125 C 70.101562 150.183594 68.171875 143.039062 66.820312 138.144531 L 66.820312 138.082031 C 66.820312 138.015625 66.886719 137.953125 66.886719 137.886719 C 67.207031 135.828125 68.558594 134.347656 69.394531 132.546875 C 70.292969 130.613281 70.808594 128.425781 71.453125 126.367188 C 72.671875 122.246094 73.507812 118.191406 73.378906 113.878906 C 73.378906 113.492188 72.800781 113.492188 72.800781 113.878906 C 72.738281 118.707031 71.453125 123.277344 69.90625 127.847656 C 69.199219 129.96875 68.492188 132.03125 67.269531 133.898438 C 66.5625 135.054688 66.050781 135.890625 65.792969 137.050781 C 60.261719 131 57.433594 124.175781 55.886719 116.132812 C 55.824219 115.746094 55.179688 115.808594 55.179688 116.195312 C 55.566406 123.339844 58.78125 130.421875 63.15625 136.085938 C 59.234375 134.21875 54.539062 133.960938 50.230469 134.539062 C 50.742188 133.316406 51.324219 132.09375 52.09375 130.9375 C 52.09375 130.871094 52.160156 130.808594 52.160156 130.808594 C 52.414062 130.679688 52.480469 130.292969 52.222656 130.097656 C 50.484375 129.003906 48.234375 128.746094 46.238281 128.363281 C 43.988281 127.910156 41.738281 127.460938 39.554688 127.007812 C 44.375 123.210938 48.945312 117.226562 55.117188 115.746094 C 55.4375 115.679688 55.375 115.101562 55.054688 115.101562 C 51.898438 115.488281 48.945312 117.933594 46.433594 119.671875 C 43.667969 121.667969 40.644531 123.792969 38.589844 126.558594 C 38.332031 126.882812 38.523438 127.203125 38.714844 127.332031 Z M 60.066406 109.824219 C 63.15625 111.820312 67.59375 112.847656 70.101562 109.4375 C 70.292969 109.179688 69.90625 108.792969 69.652344 108.988281 C 68.105469 110.015625 67.207031 110.980469 65.214844 110.851562 C 63.476562 110.726562 61.867188 109.953125 60.324219 109.308594 C 60.003906 109.246094 59.875 109.695312 60.066406 109.824219 Z M 76.144531 99.589844 C 76.53125 99.332031 76.851562 99.011719 77.238281 98.6875 C 77.433594 98.558594 77.625 98.367188 77.753906 98.171875 C 77.625 99.011719 77.367188 99.910156 77.304688 100.167969 C 77.304688 100.492188 77.753906 100.554688 77.882812 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