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  • Project SCRIBE Wins the President’s Project of the Year 2024!

    Project SCRIBE, now known as Minute Mate, is a smart AI-powered tool designed to streamline minute-taking by effectively transcribing meetings and generating summaries in both online and in-person meetings.
    “While conventional minute-taking skill has served us well, we remain receptive to new, smarter ways of working.”
    – Judges’ comments on Project SCRIBE.

  • ORMC received Honourable Mention for Unit of the Year (Highest Efficiency)

    We’re excited to share that ORMC received Honourable Mention for Unit of the Year (Highest Efficiency) at the NUS Admin Excellence Awards 2024! The Awards honour the exceptional contributions of administrators that address critical needs, improve efficiency and achieve collective excellence. At ORMC, we strive to continually create innovative transformations in the work we do and within our community.

  • NUS Wins CARE Award at Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Awards 2024!

    NUS is honoured to receive the CARE (Culture of Acceptance, Respect and Empathy) Award! We’re humbled to be recognised for our health and wellbeing practices on campus and workplace. This achievement underscores NUS’ leadership in creating a healthy, supportive and inclusive environment for our staff and students. This accolade is received by ORMC, HWB, OHR. UHC, SSHSPH and NUS Care Unit.